In this week’s episode, Alex sits down with Jeriah Shank, a pastor, author, and theologian as they discuss divine simplicity and how that satisfies the ontological argument for God.
Tag Archives: systematic theology
The Cross in Context? Exploring Atonement and Contextualization with Brad Vaughn
Engage in a thought-provoking continuation of The Missions Podcast as we delve into the ideas presented by Brad Vaughn in his book The Cross in Context. Join hosts Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford as they explore various perspectives on the relationship between Christianity and Western culture, the diverse metaphors of sin and Christ’s atonement, andContinue reading “The Cross in Context? Exploring Atonement and Contextualization with Brad Vaughn”
The ‘Simple’ Trinity in Missions: Matthew Barrett – #FTC22
Missions exists to spread the knowledge of God. But who is God? And how are evangelicals today getting the Trinity wrong? Dr. Matthew Barrett of Midwestern Seminary gives such much-needed insights at the For the Church conference. Watch the video version of this episode here. Matthew Barrett is Associate Professor of Christian Theology at MidwesternContinue reading “The ‘Simple’ Trinity in Missions: Matthew Barrett – #FTC22”
#RMC21: Chad Vegas and Alex Kocman on Their Upcoming Book on Missions
Recorded live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis: In this midweek exclusive, Chad Vegas, pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Bakersfield, California, and board chairman for Radius International, joins to discuss his and Alex Kocman’s new book on missions scheduled for publication from Founders Press later this year. Watch the video version of thisContinue reading “#RMC21: Chad Vegas and Alex Kocman on Their Upcoming Book on Missions”
Navigating Theological Disagreement on the Mission Field
When should missionaries who disagree about theology work together, and when do they need to separate?
James Dolezal: What Every Missionary Needs to Know About the Doctrine of God
Only a big view of God can sustain the people of God on a big mission. Yet have missionaries gotten their very doctrine of God himself wrong? This week, Dr. James Dolezal highlights the doctrines of divine simplicity, immutability, and aseity—aspects of theology proper often lost on modern evangelicalism—and why they matter for reaching pagans,Continue reading “James Dolezal: What Every Missionary Needs to Know About the Doctrine of God”
Is All Theology Cultural? Biblical Authority and Contextualization
Biblical authority is under attack. A missionary’s job is partly to make the transcendents truths of God’s word understandable within human language, context, and culture. But is it possible to know God’s objective truth, or are we always “stuck” within our culture—making modern missions inescapably colonialist? In this episode, Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman dialogueContinue reading “Is All Theology Cultural? Biblical Authority and Contextualization”
Why Theology Must Shape Mission: A Chat With Zane Pratt
It’s our 100th episode! Listen all the way through the episode for details on how to win our podcast anniversary giveaway. In honor of the occasion, we brought back a favorite friend of the show—Zane Pratt, vice president for global training for the IMB—for a heavy-hitting conversation about why our theology must absolutely, unapologetically shapeContinue reading “Why Theology Must Shape Mission: A Chat With Zane Pratt”
What Missionaries Need to Know About the Faith and Works Debate: Chris Bruno on Justification and the Missiology of Paul and James
For New Testament students, fewer topics are more frequently studied and debated than the relationship between faith and works in the book of James and the letters of Paul. The question “how are we justified?” isn’t just a question asked in churches and seminaries—it’s also a vital question that relates to how we do missions.Continue reading “What Missionaries Need to Know About the Faith and Works Debate: Chris Bruno on Justification and the Missiology of Paul and James”
Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions
Protestants in the West have a rich heritage of systematic theology—but it doesn’t always translate easily into new cultural contexts. Is a return to narrative-focused, biblical theology the answer? Chris Bruno, Assistant Professor of Greek and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary, joins us to answer and weigh in on his own cross-cultural experiencesContinue reading “Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions”