Between global illness, national riots, and the ordinary lump-in-the-throat feeling that often accompanies Christian obedience, the temptations to retreat in fear—or simulate real risk with risk-free alternatives—are plentiful. But this is not the time for cowardice cloaked in carefulness. Now is the time for fearless mission. This week on The Missions Podcast, Charles Smith discussesContinue reading “Fearless Leadership in Fearful Days: Charles Smith Speaks”
Tag Archives: fear
Are Honor and Shame the Keys to Cross-Cultural Evangelism?
In the West, we tend to think in terms of law, justice, guilt, and innocence. Our gospel presentation naturally picks up this flavor. But in many Eastern cultures, honor and shame are the dominant values—and in tribal contexts, it’s fear and power that take center stage. Has the Western church focused too much on aContinue reading “Are Honor and Shame the Keys to Cross-Cultural Evangelism?”