Much of the global church is in need of the West’s riches in terms of biblical and theological training. But how is increasing indigenization of global Christian movements changing the landscape of theological education worldwide? In this enlightening episode of The Missions Podcast, we sit down with Michael Ortiz, a renowned figure in global theologicalContinue reading “What’s Happening in Global Theological Education in 2024: Dr. Michael Ortiz Speaks”
Tag Archives: indigenous missions
#RMC21: Jim Jordan on Church-Based International Theological Training
We’re live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis! How can we train indigenous church leaders abroad without pulling them into the US, from which they never return? In this midweek exclusive, Jim Jordan of Training Leaders International explains. Watch the conference live as it unfolds. Purchase a discounted viewing pass for only $10 at reading “#RMC21: Jim Jordan on Church-Based International Theological Training”
How Technology Is Transforming Missions
According to statistics, more than 4.6 billion people on the planet now have internet access—and many of them live among unreached people groups. How does that reshape the way we approach missions? And how can now-commonplace tools like Zoom help Christians in the West invest in fellow believers in hard-to-reach places? Andrew C., executive director for Live Global, sharesContinue reading “How Technology Is Transforming Missions”