Sending missionaries has taught these pastors what to do—and what not to do. Chad Vegas, Paul Davis and Barry Brown join Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman in this panel from the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference. Watch the video version of this episode: Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email The MissionsContinue reading “#RMC21 Panel 2: Sending Well With Paul Davis, Chad Vegas, and Barry Brown”
Tag Archives: RMC21
#RMC21: Wayne Chen on Overcoming Apathy and Suffering Well
Recorded live at the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference: Wayne Chen, director of Radius Asia, was a pastor who wanted to send missionaries. In the end, he ended up mobilizing himself—and repenting of his apathy. But as his ministry among the Biem people group in Papua New Guinea reached its climax, he and his wife Gail receivedContinue reading “#RMC21: Wayne Chen on Overcoming Apathy and Suffering Well”
#RMC21: Rick Davis of Engage Global Explains Hands-On Missions Training
Recorded live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis: Engage Global is more than an educational experience—it takes missions-minded believers to the streets to immerse them into a cross-cultural experience in the US. In this midweek exclusive, Rick Davis shares how their unique approach is helping believers and churches reframe their perspectives on the worldContinue reading “#RMC21: Rick Davis of Engage Global Explains Hands-On Missions Training”
#RMC21: Chad Vegas and Alex Kocman on Their Upcoming Book on Missions
Recorded live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis: In this midweek exclusive, Chad Vegas, pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Bakersfield, California, and board chairman for Radius International, joins to discuss his and Alex Kocman’s new book on missions scheduled for publication from Founders Press later this year. Watch the video version of thisContinue reading “#RMC21: Chad Vegas and Alex Kocman on Their Upcoming Book on Missions”
#RMC21 Panel 1: Trends in Missions With Chad Vegas, Paul Davis, Wayne Chen, and Brad Buser
There are some shocking—and exciting—things happening in missions. Chad Vegas, Paul Davis, Wayne Chen, and Brad Buser discuss in this panel from the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference. Watch the video version of this episode: Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email The Missions Podcast is sponsored by ABWE International. Subscribe:
#RMC21: Mark Dever on Pragmatism, Ecclesiology, and the Post-COVID Church
We’re live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis! In this midweek exclusive, Mark Dever of 9Marks joins Scott and Alex to unpack what a healthy church looks like in the realm of missions. Watch the conference live as it unfolds. Purchase a discounted viewing pass for only $10 at Watch the video version ofContinue reading “#RMC21: Mark Dever on Pragmatism, Ecclesiology, and the Post-COVID Church”
#RMC21: Luke Womack on Why Student Debt Is Dumb
We’re live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis! Student debt is one of the #1 reasons that missions-minded college graduates fail to launch to the field. In this midweek exclusive, Luke Womack of The Go Fund explains how their ministry eliminates student loans for missionaries, and how ABWE’s partnership works for those who go.Continue reading “#RMC21: Luke Womack on Why Student Debt Is Dumb”
#RMC21: Jim Jordan on Church-Based International Theological Training
We’re live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis! How can we train indigenous church leaders abroad without pulling them into the US, from which they never return? In this midweek exclusive, Jim Jordan of Training Leaders International explains. Watch the conference live as it unfolds. Purchase a discounted viewing pass for only $10 at reading “#RMC21: Jim Jordan on Church-Based International Theological Training”
#RMC21: The Cost and Prize of Long-Term Missions
We’re live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis! In this midweek exclusive, Scott and Alex debrief Brooks Buser’s powerful plenary talk on the value of long-term missions. Watch the conference live as it unfolds. Purchase a discounted viewing pass for only $10 at Watch the video version of this episode: Want toContinue reading “#RMC21: The Cost and Prize of Long-Term Missions”