Lessons From the Persecuted Church With Ryan Brown

If you’re honest, do you approach your faith like it is all you have? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Scott Dunford sits down with Ryan Brown, CEO of Open Doors US. Together they discuss the growing persecution of Christians in the United States but also valuable takeaways from brothers and sisters aroundContinue reading “Lessons From the Persecuted Church With Ryan Brown”

The Danger of Being Discipled by Our Culture

If we aren’t careful, we can be discipled by our culture and look at our faith from a consumerism mindset. We can learn a lot from our brothers and sisters in hard places. Join Scott Dunford and Open Doors CEO Ryan Brown this week on the podcast.

Moldova and the Pursuit of Proper Doctrine With Mihai Chisari

What is happening with the church in Moldova? In this week’s episode, Alex and Scott sit down with Mihai Chisari, a pastor and Live Global National Partner, as they discuss the challenges of evangelism and discipleship in one of the poorest countries in Europe. They’ll discuss several factors that make ministry hard in this 96%Continue reading “Moldova and the Pursuit of Proper Doctrine With Mihai Chisari”

Why Are The Unreached Unreached?

Why are there so many unreached peoples? How should churches missions organizations determine which fields are top priority? In this episode, Alex and Scott discuss the underpinnings of unreached people group methodology and the socio-political factors that influence global missions strategy. From antagonistic governments, to eschatological assumptions, to linguistic and cultural barriers, this episode exploresContinue reading “Why Are The Unreached Unreached?”

Is the Commission Still Great? Steve Richardson Answers

Thereā€™s no shortage of myths about missions. In this interview, Steve Richardson, president of Pioneers and author of Is the Commission Still Great? 8 Myths about Missions and What They Mean for the Church, dispels common misconceptions about the Great Commission and why it still matters. Steve Richardson has served as president of Pioneers-USA sinceContinue reading “Is the Commission Still Great? Steve Richardson Answers”

ā€˜Glurbanization,ā€™ Church Planting, and Why Our Definition of ā€˜People Groupā€™ Is Outdated: Dr. Michael Crane

Globalization has made the world smaller and smaller. Increasingly, cities are overtaking suburban and rural areas as the center of society. What does all this mean for church planting? Is the ethnolinguistic people group definition itself outdated? Missiologist Dr. Michael Crane unpacks the implications of what he calls ā€œglurbanization.ā€ Michael and his wife moved toContinue reading “ā€˜Glurbanization,ā€™ Church Planting, and Why Our Definition of ā€˜People Groupā€™ Is Outdated: Dr. Michael Crane”

#RMC21: Wayne Chen on Overcoming Apathy and Suffering Well

Recorded live at the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference: Wayne Chen, director of Radius Asia, was a pastor who wanted to send missionaries. In the end, he ended up mobilizing himselfā€”and repenting of his apathy. But as his ministry among the Biem people group in Papua New Guinea reached its climax, he and his wife Gail receivedContinue reading “#RMC21: Wayne Chen on Overcoming Apathy and Suffering Well”

Whatā€™s Happening to Myanmar and Why It Matters for Missions

A military coup is underway in Myanmarā€”a Buddhist nation nestled in the heart of the 10/40 Window. What does the junta mean for the cause of Christian missions, and how is the Burmese church responding? ABWE missionary John (last name withheld) with Live Global returns to the show to explain. To support the work ofContinue reading “Whatā€™s Happening to Myanmar and Why It Matters for Missions”

Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas

In 2020, itā€™s impossible to escape the topic of privilege. This week, we dive into the archives and bring back our May 2019 interview with Chad Vegas, founding board member of Radius International and lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, and our discussion of ā€œgospel privilege.ā€ Perhaps it has never been more timely. Chad is the founding pastorContinue reading “Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas”

Are International Churches Missional? Scott Zeller on Pastoring Expats

Missions means doing hard things in hard places. So are English-speaking churches geared towards expats truly reaching the unreached, or does more need to be done? The answers may surprise you. This week, Scott Zeller, executive pastor of Redeemer Church of Dubai, reframes the issue. Scott Zeller is involved in regional church planting and theological educationContinue reading “Are International Churches Missional? Scott Zeller on Pastoring Expats”

Brooks Buser Answers: How Dare Missionaries Seek to Convert?

On August 8, 2020, a simple tweet by Brooks Buser, president of Radius International, ignited a firestorm of controversy: ā€œThank you for the prayers for Amdu people and team. By Godā€™s grace, there are now members of that people group who are reconciled to God, who no longer have their sins counted against them.ā€ Skeptics,Continue reading “Brooks Buser Answers: How Dare Missionaries Seek to Convert?”

Why Arenā€™t We Talking About ā€˜Gospel Privilegeā€™? Chad Vegas Answers

The social justice controversy echoing across conservative evangelicalism has brought terms like ā€œprivilegeā€ into the Christian vernacular, but in all the discussion of rights, equity, and cultural engagement, weā€™ve missed a critical category: gospel privilege. Chad Vegas, founding board member of Radius International and lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, joins the show this weekContinue reading “Why Arenā€™t We Talking About ā€˜Gospel Privilegeā€™? Chad Vegas Answers”

Do We Need to Redefine Unreached? Matthew Bennett Answers

For decades, missiologists have assumed the priority of the ā€œunreachedā€ā€”and for good reasonā€”building entire organizational strategies around it. But do we need to redefine this term? Matthew Bennett, Ph.D., former IMB missionary and current Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University, weighs in. In a recent article, Matthew argues that weā€™ve taken theContinue reading “Do We Need to Redefine Unreached? Matthew Bennett Answers”