Before helping found Radius International, Brad Buser served among the Iteri people of Papua New Guinea. Continuing our theme of finishing well, we ask him how he instills endurance in the missionaries he trains in this interview from the recent Radius International Missiology Conference. Watch the video version of this episode on the ABWE YouTubeContinue reading “#RMC22: Brad Buser on Missionary Endurance”
Tag Archives: transition
#RMC22: Brooks Buser on Leaving Well
Missions done well means staying the course. So how do you know when it’s time to transition off the field and entrust local believers with leadership? Brooks Buser, president of Radius International, discusses his experience among the YembiYembi people in Papua New Guinea at the recent Radius International Missiology Conference. Watch the video version ofContinue reading “#RMC22: Brooks Buser on Leaving Well”
Benjamin Vrbicek: Don’t Just Send a Resume to a Church—Or a Missions Agency
Too often in pursuit of full-time ministry abroad or at home, ministry applicants simply email a church or missions agency their resume and leave the rest of the hiring process to chance. Whether you’re fresh out of seminary or transitioning to ministry after a full career in the outside workforce, such a haphazard approach isContinue reading “Benjamin Vrbicek: Don’t Just Send a Resume to a Church—Or a Missions Agency”