What is Really Happening in Modern Missions? Chad Vegas | Missionary 2024

What are the main problems in today’s mission world? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Chad Vegas, pastor, author, and co-founder of the Missionary Conference. Chad analyzes a few of the problems relating to how the church should be raising up and training future missionaries and how churches needContinue reading “What is Really Happening in Modern Missions? Chad Vegas | Missionary 2024”

Your Questions (Finally) Answered: Mailbag Episode

Is it biblical for a missionary to change sending churches or agencies? Is there a right or wrong way to do it? How often should pastors visit their missionaries? Is it worth it to start a family on the field? Is missions easier or harder as a single? We’ve been soliciting your questions and feedbackContinue reading “Your Questions (Finally) Answered: Mailbag Episode”