Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024

Are confessions a good or bad thing? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Dr. James Renihan, President of International Reformed Baptist Seminary as he discusses his work with the 1689 London Confession and the role it plays in the life of the church and everyday Christians. Did you missContinue reading “Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024”

Partnering on Mission: Why Church Associationalism Matters With Dr. James Renihan

Modern people are fiercely independent. In America, our churches tightly hold on to their freedom. What biblical basis is there for church associations? Can Baptists partner together on mission while still holding to local church autonomy? Dr. James Renihan, theologian and president of International Reformed Baptist Seminary, answers. After a ministry of church planting inContinue reading “Partnering on Mission: Why Church Associationalism Matters With Dr. James Renihan”

Cooperation, Direct Sending, or Both? Paul Davis Answers – #FTC22

How should local churches work together in the cause of missions? Should more churches cooperate? Is direct sending and support raising the best option? We kick off our first feature from For the Church 2022 by talking to Paul Davis, ABWE president. Watch the video version of this episode on the ABWE YouTube channel. Believe inContinue reading “Cooperation, Direct Sending, or Both? Paul Davis Answers – #FTC22”

Who Was George Liele? Jason Duesing on the First African American Missionary

Born into slavery, George Liele is credited as being the first African-American missionary and Baptist missionary in the modern missionary movement. So why haven’t we heard his story? Dr. Jason Duesing, missions advocate and academic Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, explains. Duesing serves as a research fellow for the Ethics andContinue reading “Who Was George Liele? Jason Duesing on the First African American Missionary”

Paul Davis on Why Baptism Matters to Missions

Is baptism the most neglected part of the Great Commission? In this conversation, Paul Davis of ABWE shares why cross-cultural workers are tempted to neglect this ordinance among the least-reached—and how steeping ourselves in Scripture’s teaching on baptism can solve the problem. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions PodcastContinue reading “Paul Davis on Why Baptism Matters to Missions”

Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey

Sometimes the missionary task is a balance between evangelism and humanitarianism. William Carey believed that the more evangelized a society was, the more civilized it became—and the more civilized it was, the more open to evangelized it would become. But was he right? C.J. Moore, missions mobilizer, Midwestern Seminary Ph.D. student and fellow, and pastorContinue reading “Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey”

How to Be a Next-Level Sending Church

Click here to watch the video version of this episode. In this episode, ABWE President Paul Davis sits down (virtually) with Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford for a GARBC 2020 conference breakout session on global missions and how churches can become next-level senders. To learn more about the Live Global adopt-an-unreached-people-group initiative, visit AndContinue reading “How to Be a Next-Level Sending Church”

When the Church Can’t Gather: Pandemics, Persecution, and Worship on the Mission Field

Does online worship count as “church?” Is Sunday unique as the Lord’s Day? Does the Bible give us a regulative principle or worship, or a normative principle of worship? The current global crisis has brought up these important questions about ecclesiology—questions that missionaries already face in parts of the world where gathering openly and regularlyContinue reading “When the Church Can’t Gather: Pandemics, Persecution, and Worship on the Mission Field”

Disagreeing Agreeably: An Honest Discussion on Separation, Fundamentalism, and Cooperation with Josh Teis

Nothing requires Christians across tribal lines to work together quite like the Great Commission. However, nothing divides Christians quite like our mission and methods, either. How can we cooperate and disagree agreeably in an age of separatism, without compromising on gospel issues and matters of sound, biblical, conservative theology? How can missionaries understand fundamentalism andContinue reading “Disagreeing Agreeably: An Honest Discussion on Separation, Fundamentalism, and Cooperation with Josh Teis”

Danny Akin on Mobilizing Millennials — and Young Men

Where are all the qualified, seminary-educated young men in the missions world? How can a Bible college or seminary maximize its potential to mobilize students for the work of the Great Commission? Where is the modern missions movement going? This week we’re joined by Dr. Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, author, scholar,Continue reading “Danny Akin on Mobilizing Millennials — and Young Men”

Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers

Behind every great missionary, there’s a great sending pastor. That was certainly true in the case of Andrew Fuller, the pastor of William Carey and a fellow advocate of the modern missionary movement among the English Particular Baptists of his day. What can modern ministers learn from this influential local church leader who helped launchContinue reading “Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers”

Conrad Mbewe: Combatting Prosperity Teaching in Africa

Christianity isn’t spreading into Africa; it’s already there. But as our guest this week shares, it is afflicted by the problem of syncretism, hyper-charismatic influence, so-called prosperity “gospel” teaching, and weak theology. How can pastors and missionaries confront these threats and help the African church develop theologies that are rich, sound, and historically rooted? ConradContinue reading “Conrad Mbewe: Combatting Prosperity Teaching in Africa”

God’s Sovereignty, Human Responsibility, and Missions

Is Reformed theology antithetical to missions? Can Calvinists and Arminians partner together in gospel ministry? Today, Scott and Alex take a swing at these hotly-debated topics and provide answers from a biblical perspective recognizing that God’s sovereignty is fully compatible with the call to repent and believe the gospel—and how the fact that Christ hasContinue reading “God’s Sovereignty, Human Responsibility, and Missions”