Are churches and missions organizations going about developing leaders the wrong way? And how do parents raise their sons to become pastors and missionaries? In this episode of the podcast, Pastor Ray Brandon of North Bridge Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Director of Church Planting with EveryEthne discusses the challenges and joys of raising upContinue reading “How to Raise Men for the Church and the Mission Field: Ray Brandon”
Tag Archives: biblical manhood
C.R. Wiley on Missions, the Household, and the Cosmos
In much of the contemporary missions conversation, the good, ordinary gifts of God—like marriage and family—are often spoken of mainly as things to be sacrificed, not as things to be cultivated as a part of the church’s mission. This week, Chris “C.R.” Wiley explains why a return to the biblical understanding of the household canContinue reading “C.R. Wiley on Missions, the Household, and the Cosmos”
Michael Foster on the Crisis of Masculinity and Missions
Why are there so few men in missions? Does the cultural mandate conflict with the Great Commission? And how has the overall downgrade of teaching on biblical manhood in evangelicalism adversely affected the cross-cultural witness of the Christian family unit? Michael Foster joins this week to address these questions and offer insights on the culturalContinue reading “Michael Foster on the Crisis of Masculinity and Missions”