Depth and Breadth – The State of Christianity in Brazil with Diego Dy Carlos

Because of the rapid spread of Christianity and large percentage of Protestant believers in Brazil, it is often seen as a success story in missions, but at what cost did that happen? Scott Dunford interviews Diego Dy Carlos, a theological scholar, lecturer, and Live Global national partner on the pros and cons of the ChristianContinue reading “Depth and Breadth – The State of Christianity in Brazil with Diego Dy Carlos”

Reaching the ‘Reached’ and Challenging Missions Shibboleths: Trevor Holloway Joins

How should mission organizations balance the call to pioneer new frontiers with the need to strengthen existing churches? In this episode, Dr. Trevor Holloway, Director of Mobilization at ABWE and seasoned missionary, challenges traditional approaches to global missions. We delve into strategic shifts required as Christianity expands in the global South, explore the evolving rolesContinue reading “Reaching the ‘Reached’ and Challenging Missions Shibboleths: Trevor Holloway Joins”

Preserving Missionary Fervor in Our Lives and Institutions: Brooks Buser and Pat Daly Discuss ‘Missionary’

Brooks Buser of Radius International has been galavanting around the world on pilgrimage, touring the sites connected with six famed, historic missionary heroes in the filming process for a new documentary series. What did he learn in the process about the mettle needed for the missionary task? Brooks joins Alex to discuss, along with PatContinue reading “Preserving Missionary Fervor in Our Lives and Institutions: Brooks Buser and Pat Daly Discuss ‘Missionary’”

What’s Happening in Global Theological Education in 2024: Dr. Michael Ortiz Speaks

Much of the global church is in need of the West’s riches in terms of biblical and theological training. But how is increasing indigenization of global Christian movements changing the landscape of theological education worldwide? In this enlightening episode of The Missions Podcast, we sit down with Michael Ortiz, a renowned figure in global theologicalContinue reading “What’s Happening in Global Theological Education in 2024: Dr. Michael Ortiz Speaks”

A Pastoral Approach to Theological Training

The world’s pastors need training. But they also need shepherding. This week, Live Global missionary David Prairie shares how we can approach the task of global theological education with a pastoral heart. David Prairie serves on ABWE’s Live Global team doing theological education, pastoral training, and ministry mentoring for students and church leaders internationally. HeContinue reading “A Pastoral Approach to Theological Training”

T4G22: Ryan Robertson on Reaching and Teaching

Louisville, Kentucky, home of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is a theological mecca. In this conversation, Ryan Robertson, president of Reaching and Teaching International Ministries, shares his burden to take the riches of theological rigor in a place like Louisville and unleash is across the globe. Ryan Robertson has served as the President of ReachingContinue reading “T4G22: Ryan Robertson on Reaching and Teaching”

T4G22: Charles Smith and Paul Davis on Missions, Education, and the Church

Why do so few seminary graduates go to the mission field? Charles Smith, vice president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and ABWE board member, and Paul Davis, ABWE president, share solutions. You can watch the video version of this episode on the Missions Podcast Facebook page. Hear our previous interviews with Charles here. Subscribe now to neverContinue reading “T4G22: Charles Smith and Paul Davis on Missions, Education, and the Church”

T4G22: Why National Partnerships? David Prairie on Live Global

Missions is no longer from the West to the rest—it’s from everywhere, to everywhere. In this T4G exclusive, Live Global missionary David Prairie explains why their model is challenging traditional missions assumptions. You can watch the video version of this episode on the Missions Podcast Facebook page. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops.Continue reading “T4G22: Why National Partnerships? David Prairie on Live Global”

Online Education and Global Theological Famine

One year into the pandemic, it looks like the future of education is, in many respects, virtual. What does that mean for theological and biblical training for the 85% of evangelical pastors worldwide who lack any formal education? Al Cuthbert and Rob Hayden of Horizon Education Network join the show this week to explain howContinue reading “Online Education and Global Theological Famine”

The Tragic Fruit of Liberalism in Missions: Mark Tatlock Explains

We often talk about the state of theology in the American church, but what about on the mission field? In this episode, Mark Tatlock, president of The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), explains why there is reason for rejoicing but also much concern—and how the root of many heresies overseas can be traced to a gradualContinue reading “The Tragic Fruit of Liberalism in Missions: Mark Tatlock Explains”

Disciple-Making Movements: A Critical Discussion With Dr. Glenn Sunshine

Disciple-making movements (DMM) and church planting movements (CPM) are more than just buzzwords—they represent controversial methodologies that are dividing missionaries along organization and theological lines. Do these methodologies represent faulty views of conversion or ecclesiology, or are the critics guilty of prayerlessness and quenching the Holy Spirit? We’ve explored these topics in the past onContinue reading “Disciple-Making Movements: A Critical Discussion With Dr. Glenn Sunshine”

Muslim Refugees Meeting Christ: Darren Carlson on ‘Jesus in Athens’ Documentary

Are all the accounts of miraculous conversions among Muslim refugees true? What is unique about Athens, Greece amidst the ongoing people displacements in the Middle East? And what can U.S. churches learn from the hospitality and evangelistic zeal of Greek Christians? In this episode, Scott and Alex invited Darren Carlson to weigh in and takeContinue reading “Muslim Refugees Meeting Christ: Darren Carlson on ‘Jesus in Athens’ Documentary”

Danny Akin on Mobilizing Millennials — and Young Men

Where are all the qualified, seminary-educated young men in the missions world? How can a Bible college or seminary maximize its potential to mobilize students for the work of the Great Commission? Where is the modern missions movement going? This week we’re joined by Dr. Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, author, scholar,Continue reading “Danny Akin on Mobilizing Millennials — and Young Men”

John Morgan: Animism, Syncretism, and Witchcraft in West Africa

When the gospel enters a new place—like Togo in West Africa—those who hear the message have a tendency to interpret it through their worldview lens. This week, John Morgan shares the sobering results of his studies relating to how professing believers in this African nation are still wrestling with their traditional views of animism, witchcraft,Continue reading “John Morgan: Animism, Syncretism, and Witchcraft in West Africa”

Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions

Protestants in the West have a rich heritage of systematic theology—but it doesn’t always translate easily into new cultural contexts. Is a return to narrative-focused, biblical theology the answer? Chris Bruno, Assistant Professor of Greek and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary, joins us to answer and weigh in on his own cross-cultural experiencesContinue reading “Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions”