The State of Christianity in Africa With Conrad Mbewe | Missionary 2024

What language groups still need the Bible in Africa? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott talk with Conrad Mbewe, author, pastor, and theologian as he talks about the history of William Tyndale, and the current need of Bible translators and theological educators. Did you miss Missionary Conference? Get access to all ofContinue reading “The State of Christianity in Africa With Conrad Mbewe | Missionary 2024”

What About Orality? Jonathan Worthington Answers

As Christians, we hold the Bible in the highest esteem. But what happens when the people we are trying to reach have a primarily oral culture—how do we ensure that the message of Scripture is accurately transmitted and understood in cultures where literacy is not the norm? In this podcast interview with Jonathan Worthington, Ph.D.,Continue reading “What About Orality? Jonathan Worthington Answers”

#RMC22: Steve Meister on Classical Hermeneutics and Bible Translation

Right now, two controversies are brewing. In the world of theology, conservative evangelicals are torn over classical theism and pre-modern hermeneutics. And in the missions world, Bible translation methodologies remain a lightning-rod issue. In this meaty conversation from the Radius Missiology Conference, Steve Meister, pastor and board member for Bible Translation Fellowship, explains why these twoContinue reading “#RMC22: Steve Meister on Classical Hermeneutics and Bible Translation”

Translating the Bible Isn’t Enough: Kyle D. on Bible Translation and Church Planting

The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few (Matt. 9:37). Only 713 of the world’s 7,387 languages have a full Bible translation. Yet our work can’t stop with translation. In this interview, Kyle D. of Bible Translation Fellowship asks churches to send more teams of church-planters and Bible translators. Kyle is the founder and executive director of BTF. HeContinue reading “Translating the Bible Isn’t Enough: Kyle D. on Bible Translation and Church Planting”

#RMC21: Wayne Chen on Overcoming Apathy and Suffering Well

Recorded live at the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference: Wayne Chen, director of Radius Asia, was a pastor who wanted to send missionaries. In the end, he ended up mobilizing himself—and repenting of his apathy. But as his ministry among the Biem people group in Papua New Guinea reached its climax, he and his wife Gail receivedContinue reading “#RMC21: Wayne Chen on Overcoming Apathy and Suffering Well”

Translating the Bible in 40 Weeks? Dan Kramer on Bible Translation Methods

Of the world’s 7,100 languages, less than ten percent have a complete, written Bible. The Great Commission depends on translations into the heart languages of the lost. How can we get Scripture into the remaining languages without waiting for English-speaking experts in Greek and Hebrew to learn multiple foreign languages—or, is speeding up the processContinue reading “Translating the Bible in 40 Weeks? Dan Kramer on Bible Translation Methods”