How to Talk to a Missionary in a Closed Country

Risk is right
 or is it? In this week’s upcoming episode, we talk to an IT security expert about the best, most secure ways to communicate with missionaries in restricted-access fields. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic?Continue reading “How to Talk to a Missionary in a Closed Country”

When Did Christianity Become So Unpopular?

What changed in the Western mind to make biblical Christianity suddenly so abhorrent in the public eye? Social researcher Aaron Renn shares his “three worlds” explanation in this week’s upcoming interview. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? EmailContinue reading “When Did Christianity Become So Unpopular?”

What’s Wrong With Creating ‘Dependence?’

What’s wrong with creating “dependence” on foreign missionaries? This week, Michael Bamwesigye Badriaki, author of When Helping Works: Alleviating Fear and Pain in Global Missions, challenges our conventional wisdom. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us.

Let’s Talk About Evangelism

This week: It’s back to the basics. Let’s have a conversation about how to do evangelism. Is there a one-size-fits-all method? New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us.

Admitting When Helping Hurts: Peter Greer

Coming this Sunday: Sometimes in the world of missions, our best efforts to help those in need can actually hurt. But has that become an excuse to do nothing? Peter Greer, president of HOPE International, explains. New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’sContinue reading “Admitting When Helping Hurts: Peter Greer”

Are Missions Committees Even Biblical?

In this week’s upcoming episode, ABWE President Paul Davis discusses the biblical rationale for—and critiques of—modern missions programs, teams, and committees in local churches. New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us.

Will the Soviet Union Return?

In our next episode, Duane Early, former missionary to Ukraine and current vice president of strategic partnerships with ABWE, explains how Ukrainians reacted when the Soviet Union fell—and how it informed their missiological tactics. New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. WantContinue reading “Will the Soviet Union Return?”

What if Everyone Fundraised Like a Missionary?

We all know that missionary life usually means asking for financial support. That scares many people away. But what if that’s the way all sorts of ministries are supposed to work? Hear Conley Owens, author of The Dorean Principle, explain in the next episode. New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episodeContinue reading “What if Everyone Fundraised Like a Missionary?”

Nik Ripken: ‘You Get the Country You Deserve’

Coming up in our next episode: Nik Ripken shares his insights from observing the persecuted church in Ukraine and around the world—and what it all has to do with missions and our own country. New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. WantContinue reading “Nik Ripken: ‘You Get the Country You Deserve’”

What Elliot Clark Would Do Differently

Elliot Clark just wrote Mission Affirmed: Recovering the Missionary Motivation of Paul. What lessons did he learn that he would have applied on the field in hindsight? New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggestContinue reading “What Elliot Clark Would Do Differently”

Ukraine and Psalm 31

Coming up this week: Caleb Suko explains what workers and national believers are facing in Ukraine firsthand. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us.

Chad Vegas: The Bottom Line

Coming up: Part two of our conversation with Chad Vegas, where we get to the bottom line definition of healthy missions and its implications for overseas workers. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us.

Mary and Idolatry

It’s Christmas. Images of Mary are everywhere. But when missionaries encounter veneration of saints among Roman Catholics and others, what should our response be? Dr. James Fryer joins this week to share. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us.

Cover Blown: How a Missionary Got Kicked Out of Country

The barriers to reaching unreached people groups are real. This week, Harry G., overseeing South Asia for ABWE, returns to the show to explain why they still matter—and how churches can recapture a pioneering spirit. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions Podcast isContinue reading “Cover Blown: How a Missionary Got Kicked Out of Country”

Why Fruit Isn’t About Numbers

This week, we continue our crucial conversation with Ted Esler as he shares his opinions about methodologies, movements, and the biblical definition of “fruit” in ministry. Hear part 1 here. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions Podcast is sponsored by ABWE’s Global Gospel Fund.

Pathological Ecclesiology?

This week, Ted Esler returns to the show for a frank conversation about movement methodologies and the biblical doctrine of the local church. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions Podcast is sponsored by ABWE’s Global Gospel Fund.

The School of Suffering

Coming up this week: Alex Kocman presents why enlisting in ministry means enrolling in God’s seminary of suffering. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions Podcast is sponsored by ABWE’s Global Gospel Fund.

People Group Targeting or Multiethnic Church?

Missions strategists tell us to target specific people groups, but Scripture paints a picture of a multiethnic church. How do we resolve the tension? This week, “BJ,” a church planter working with Muslim diaspora peoples, shares how we can learn from the best of both approaches. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to askContinue reading “People Group Targeting or Multiethnic Church?”

Why Culture Isn’t Sacred

Where is the line between innovation in ministry and accommodation of the world? Ted Esler, president of Missio Nexus, shares his perspective this week in a lively interview. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions Podcast is sponsored by ABWE’s Global Gospel Fund.

Learning Missions From C.S. Lewis?

Can we learn missions from C.S. Lewis? Dan DeWitt, director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity at Cedarville University, thinks so. Find out why in this week’s upcoming show. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions Podcast is sponsored by ABWE’s GlobalContinue reading “Learning Missions From C.S. Lewis?”

Why Worship Matters

Why haven’t missionaries won more of Western Europe? Does it have to do with our worship style? Why does liturgy matter for missiology? ABWE Missionary Andy Messmer answers in this week’s upcoming interview. Subscribe:

‘Disturbing’ Findings on the Field

God is moving in incredible ways across the globe. But that doesn’t mean that every statistics that glitters is gold. This week, “Brad” the missionary shares his firsthand perspective investigating reports of explosive growth in the Islamic world. Want to watch the Radius Missiology Conference—and our exclusive panel discussion? Register at for 33% off.

The Good Ol’ Baptist Boy

Should doctrinal disagreements on non-salvation issues—like baptism—matter on the mission field? This week, Scott Dunford gets personal as he and Alex Kocman discuss theological triage and the missionary. Enter our giveaway for to see us live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis this June! Get more information and enter the drawing here. Subscribe now.