Join Scott and Alex for a profound discussion with ABWE’s own Tim Bertolet, focusing on the motivations in ministry: are we seeking personal glory or glorifying the Lord? Delving into Martin Luther’s distinction between the theology of glory and the theology of the cross, this episode examines its impact on evangelical missions and Christian living.Continue reading “A Theology of the Cross in Missions: Tim Bertolet Explains”
Tag Archives: Christian life
#RMC22: Growing in Grace as a Missionary With Jonathan Master
What does it mean for a Christian on mission to “grow in grace”? Dr. Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, explains at the recent Radius Missiology Conference. Learn more about GPTS’s new partnership with Radius at Watch the video version of this episode on the ABWE YouTube channel. Listen to all of our RMC22Continue reading “#RMC22: Growing in Grace as a Missionary With Jonathan Master”
Why Missionaries Must Read Old Books: Banner of Truth’s John Rawlinson
Enter our giveaway to attend the Radius Missiology Conference in person or virtually. Details at The Missions Podcast exists to help goers think and thinkers go. Perhaps no other modern Christian publisher is more concerned with helping believers to think deeply about—and experience—the things of God than Banner of Truth. What cross-cultural impact is theContinue reading “Why Missionaries Must Read Old Books: Banner of Truth’s John Rawlinson”
Mission Affirmed: Elliot Clark on Recovering Paul’s Missionary Motivation
Watch the video version of this episode here. Christians talk a lot about grace. We get it from the Apostle Paul. Yet Paul also yearned to be approved by the Lord on the last day for his missionary work. How do we hold these themes together? Elliot Clark, author of Mission Affirmed: Recovering the MissionaryContinue reading “Mission Affirmed: Elliot Clark on Recovering Paul’s Missionary Motivation”
When Doors Close: Carol Ghattas on Changing Course in Missions
Sometimes doors close in missions. Visas are revoked, governments change policy, or unrest breaks out and endangers expats. How should missionaries respond to these changes? This week we talk to Carol Ghattas about her latest book When Doors Close: Changing Course in Missions Without Losing Your Way. With over thirty years in missions, Carol GhattasContinue reading “When Doors Close: Carol Ghattas on Changing Course in Missions”
Why Character Matters in Ministry: Paul Davis on Knowing Christ
When pastors, missionaries, and others in ministry fail to actively abide in Christ, that’s when pragmatism becomes most tempting—and most dangerous. How can missionaries remain rooted? ABWE President Paul Davis stops by the studio this week to share what most burdens him for the missionaries he’s met across the world over the last year, andContinue reading “Why Character Matters in Ministry: Paul Davis on Knowing Christ”
What Happens When Missionaries Get Kicked Out? John Klaassen Answers
Missions always comes with risk, and nothing is guaranteed—especially in hostile, unreached contexts. What should missionaries do when they get kicked off the field? How should they adjust their own expectations when God closes ministry doors? In this episode, John Klaassen, President of Reaching and Teaching, shares his own powerful story and how he hasContinue reading “What Happens When Missionaries Get Kicked Out? John Klaassen Answers”
Should Missions Be ‘Radical’ or Ordinary? Michael Horton Answers
Radical. Transformative. Impact. Crazy, even. These words fill the atmosphere when Christians discuss the sacrifice and risk involved in missions. But has all this talk of “radical” living left us unable to cope with regular life, ordinariness, boredom, and God’s normal means of grace? This week we talked with Dr. Michael Horton, professor, author, andContinue reading “Should Missions Be ‘Radical’ or Ordinary? Michael Horton Answers”
The Life of the Missionary Mind
Reading well in Scripture, theology, culture, and literature in general is key to preaching and teaching that connects—especially for the cross-cultural worker. What should we be reading? Why does it matter? And how can we who are busy working and doing ministry have time to cultivate the life of the mind as we constantly prepareContinue reading “The Life of the Missionary Mind”
Mere Hope: Jason Duesing on Missionary Hope in a Cynical Age
We live in an age of perpetual outrage and cynicism, and lost hope takes its greatest toll upon the missionary endeavor. This week we spoke with Dr. Jason Duesing, passionate missions sender and academic Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, author of the new book Mere Hope: Life in An AgeContinue reading “Mere Hope: Jason Duesing on Missionary Hope in a Cynical Age”