Are you satisfied with your prayer life? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott sit down with returning guest Peter Greer to talk about prayer. They discuss the importance of prayer, why it is so hard but vital to prioritize in ministry, and prayer lessons from some of the top ministryContinue reading “Prayer Habits From Top Ministry Leaders With Peter Greer”
Tag Archives: prayer
Are you Relying on Your Own Competence Rather Than God?
Have you neglected prayer so much that you are relying on your own competence in ministry rather than on the Holy Spirit? Peter Greer joins The Missions Podcast this week.
T4G22: The Need for Church Planting With Thad Bergmeier
Thousands of churches worldwide are closing each year. What can we do to stem the tide? Thad Bergmeier, executive director of EveryEthne, shares solutions. Join the movement. Sign up to participate in the Day of Prayer for Church Planting. You can watch the video version of this episode on the Missions Podcast Facebook page. Subscribe now toContinue reading “T4G22: The Need for Church Planting With Thad Bergmeier”
T4G22: Prayer and Movements? Jonathan Arnold Explains
Prayer is the beating heart of missions. But how should we pray? Can we repeat pre-written prayers, or is that inauthentic? And what can history teach us about how prayer has sparked missions movements? Our friend Dr. Jonathan Arnold returns to the show to explain in this bonus interview. This conversation was recorded live atContinue reading “T4G22: Prayer and Movements? Jonathan Arnold Explains”
How to Share Christ With Muslims During Ramadan: Matt Bennett Speaks
Evangelism is hard. How can Christians share the gospel with Muslims during Ramadan? Should missionaries in Islamic lands adopt the spiritual practices of their neighbors? Matt Bennett, author and professor, shares his experience from ministering in the Middle East. Dr. Matthew Bennett joined the faculty at Cedarville University in fall 2017 after serving and living in NorthContinue reading “How to Share Christ With Muslims During Ramadan: Matt Bennett Speaks”
Prayer as Warfare: A Front-Lines Perspective With Dr. Tom Kendall
Spiritual activity in Africa—whether one calls it African traditional religion, spiritism, tribal religion, or animism—is real. Christians are called not only to gospel witness but also to spiritual warfare. This week, Dr. Tom Kendall, medical missionary and chief of surgery at HĂ´pital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) in Tsiko, Togo, explains how missions-minded believers can fight onContinue reading “Prayer as Warfare: A Front-Lines Perspective With Dr. Tom Kendall”
Thad Bergmeier on the Power of Prayer in Missions
It’s hard to deny: we experience little power in evangelism and missions because we’re slothful in prayer. Jonathan Edwards believed that the world would be reached for Christ when God’s people pled divine promises back to God in prayer. Was he right? And what is the relationship between prayer and revival? Dr. Thad Bergmeier, RegionalContinue reading “Thad Bergmeier on the Power of Prayer in Missions”
Disciple-Making Movements: A Critical Discussion With Dr. Glenn Sunshine
Disciple-making movements (DMM) and church planting movements (CPM) are more than just buzzwords—they represent controversial methodologies that are dividing missionaries along organization and theological lines. Do these methodologies represent faulty views of conversion or ecclesiology, or are the critics guilty of prayerlessness and quenching the Holy Spirit? We’ve explored these topics in the past onContinue reading “Disciple-Making Movements: A Critical Discussion With Dr. Glenn Sunshine”
What Every Missionary Needs to Know About Lament: Mark Vroegop Explains
Lament—though it litters the psalter—is a lost art form in modern evangelicalism. In a culture as torn-apart as ours, it makes sense that engaging grief biblically can open spiritual doors previously shut. Not only that, but embracing the grace of lament can also prepare missionaries and pastors for the pains and losses that often markContinue reading “What Every Missionary Needs to Know About Lament: Mark Vroegop Explains”
A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Warfare and Missions
Among the practical topics on which missionaries receive hands-on training, spiritual warfare can sometimes fall by the wayside—but spiritual warfare is crucial for missionaries to grasp and engage effectively. How should we understand spiritual warfare in relation to pagan nations? Is exorcism normal and to be expected on the field? Do missionaries need to nameContinue reading “A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Warfare and Missions”
What Is a Missionary “Calling”? Caleb Suko Answers
Announcement: It’s the show’s first birthday! As a way of thanking our loyal listeners, we’re giving away some great, free books and spiffy, new ABWE swag. Click here for details and to enter our drawing. What is God’s will for my life? Is God calling me to missions? Is there such a thing as aContinue reading “What Is a Missionary “Calling”? Caleb Suko Answers”
Josh Daggett on Personal Evangelism and Prayer
We’ve all struggled to share our faith in one-on-one conversations. We also struggle with personal spiritual disciplines intimately connected to our effectiveness in evangelism—i.e., prayer. On this episode, Josh Daggett, lead pastor at Living Waters Fellowship in Des Moines, Iowa, shares his own encouragements, failures, and victories in these critical areas of ministry. We digContinue reading “Josh Daggett on Personal Evangelism and Prayer”
How to Be a “World Christian”
Voices in missions today tell us we should all become “global Christians.” In this episode we answer what that means and how to do it—with all the resources everyday believers need to stay informed.