Scripture commands us not only to preach the gospel but to care for the poor and suffering. But affluent North Americans can sometimes do more harm than good. How can we help without hurting? Author and professor Brian Fikkert joins to discuss his landmark missions book When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without HurtingContinue reading “When Helping Hurts With Brian Fikkert”
Tag Archives: poverty
Missions in the Old Testament and in the Horn of Africa: Jason DeRouchie Explains – #FTC22
How does God show his heart for the nations in the Old Testament? And how is he still showing it throughout the least-reached parts of the world? Dr. Jason DeRouchie, research professor of Old Testament and biblical theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, gives some powerful exhortations. Watch the video version of this episode here.Continue reading “Missions in the Old Testament and in the Horn of Africa: Jason DeRouchie Explains – #FTC22”
When Helping Works: Michael Badriaki on Western Dependence in Uganda
Enter our giveaway to attend the Radius Missiology Conference in person or virtually. Details at Many missions-minded Christians have read When Helping Hurts and resonated with its message—that sometimes in missionary work, we can do more harm than good in the name of Jesus. But in When Helping Works: Alleviating Fear and Pain inContinue reading “When Helping Works: Michael Badriaki on Western Dependence in Uganda”
Peter Greer: Helping Without Hurting, Avoiding Mission Drift, and Supporting Enterprise
Sometimes in missions, helping can hurt. But have we taken that simple fact too far—as an excuse for inaction? Peter Greer, president of HOPE International, explains how missionaries can responsibly approach the problem of poverty and how churches and ministries can avoid mission drift. Peter Greer is the president and CEO of HOPE International, aContinue reading “Peter Greer: Helping Without Hurting, Avoiding Mission Drift, and Supporting Enterprise”
Thinking Christianly About Haiti
The assassination of Haiti’s president on July 7 put Haiti back in the news. For years, this nation has been caught in a painful cycle of crime, corruption, poverty, and natural disaster. What is the news not telling us, and how is the gospel the answer? Live Global missionary Ismael, a Haitian national and OldContinue reading “Thinking Christianly About Haiti”
Mercy, Justice, and Missions: Dr. George Grant
Everyone is debating social justice. But what happened to mercy ministry? Have we forgotten compassion in the midst of our gospel preaching? Dr. George Grant explains how mercy and justice flow from gospel proclamation, sharing his insights from working with homeless, advocating for the unborn, and even helping plant classical Christian schools in the MiddleContinue reading “Mercy, Justice, and Missions: Dr. George Grant”
Has the White Savior Complex Infected Evangelical Missions?
The story of American missionary Renee Bach made waves last year when she was implicated in the deaths of more than 100 Ugandan children. But does her complex situation serve as a mirror for us—and for modern evangelical missions in general? This week, Scott and Alex address whether or not Western missions is dominated byContinue reading “Has the White Savior Complex Infected Evangelical Missions?”
Racial Reconciliation and Multiethnic Church Planting in South Africa
In this episode, Scott and Alex discuss the uniquenesses of racial reconciliation and multiethnic church planting in South Africa. With Apartheid a mere 20 years in South Africa’s rearview, ethnic tensions still threaten to divide the church. In this insightful interview, our guest, an 18-year veteran of church planting missions to South Africa, shares simple strategies their teamContinue reading “Racial Reconciliation and Multiethnic Church Planting in South Africa”