Apologetics 101, Wesley Huff, Joe Rogan, and Presuppositionalism

Since Joe Rogan interviewed Wesley Huff, there has been a renewed interest in Christian apologetics and culture. But what exactly is apologetics? Alex and Scott dive into the controversy of different apologetic schools of thought, the pros and cons of each, and how moments like these can start to turn a culture back to theContinue reading “Apologetics 101, Wesley Huff, Joe Rogan, and Presuppositionalism”

Voddie Baucham on Education, Mission, and Christian Culture-Building

In this dynamic episode of The Missions Podcast, we sit down with Dr. Voddie Baucham to explore the intersection of education, mission, and Christian culture-building. Dr. Baucham, a respected figure in pastoral work and theological education, currently shaping minds at the African Christian University in Zambia, brings his unique perspective to the table. The discussionContinue reading “Voddie Baucham on Education, Mission, and Christian Culture-Building”

Apologetics in a Chaotic World

How should believers defend their faith in an increasingly hostile culture? And which apologetic methodology is most faithful to the spirit of Scripture? Join Alex Kocman as he explores the controversial topic of apologetics in a supposedly post-Christian context, exploring the Christian’s marching orders in 1 Peter 3:15 and evaluating classical, evidentialist, and presuppositional apologeticsContinue reading “Apologetics in a Chaotic World”

The Air We Breathe: Glen Scrivener on the Ghost of Christianity in Western Culture

Why does Western society believe in ideals like freedom and equality? Where did we get the notion of human rights or self-sacrifice? What about the idea of “secularism” itself? This week, author and apologist Glen Scrivener explains how the specter of Christianity continues to haunt the Western mind—and how, as missionaries, we can reclaim it.Continue reading “The Air We Breathe: Glen Scrivener on the Ghost of Christianity in Western Culture”

Josh McDowell: What Missionaries Need to Know About Apologetics

What do missionaries need to know about apologetics? Veteran author, speaker, and apologetics Josh McDowell reminds us about our commitment to defending truth—and sharing the evidence. Josh McDowell has been at the forefront of cultural trends and groundbreaking ministry for more than 58 years. He shares the essentials of the Christian faith in everyday languageContinue reading “Josh McDowell: What Missionaries Need to Know About Apologetics”

#RMC22: Steve Meister on Classical Hermeneutics and Bible Translation

Right now, two controversies are brewing. In the world of theology, conservative evangelicals are torn over classical theism and pre-modern hermeneutics. And in the missions world, Bible translation methodologies remain a lightning-rod issue. In this meaty conversation from the Radius Missiology Conference, Steve Meister, pastor and board member for Bible Translation Fellowship, explains why these twoContinue reading “#RMC22: Steve Meister on Classical Hermeneutics and Bible Translation”

Some Mocked, But Some Believed: Scott Dunford on Acts 17

The Apostle Paul models missional apologetics in Acts 17. What can we learn? In this episode, Scott Dunford walks through a crucial text and draws application for cross-cultural ministry at home and abroad. This episode features a sermon originally preached at Community Evangelical Free Church of Harrisburg, Pa. on June 13, 2021. Want to askContinue reading “Some Mocked, But Some Believed: Scott Dunford on Acts 17”

Thor Madsen: Why Missionaries Need to Know Philosophy

With all the lost and unreached people in the world, slowing down to think about philosophy may seem like a waste of time. This week, Thor Madsen of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary explains how understanding philosophy from a Christian worldview perspective can be game-changing for the missionary serving on the field afar or at home.Continue reading “Thor Madsen: Why Missionaries Need to Know Philosophy”

Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice

Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube. Social justice. Critical theory. Post-colonialism. Intersectionality. These issues have divided believers and unbelievers alike in the church over the last few years, and in 2020 the issue is impossible to escape. Is conservative evangelicalism beginning to compromise biblical teaching on complex social issues? And if so,Continue reading “Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice”

Apologetics, Evangelism, and Revival in Norway: Nahum O’Brien and Edvard Moe Explain

When most people think of Norway, they think of gorgeous fjords, bitter cold, and secularism—not a revival of interest in apologetics or biblical doctrine. Is this Scandinavian nation simply circling the drain of postmodernism, or is God doing something new? We ask that question to Nahum O’Brien, ABWE missionary to Norway, along with his nationalContinue reading “Apologetics, Evangelism, and Revival in Norway: Nahum O’Brien and Edvard Moe Explain”

Dr. Robin Hadaway on Reaching Folk Muslims

What is the difference between folk Islam and orthodox Islam—or folk religion in general and any other major religion—and how can Christians meaningfully present Christ in a context of traditional spiritism? Dr. Robin D. Hadaway joins us this week to unravel these complex missiological questions. Dr. Hadaway is professor of missions at Midwestern Baptist TheologicalContinue reading “Dr. Robin Hadaway on Reaching Folk Muslims”

God’s Law or Sharia? 40 Questions About Islam With Matt Bennett

How can Christians with a high view of God’s moral law in the Old Testament address the apologetics challenged posed by the Islamic doctrine of sharia? That’s one of a number of thought-provoking questions tackled by Matt Bennett this week as he connects with Scott and Alex about his newest book, 40 Questions About Islam.Continue reading “God’s Law or Sharia? 40 Questions About Islam With Matt Bennett”

Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains

How should missionaries argue for the Christian faith? If human beings are dead in sin, then they need more than evidence—they need to realize that even their refusal to believe is an act of rebellion and a sin for which Jesus died. To argue this way is to argue using presuppositional apologetics, but how toContinue reading “Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains”

Engaging the Cults With Summer Jaeger

You may know her from Sheologians, but long before she was “internet famous,” a young Summer Jaeger would spend whole days with her family and friends engaged in street evangelism outside Mormon temples tackling tough apologetic issues and sharing the gospel. Now, as a married, homeschooling mother of four and an avid podcaster, Summer’s perspectiveContinue reading “Engaging the Cults With Summer Jaeger”

A Theology of Language: Dr. Vern Poythress Speaks

The inconvenience of learning a foreign language is a major reason people choose not to pursue cross-cultural missions. But, as Dr. Vern Poythress explains, language isn’t just a barrier; it’s a gift from God that displays his creativity. In this special interview, Dr. Poythress explains why language itself finds its source in the Trinity, howContinue reading “A Theology of Language: Dr. Vern Poythress Speaks”

How Much Do the Unreached Know? Natural Revelation and Evangelism

When we consider unreached and unengaged people groups, we typically think of them as knowing nothing at all of God. But a biblical theology of natural revelation and common grace drives us to a deeper understanding of the fact that all human beings are surrounded by the visible glory of God—and it’s precisely this factContinue reading “How Much Do the Unreached Know? Natural Revelation and Evangelism”

Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers

Behind every great missionary, there’s a great sending pastor. That was certainly true in the case of Andrew Fuller, the pastor of William Carey and a fellow advocate of the modern missionary movement among the English Particular Baptists of his day. What can modern ministers learn from this influential local church leader who helped launchContinue reading “Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers”