How has the face of Europe changed since the Russian war against Ukraine reached its current escalation? And what can US churches learn as they try to reach immigrants? Pastor Maksym Sliazin, a Ukrainian refugee himself, shares how God is working through the local church among refugees in Poland despite ethnic tensions. Also in thisContinue reading “Poland, Ukraine, and Ministering Amid International Crisis: Pastor Maksym’s Story”
Tag Archives: Ukraine
The Russian Church, Ukraine, and What American Christians Can Learn: Yevgeny Bakhmutsky at T4G22
American believers aren’t the only ones polarized over the last few years. For believers in Russia, the conflict in Ukraine is driving the same wedge through congregations that the social justice debate is in the West. How is the Russian church doing? How do Russian Christians view Ukraine? And what can American Christians and missionariesContinue reading “The Russian Church, Ukraine, and What American Christians Can Learn: Yevgeny Bakhmutsky at T4G22”
Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early
Around the time that the Soviet Union fell, Ukraine experienced massive spiritual revival. Duane Early, who served there as a missionary, is convinced that’s part of the reason Ukraine is being targeted today. In this interview, he explains the current situation in Ukraine, miracles that happened during that revival, lessons learned, and missiological takeaways thatContinue reading “Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early”
Ukraine Refugee Update: Caleb Suko Exclusive
When we last spoke with our friend Caleb Suko, the Russia-Ukraine war hadn’t yet begun. Now, he’s taken refuge—along with two million others—in another country. In this episode, he provides live updates from Moldova and explains how God is at work among the body of Christ and the masses of refugees. You can support theContinue reading “Ukraine Refugee Update: Caleb Suko Exclusive”
Nik Ripken on Persecution, Missions, and Ukraine
Nik Ripken has collected the stories of suffering believers from all over the world—including Ukraine. In this episode, he talks to us about missions and what he’s learned from time spent with persecuted believers in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Nik (pseudonym) is the author of The Insanity of God (2013) and other books,Continue reading “Nik Ripken on Persecution, Missions, and Ukraine”
Ukraine From the Ground: Caleb Suko Reports
Watch the video version of this episode here. Tensions are rising between Ukraine and Russia. The US is considering involvement. What does that mean for Christian workers and churches in Ukraine? Caleb Suko, pastor and ABWE worker, shares his first-hand perspective. Since 2007 Caleb has served as a missionary in Odessa, Ukraine where he isContinue reading “Ukraine From the Ground: Caleb Suko Reports”
Fighting Abortion in Ukraine With the Gospel: Holly Friesen on Medical Missions
According to some stats, Ukraine—in many ways a nominally Christian country—leads the world in per-capita abortions. One in three Ukrainian women has had an abortion, and many women have had upwards of seven abortions each. What is the role of the local church of addressing this genocide of the unborn, both overseas and at home, andContinue reading “Fighting Abortion in Ukraine With the Gospel: Holly Friesen on Medical Missions”
John Taylor: 5 Problems With Money, Nationals, and Helping That Hurts
Announcement: We’re giving away 2x free VIP tickets (a $220 value!) to For the Church in Kansas City, Sept. 24-25! Enter by Sept. 19 to be eligible for the prize. Go to to enter now. More money, more problems. Wealth, generosity, pay scales, financial practices, and differing standards of living can all be hair-triggerContinue reading “John Taylor: 5 Problems With Money, Nationals, and Helping That Hurts”