Reaching the ‘Reached’ and Challenging Missions Shibboleths: Trevor Holloway Joins

How should mission organizations balance the call to pioneer new frontiers with the need to strengthen existing churches? In this episode, Dr. Trevor Holloway, Director of Mobilization at ABWE and seasoned missionary, challenges traditional approaches to global missions. We delve into strategic shifts required as Christianity expands in the global South, explore the evolving roles of modern missionaries, and examine how historical biblical figures can inform today’s mission strategies.

Dr. Holloway brings a wealth of experience from his time as a Baptist missionary in Peru and his extensive academic background in missiology. Throughout our discussion, he offers insights on adapting mission efforts to better support both new and established Christian communities, enhancing theological education, and preparing for the future of missions in Latin America. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation that redefines our perspectives on missionary work in a rapidly changing world.

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