What is “revival”? Is it biblical? And if so, should we pursue it in our homes, churches, and across the globe? Scott and Alex wrestle with the timely topic in light of the recent reports from Asbury University. You can watch the video version of this episode and more on the ABWE YouTube channel. Believe inContinue reading “Is Revival Biblical?”
Tag Archives: revival
Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early
Around the time that the Soviet Union fell, Ukraine experienced massive spiritual revival. Duane Early, who served there as a missionary, is convinced that’s part of the reason Ukraine is being targeted today. In this interview, he explains the current situation in Ukraine, miracles that happened during that revival, lessons learned, and missiological takeaways thatContinue reading “Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early”
North Korea, Persecution, and Insider Movements: James Cha
What is the Korean Pentecost? Is Korea under divine judgment? And what does any of this have to do with Insider movements in the Islamic world? We tackle some massive topics with missionary and author James T. Cha of the Crescent Project, author of Fear Not. Rev. James Cha was born in Pusan, Korea, and immigrated toContinue reading “North Korea, Persecution, and Insider Movements: James Cha”
Thad Bergmeier on the Power of Prayer in Missions
It’s hard to deny: we experience little power in evangelism and missions because we’re slothful in prayer. Jonathan Edwards believed that the world would be reached for Christ when God’s people pled divine promises back to God in prayer. Was he right? And what is the relationship between prayer and revival? Dr. Thad Bergmeier, RegionalContinue reading “Thad Bergmeier on the Power of Prayer in Missions”
How Iran’s Underground Church Is Miraculously Growing
Announcement: It’s the show’s first birthday! As a way of thanking our loyal listeners, we’re giving away some great, free books and spiffy, new ABWE swag. Click here for details and to enter our drawing. The Islamic revolution of the 1970’s plunged Iran into a state of political and spiritual darkness, but God’s kingdom hasn’tContinue reading “How Iran’s Underground Church Is Miraculously Growing”