What is Really Happening in Modern Missions? Chad Vegas | Missionary 2024

What are the main problems in today’s mission world? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Chad Vegas, pastor, author, and co-founder of the Missionary Conference. Chad analyzes a few of the problems relating to how the church should be raising up and training future missionaries and how churches needContinue reading “What is Really Happening in Modern Missions? Chad Vegas | Missionary 2024”

The Forgotten Doctrine With Jonathan Master | Missionary 2024

Is there a doctrine that’s been forgotten by the contemporary church? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Jonathan Master, President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, as he talks about how the church has ignored or redefined a crucial theological concept that plays an important role in how we viewContinue reading “The Forgotten Doctrine With Jonathan Master | Missionary 2024”

Worship Practices and Liturgies with Zac Hicks

Does your church worship bring people together or divide them? This week on The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott talk with author and pastor Zac Hicks. In an age where worship through music is so critical and critiqued by Christians and non-Christians alike, what should our worship services look like? How do church leaders balanceContinue reading “Worship Practices and Liturgies with Zac Hicks”

God’s Call to Be Radically Ordinary in Our Faith With Michael Horton

Is being radical the point of Christianity? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, we dig into the archives for a conversation with Dr. Michael Horton as he talks about his book, “Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World”. Together they talk about how the modern rhetoric and mindset of needing to beContinue reading “God’s Call to Be Radically Ordinary in Our Faith With Michael Horton”

Sending When It Hurts: Josh Teis on the Pastor’s Job in Mobilization

Everyone says they believe in sending missionaries. But what about when it hurts? What about when your church’s most gifted people leave? And what about when missions seems to compete in priority with local outreach? In this episode, Josh Teis weighs in. Josh pastors Southern Hills Baptist Church in Las Vegas, N.V. He earned his B.A. inContinue reading “Sending When It Hurts: Josh Teis on the Pastor’s Job in Mobilization”

Reaching Europe Through Liturgy? Melissa Baccarella and Andy Messmer

Europe is more “post-Christian” than ever. So why would a high form of Christian worship be the key to reaching—and discipling—the unchurched in Europe? Melissa Baccarella, ABWE missionary to Italy, rejoins to show along with Andy Messmer to continue our previous conversation about liturgy. Love the show? Want to help more people think and go? SupportContinue reading “Reaching Europe Through Liturgy? Melissa Baccarella and Andy Messmer”

Disagreeing Agreeably: An Honest Discussion on Separation, Fundamentalism, and Cooperation with Josh Teis

Nothing requires Christians across tribal lines to work together quite like the Great Commission. However, nothing divides Christians quite like our mission and methods, either. How can we cooperate and disagree agreeably in an age of separatism, without compromising on gospel issues and matters of sound, biblical, conservative theology? How can missionaries understand fundamentalism andContinue reading “Disagreeing Agreeably: An Honest Discussion on Separation, Fundamentalism, and Cooperation with Josh Teis”

What Is a Missionary “Calling”? Caleb Suko Answers

Announcement: It’s the show’s first birthday! As a way of thanking our loyal listeners, we’re giving away some great, free books and spiffy, new ABWE swag. Click here for details and to enter our drawing. What is God’s will for my life? Is God calling me to missions? Is there such a thing as aContinue reading “What Is a Missionary “Calling”? Caleb Suko Answers”

Josh Daggett on Personal Evangelism and Prayer

We’ve all struggled to share our faith in one-on-one conversations. We also struggle with personal spiritual disciplines intimately connected to our effectiveness in evangelism—i.e., prayer. On this episode, Josh Daggett, lead pastor at Living Waters Fellowship in Des Moines, Iowa, shares his own encouragements, failures, and victories in these critical areas of ministry. We digContinue reading “Josh Daggett on Personal Evangelism and Prayer”