The Tragic Fruit of Liberalism in Missions: Mark Tatlock Explains

We often talk about the state of theology in the American church, but what about on the mission field? In this episode, Mark Tatlock, president of The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), explains why there is reason for rejoicing but also much concern—and how the root of many heresies overseas can be traced to a gradual retreat from biblical inerrancy and sufficiency in the West.

Dr. Mark Tatlock, prior to being appointed to his full-time role with TMAI, served as executive vice president and provost of The Master’s University. Mark is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary, and he and his wife Lisa have five children, included adopted children: Jacob, Josiah, Hope, Paul, and Olivia.

Announcement: If you’re coming to Together for the Gospel, join us for an expert panel and luncheon discussing the topic: who are “the nations,” and what can the local church do to reach them? Hear from Paul Davis, Zane Pratt, Darren Carlson, Brooks Buser, John Klaassen, and more debating the important issues raised in Darren’s 2019 article on the meaning of the Great Commission. Register now for only $10, and enjoy lunch on us in Louisville on April 15!

We’re excited to partner with Live Global to pull off this event. If you haven’t already signed up for T4G, use the promo code T4G20LiveGlobal10OFF to receive $10 off your registration.

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The Missions Podcast is powered by ABWE International and the Global Gospel Fund. This episode is also sponsored by Radius International.

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