Urban Elites and the Unreached in South Asia

Where do you start ministry amid overwhelming darkness? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott are joined by Paul, a Live Global ministry partner working in South Asia. Paul details the many ways that his for-profit and non-profit businesses are engaging people from the richest and highest in society to theContinue reading “Urban Elites and the Unreached in South Asia”

What Is Fusion? Erik Odegard Answers – #FTC22

The Fusion program at Spurgeon College and Midwestern Seminary trains students for the mission field in ways a normal classroom can’t. Does it work? Erik Odegard, Fusion director, answers. Watch the video version of this episode here. Mr. Erik Odegard serves Spurgeon College as assistant professor of Intercultural Studies. He is a two-time graduate of Midwestern Seminary,Continue reading “What Is Fusion? Erik Odegard Answers – #FTC22”

What Motivates Gen Z Towards Missions?

The generation now coming of age is fraught with anxiety and feeling isolated. What will it take for missionaries and church leaders to motivate Generation Z towards cross-cultural missions? We explore this fascinating question with Dr. Jolene Erlacher, author, speaker, consultant, leadership coach, and teacher. Dr. Jolene Erlacher founded Leading Tomorrow in 2014 with the aim of equippingContinue reading “What Motivates Gen Z Towards Missions?”

Does Generation Z Care About Missions? Tanner and Amber Callison Respond

The up and coming generation is a source of confusion and controversy. Are Christians among Generation Z missions-minded? And if they are, do they have what it takes? We ask Tanner and Amber Callison, mobilizers with the Traveling Team. Love the show? Want to help more people think and go? Support this podcast. Want to askContinue reading “Does Generation Z Care About Missions? Tanner and Amber Callison Respond”

Brian Nester: Legendary Mobilizer

In our final mid-week exclusive from our time at Cedarville University, meet Brian Nester, Cedarville’s director of Global Outreach. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone more passionate about missions—or a more effective mobilizer of students to serve overseas. Hear Brian’s story in this interview. Your gift matters to help us bring you this content.Continue reading “Brian Nester: Legendary Mobilizer”

Why Medical Missions Matters: Katie Webb at Cedarville University

Our Cedarville series continues. Healing happens on the mission field—in ordinary ways. In this podcast midweek exclusive, Katie Webb, M.S., RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing, shares why medical missions is vital to reaching the unreached. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions Podcast isContinue reading “Why Medical Missions Matters: Katie Webb at Cedarville University”

Sent From Zambia to South Asia: Joshua Bowman Explains

What is it like being sent out from a Zambian church as an American missionary to serve in a Hindu context? Joshua Bowman of Cedarville University shares his unique story. Joshua Bowman holds a Ph.D. in Missiology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University. He served withContinue reading “Sent From Zambia to South Asia: Joshua Bowman Explains”

Can Parachurch Ministries Serve the Church? Thomas White and Paul Davis Answer

Coming soon, Generation Z will be taking the mantle of the Great Commission. Are they ready? And what role can Christian colleges and missions agencies play in mobilizing them? Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University, and Paul Davis, president of ABWE, join to discuss in this episode recorded on the campus of Cedarville. PreferContinue reading “Can Parachurch Ministries Serve the Church? Thomas White and Paul Davis Answer”

#RMC21: Luke Womack on Why Student Debt Is Dumb

We’re live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis! Student debt is one of the #1 reasons that missions-minded college graduates fail to launch to the field. In this midweek exclusive, Luke Womack of The Go Fund explains how their ministry eliminates student loans for missionaries, and how ABWE’s partnership works for those who go.Continue reading “#RMC21: Luke Womack on Why Student Debt Is Dumb”

Reforming Short-Term Missions: Chip Lamca Explains

Short-term missions needs to change. Missions trips shouldn’t be a means to an end—they should be mission. This week, former missionary and professor Chip Lamca unpacks his recent dissertation work and explains how to reform the uniquely modern phenomenon of short-term missions. We also tackle guidance for college students, what “reverse short-term missions” trips are,Continue reading “Reforming Short-Term Missions: Chip Lamca Explains”

Lisa LaGeorge on Women’s Roles and Short-Term Missions

In 20 years of leading missions efforts and teaching students, Lisa LaGeorge has seen it all. This week, she shares the good, the bad, and the ugly of short-term missions trips with high school and college students. In the second half, we explore the role of women and singles on church-planting teams and why everyContinue reading “Lisa LaGeorge on Women’s Roles and Short-Term Missions”

Panel: Why Marketplace Missions Matters But Isn’t a Silver Bullet

How can believers of all educational and vocational backgrounds use their skills in the marketplace for the Great Commission? In this episode, you’ll hear an expert panel address this topic at Cedarville University. The discussion was led by Matt Bennett, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville. Also joining the conversation are David Butler,Continue reading “Panel: Why Marketplace Missions Matters But Isn’t a Silver Bullet”

Should We Stop Sending Indebted Missionaries? Luke Womack on Student Loans

The average college student in the U.S. leaves with about $30,000 in educational debt. At what point do we stop sending missionaries to the field with students loans? Is it immoral to send expensive Western missionaries to serve where national partners could do the work of ministry much more affordably? Luke Womack, executive director ofContinue reading “Should We Stop Sending Indebted Missionaries? Luke Womack on Student Loans”

Danny Akin on Mobilizing Millennials — and Young Men

Where are all the qualified, seminary-educated young men in the missions world? How can a Bible college or seminary maximize its potential to mobilize students for the work of the Great Commission? Where is the modern missions movement going? This week we’re joined by Dr. Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, author, scholar,Continue reading “Danny Akin on Mobilizing Millennials — and Young Men”