God’s Call to Be Radically Ordinary in Our Faith With Michael Horton

Is being radical the point of Christianity? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, we dig into the archives for a conversation with Dr. Michael Horton as he talks about his book, “Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World”. Together they talk about how the modern rhetoric and mindset of needing to beContinue reading “God’s Call to Be Radically Ordinary in Our Faith With Michael Horton”

Beheading Statues and Engaging the Public Sphere With Ben Zeisloft

What is the limit of free speech in society? What is the limit that Christians should adhere to? In this week’s episode, Alex Kocman sits down with Ben Zeisloft, the editor at The Sentinel, a Christian news outlet, to discuss the legal case of Michael Cassidy, who illegally tore down a Satanic statue at theContinue reading “Beheading Statues and Engaging the Public Sphere With Ben Zeisloft”

Voddie Baucham on Education, Mission, and Christian Culture-Building

In this dynamic episode of The Missions Podcast, we sit down with Dr. Voddie Baucham to explore the intersection of education, mission, and Christian culture-building. Dr. Baucham, a respected figure in pastoral work and theological education, currently shaping minds at the African Christian University in Zambia, brings his unique perspective to the table. The discussionContinue reading “Voddie Baucham on Education, Mission, and Christian Culture-Building”

Hope for American Evangelicals: A Missionary Perspective on Restoring Our Broken House With Matt Bennett

Is the American evangelical house in order? Or is it in need of a remodel? Or—even worse—should we sell the house altogether and look for another home? Matt Bennett answers these timely questions from the missionary perspective of Lesslie Newbigin. Dr. Matthew Bennett joined the faculty at Cedarville University in fall 2017 after serving and living inContinue reading “Hope for American Evangelicals: A Missionary Perspective on Restoring Our Broken House With Matt Bennett”

How to Reach LGBTQ With the Gospel: Jim Childs

Enter our giveaway to attend the Radius Missiology Conference in person or virtually. Details at missionspodcast.com/radius22. Many of us are afraid to directly present Christ to those caught up in the LGBTQ subculture. Should we be afraid? How can we win the person, not just the argument? And what does Scripture say? In this episode, weContinue reading “How to Reach LGBTQ With the Gospel: Jim Childs”

The Transcultural Gospel: E.D. Burns

Honor and shame. Fear and power. Guilt and innocence. Missiologists are increasingly identifying these cultural value systems as the key to communicating the gospel. But have we gotten them wrong? E.D. Burns, author of The Transcultural Gospel, returns to the show to explain how the biblical gospel message transcends cultures and all our imperfect effortsContinue reading “The Transcultural Gospel: E.D. Burns”

‘Reverse Missions’ and Global Christianity

African Christians are coming to the US as missionaries—or are they? Many are saying that “reverse missions”—from the Majority World to the West—is on the rise. But the whole picture isn’t that simple, as the world and the Western church still have a lot to learn from each other. Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford exploreContinue reading “‘Reverse Missions’ and Global Christianity”

Christian Nationalism, Patriotism, and Globalism

Recent political events and rallies have Christians asking: what is nationalism? Is it the same as patriotism? These questions are vitally important to the missionary. Can a missionary truly love his home country that he’s leaving—and if so, how? What does Scripture say about love of country—or countries, for that matter? And what about globalism?Continue reading “Christian Nationalism, Patriotism, and Globalism”

Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions

In Genesis, Adam was told to be fruitful, multiply, and take dominion of creation. He failed. Now, believers in Christ are called to spread the good news of Christ to the world. Are these two separate missions, or is the Great Commission a renewal of the original marching orders from Eden? Matthew Newkirk, author ofContinue reading “Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions”

Know Your Place: How to Identify and Study Your Mission Field

In today’s technology-saturated world, we can “be” anywhere—except where we actually are. Place matters. So how can we identify what our “mission field” is around us and know the way it thinks? In this episode, Scott and Alex dive into the book of Acts for answers about worldview, context, and missional living. Remember to share,Continue reading “Know Your Place: How to Identify and Study Your Mission Field”

Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas

In 2020, it’s impossible to escape the topic of privilege. This week, we dive into the archives and bring back our May 2019 interview with Chad Vegas, founding board member of Radius International and lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, and our discussion of “gospel privilege.” Perhaps it has never been more timely. Chad is the founding pastorContinue reading “Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas”

Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey

Sometimes the missionary task is a balance between evangelism and humanitarianism. William Carey believed that the more evangelized a society was, the more civilized it became—and the more civilized it was, the more open to evangelized it would become. But was he right? C.J. Moore, missions mobilizer, Midwestern Seminary Ph.D. student and fellow, and pastorContinue reading “Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey”

Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice

Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube. Social justice. Critical theory. Post-colonialism. Intersectionality. These issues have divided believers and unbelievers alike in the church over the last few years, and in 2020 the issue is impossible to escape. Is conservative evangelicalism beginning to compromise biblical teaching on complex social issues? And if so,Continue reading “Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice”

Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains

Christians live in an age of iconoclasm. How can we do church history and modern missions history responsibly—without falling into the opposite errors of hero-worship or “cancel culture”? Jonathan Arnold, Associate Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, weighs in from his perspective as a church historian. For three years,Continue reading “Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains”

Is All Theology Cultural? Biblical Authority and Contextualization

Biblical authority is under attack. A missionary’s job is partly to make the transcendents truths of God’s word understandable within human language, context, and culture. But is it possible to know God’s objective truth, or are we always “stuck” within our culture—making modern missions inescapably colonialist? In this episode, Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman dialogueContinue reading “Is All Theology Cultural? Biblical Authority and Contextualization”

Special Episode: What Do the Hong Kong Protests Have to Do With Missions?

Between 1-2 million people have been taking to the streets in Hong Kong—even singing Christian hymns—in peaceful protest over a new extradition law representing China’s continued aim to tighten its fist and squelch political and religious liberties in the semi-autonomous region. What can believers learn from this complex situation? In this special episode, Alex KocmanContinue reading “Special Episode: What Do the Hong Kong Protests Have to Do With Missions?”

Culture: When to Bend, When to Break—Kenneth Nehrbass Explains

Everybody talks about “engaging culture.” Culture is a slippery concept. When should missionaries break from their host culture, and when should they bend with it? Is missions mainly about creating countless contextualized Christianities across various cultures, or is it also about assimilating believers into one overarching Christian culture? We discussed these issues with Dr. KennethContinue reading “Culture: When to Bend, When to Break—Kenneth Nehrbass Explains”

Micah Fries: What Christians Should Know About Islam in North America

The presence of Islam in North America is still a lightning-rod issue, even 17 years after 9/11. This week we return to the topic of how Christians can engage their Muslim immigrant and refugee neighbors—and wade through the complicated waters of related political issues—in a way that is biblical and missional. We consulted a newContinue reading “Micah Fries: What Christians Should Know About Islam in North America”

What Are Worldviews and How Do They Change? John Mark Yeats on Paul Hiebert

We use the word “worldview” a lot, but what does it actually mean? Does anthropology have anything to teach missionaries—and can it give us a model for how worldviews actually change as people are converted to Christ? To help us make sense of these questions addressed in the late Dr. Paul Hiebert’s classic missiological text TransformingContinue reading “What Are Worldviews and How Do They Change? John Mark Yeats on Paul Hiebert”

Mere Hope: Jason Duesing on Missionary Hope in a Cynical Age

We live in an age of perpetual outrage and cynicism, and lost hope takes its greatest toll upon the missionary endeavor. This week we spoke with Dr. Jason Duesing, passionate missions sender and academic Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, author of the new book Mere Hope: Life in An AgeContinue reading “Mere Hope: Jason Duesing on Missionary Hope in a Cynical Age”

How Missionaries Should Think About Economics With Matthew Arbo

Announcement: It’s the show’s first birthday! As a way of thanking our loyal listeners, we’re giving away some great, free books and spiffy, new ABWE swag. Click here for details and to enter our drawing. “It’s the economy, stupid.” Economics is complicated enough already, but injecting a Christian perspective adds a new layer. How doContinue reading “How Missionaries Should Think About Economics With Matthew Arbo”

Collin Hansen: Social Justice, Racial Reconciliation, and Missions

What is a biblical definition “social justice” and how does it relate to the gospel? What bearing does the recent conversation about racial reconciliation—and the resulting controversy—have for missionaries ministering to disparate and people groups and ethnicities? How can the church do a better job of addressing social justice and racial issues without proposing leftistContinue reading “Collin Hansen: Social Justice, Racial Reconciliation, and Missions”

Barnabas Piper on Ministry Kids, Curiosity, and Identity

How do you handle the pressures of growing up hearing “don’t waste your life,” and what lessons can missionary kids and pastors’ kids take away? Barnabas Piper joins us this week as we wander to and fro to discuss those topics along with cultivating a curiosity with other cultures, parenting with an eye towards missions, and avoiding ministry cynicism by grounding our identity in Christ.