How should prospective missionaries think about suffering and the need to endure? In this next 2023 Radius Conference exclusive, Brad Buser, veteran missionary and co-founder of Radius International, answers some common questions about what it takes to pioneer on the mission field. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network.Continue reading “Brad Buser on Suffering and Resilience | Radius 2023”
Tag Archives: Radius23
The Caste System & the Homogenous Unit Principle With Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023
In missiology, the modern definition of “people groups” depends substantially upon the work of Donald McGavran and his conception of the homogenous unit principle. But did McGavran misunderstand the caste system from which he drew his insights? And how should missionaries today assess McGavran’s work? Aubrey Sequeira, pastor in Abu Dhabi, joins again to discussContinue reading “The Caste System & the Homogenous Unit Principle With Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023”
Why Penal Substitutionary Atonement? Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023
Is penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) a necessary, biblical doctrine, or is it an outgrowth of Western legal thinking? Is PSA on equal footing with honor- and shame-based approaches explanations of the cross, or is it a gospel non-negotiable? In this next exclusive from the 2023 Radius Conference, Aubrey Sequeira, pastor of Evangelical Community Church ofContinue reading “Why Penal Substitutionary Atonement? Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023”
Why Reach Japan? Joel Diffenderfer Shares | Radius 2023
What is the state of the church in Japan, and why is it sometimes regarded as the “graveyard” of missions? In our next installment from the 2023 Radius Conference, ABWE Missionary Joel Diffenderfer explains the island’s strategic significance for the Open Initiative, a program to prioritize often-overlooked unreached people groups. Learn more at Also:Continue reading “Why Reach Japan? Joel Diffenderfer Shares | Radius 2023”
Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023
When we think of the legacy of old Princeton Theological Seminary—producing such towering spiritual giants as the Hodges and Warfields—we rarely think about their contribution to global missions. Yet, far from restricting themselves to ivory towers, these theologians were deeply concerned with the Great Commission. Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Seminary, explains why in thisContinue reading “Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023”
Chad Vegas on the Clarity of the Gospel | Radius 2023
We speak often about the need to right methods. But missions also depends upon having the right message. In our first exclusive interview from the 2023 Radius Conference, Pastor Chad Vegas joins to discuss the vision behind their conference theme: the clear gospel. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWEContinue reading “Chad Vegas on the Clarity of the Gospel | Radius 2023”