Dive into a thought-provoking conversation with Brad Vaughn, previously known as Jackson Wu. With his book Saving God’s Face as the backdrop, we explore the concept of sin as a violation of God’s honor, the overlap between Chinese and biblical culture, and the distinct differences in how Westerners and Asians understand honor and shame. Prepare to be captivated as they unravel the intricacies of honor, shame, and cultural perspectives, shedding new light on the timeless truths of the faith.
Brad Vaughn (f.k.a. Jackson Wu) worked for 15 years in East Asia, first as a church planter, then as a professor for a seminary for Chinese pastors. He serves on the Asian/Asian-American Theology Steering Committee for the Evangelical Theological Society. His books include The Cross in Context, Seeking God’s Face, Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes, One Gospel for All Nations, and Saving God’s Face.
Also in this episode: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. Learn more at cloudofwitnessespodcast.com.
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