There’s a theological famine across the majority world. How can we fix that? Are translated English resources the solution? How can we encourage more theological educators to serve overseas? And why does the chasm between the gospel-centered, big-God theology movement and the missions world seem so large?
On April 12th, 2018 at Together for the Gospel in Louisville, Kentucky, ABWE and Baptist Haiti Mission co-hosted an expert panel to answer those questions and more. In this episode you’ll hear IMB Vice President Zane Pratt, David Sills (at the time, president of Reaching and Teaching; now former), Scott Dunford of ABWE, Rick Denham of 9Marks, Darren Carlson of Training Leaders International, and Bill Walsh of The Gospel Coalition share their burdens and solutions.
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I do agree there is a starvation of healthy gospel and even disconnection of Evangelical churches, especially in Africa.