James Dolezal: What Every Missionary Needs to Know About the Doctrine of God

Only a big view of God can sustain the people of God on a big mission. Yet have missionaries gotten their very doctrine of God himself wrong? This week, Dr. James Dolezal highlights the doctrines of divine simplicity, immutability, and aseity—aspects of theology proper often lost on modern evangelicalism—and why they matter for reaching pagans,Continue reading “James Dolezal: What Every Missionary Needs to Know About the Doctrine of God”

How to Tell Good Missionary Stories—Without Lying

We’ve all sat through missionary presentations in church that were
 less than dynamic. But we’ve also seen the dangers of sensationalized stories from across the world that proved untrue and led donors astray. How can missionaries become compelling storytellers, sharing what God is doing worldwide without fudging the truth? This week Scott and Alex talkContinue reading “How to Tell Good Missionary Stories—Without Lying”

Has the White Savior Complex Infected Evangelical Missions?

The story of American missionary Renee Bach made waves last year when she was implicated in the deaths of more than 100 Ugandan children. But does her complex situation serve as a mirror for us—and for modern evangelical missions in general? This week, Scott and Alex address whether or not Western missions is dominated byContinue reading “Has the White Savior Complex Infected Evangelical Missions?”

Paul Davis on Why Baptism Matters to Missions

Is baptism the most neglected part of the Great Commission? In this conversation, Paul Davis of ABWE shares why cross-cultural workers are tempted to neglect this ordinance among the least-reached—and how steeping ourselves in Scripture’s teaching on baptism can solve the problem. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions PodcastContinue reading “Paul Davis on Why Baptism Matters to Missions”

Are Short-Term Missions Trips Dead? Jason Phillips Answers

The world has changed dramatically. Have we witnessed the demise of the short-term missions trip? Jason Phillips doesn’t think so. This week, he explains why—and how pastors and missions trip leaders can do a better job of maximizing the long-term impact of short-term trips. Jason Phillips was recently appointed to ABWE as executive director for aContinue reading “Are Short-Term Missions Trips Dead? Jason Phillips Answers”

Do Missionaries Need to Meet the Biblical Qualifications for Elders?

In 2019, Paul Washer delivered a stirring message at the G3 Conference defining a biblical missionary. His challenge begs the question: must missionaries meet the standard set by 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9? Are all missionaries elder-qualified lead church-planters, or is there room for a diversity of roles on missionary teams? Scott and AlexContinue reading “Do Missionaries Need to Meet the Biblical Qualifications for Elders?”

The Dangers of Insider Bible Translations: The Arlington Statement

Scripture calls Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Lamb slain for sinners. These glorious names run directly counter to the sensibilities of those belonging religions including Islam and Hinduism. Should Bible translators soften these words and concepts to contextualize God’s word? The framers of the recently-published Arlington Statement on Bible Translation say no.Continue reading “The Dangers of Insider Bible Translations: The Arlington Statement”

How to Be a Word-Centered Missionary: E.D. Burns

What is a “word-driven” missionary, and how can you become one? Adoniram and Ann Judson are stirring examples of Scripture-saturated missionaries whose methods subverted human wisdom. To explain this week, author and missionary E.D. Burns joins the show. E.D. Burns, Ph.D., is the author of The Missionary-Theologian and A Supreme Desire to Please Him: TheContinue reading “How to Be a Word-Centered Missionary: E.D. Burns”

Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions

In Genesis, Adam was told to be fruitful, multiply, and take dominion of creation. He failed. Now, believers in Christ are called to spread the good news of Christ to the world. Are these two separate missions, or is the Great Commission a renewal of the original marching orders from Eden? Matthew Newkirk, author ofContinue reading “Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions”

Know Your Place: How to Identify and Study Your Mission Field

In today’s technology-saturated world, we can “be” anywhere—except where we actually are. Place matters. So how can we identify what our “mission field” is around us and know the way it thinks? In this episode, Scott and Alex dive into the book of Acts for answers about worldview, context, and missional living. Remember to share,Continue reading “Know Your Place: How to Identify and Study Your Mission Field”

Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas

In 2020, it’s impossible to escape the topic of privilege. This week, we dive into the archives and bring back our May 2019 interview with Chad Vegas, founding board member of Radius International and lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, and our discussion of “gospel privilege.” Perhaps it has never been more timely. Chad is the founding pastorContinue reading “Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas”

American Gospel or Biblical Gospel? Sean DeMars on the Danger of Prosperity Preaching

The so-called “prosperity gospel” has infected evangelical religious life. But it doesn’t just appear in the overt claims that God wants us to be rich and healthy—it takes far more insidious forms. Is the American dream antithetical to the missionary calling? What role does suffering play in our mission to the nations? Sean DeMars, formerContinue reading “American Gospel or Biblical Gospel? Sean DeMars on the Danger of Prosperity Preaching”

Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey

Sometimes the missionary task is a balance between evangelism and humanitarianism. William Carey believed that the more evangelized a society was, the more civilized it became—and the more civilized it was, the more open to evangelized it would become. But was he right? C.J. Moore, missions mobilizer, Midwestern Seminary Ph.D. student and fellow, and pastorContinue reading “Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey”

Are International Churches Missional? Scott Zeller on Pastoring Expats

Missions means doing hard things in hard places. So are English-speaking churches geared towards expats truly reaching the unreached, or does more need to be done? The answers may surprise you. This week, Scott Zeller, executive pastor of Redeemer Church of Dubai, reframes the issue. Scott Zeller is involved in regional church planting and theological educationContinue reading “Are International Churches Missional? Scott Zeller on Pastoring Expats”

Brooks Buser Answers: How Dare Missionaries Seek to Convert?

On August 8, 2020, a simple tweet by Brooks Buser, president of Radius International, ignited a firestorm of controversy: “Thank you for the prayers for Amdu people and team. By God’s grace, there are now members of that people group who are reconciled to God, who no longer have their sins counted against them.” Skeptics,Continue reading “Brooks Buser Answers: How Dare Missionaries Seek to Convert?”

Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice

Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube. Social justice. Critical theory. Post-colonialism. Intersectionality. These issues have divided believers and unbelievers alike in the church over the last few years, and in 2020 the issue is impossible to escape. Is conservative evangelicalism beginning to compromise biblical teaching on complex social issues? And if so,Continue reading “Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice”

Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains

Christians live in an age of iconoclasm. How can we do church history and modern missions history responsibly—without falling into the opposite errors of hero-worship or “cancel culture”? Jonathan Arnold, Associate Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, weighs in from his perspective as a church historian. For three years,Continue reading “Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains”

Tragedy in Beirut and What It Means for Missions: Pierre Houssney Speaks

On August 4, 2020, the world’s eyes were glued on Beirut, Lebanon as two fatal explosions in a major urban center caused at least 171 deaths, 6,000 injuries, rocked social media, and left an estimated 300,000 people homeless. Pierre Rashad Houssney is Middle East and North Africa Regional Director for Horizons International, based in Beirut,Continue reading “Tragedy in Beirut and What It Means for Missions: Pierre Houssney Speaks”

Is Netflix Killing Missions? Tony Reinke on Media and Technology

“Stay safe, stay home” may be a reasonable mantra during a pandemic, but that thinking long-term suffocates the missionary spirit. Most of us are already technology-addicted, and now streaming video services like Netflix are arguably making it harder to be faithful as a missionary. This week, Tony Reinke of Desiring God explains why the missionaryContinue reading “Is Netflix Killing Missions? Tony Reinke on Media and Technology”

Apologetics, Evangelism, and Revival in Norway: Nahum O’Brien and Edvard Moe Explain

When most people think of Norway, they think of gorgeous fjords, bitter cold, and secularism—not a revival of interest in apologetics or biblical doctrine. Is this Scandinavian nation simply circling the drain of postmodernism, or is God doing something new? We ask that question to Nahum O’Brien, ABWE missionary to Norway, along with his nationalContinue reading “Apologetics, Evangelism, and Revival in Norway: Nahum O’Brien and Edvard Moe Explain”

How to Be a Next-Level Sending Church

Click here to watch the video version of this episode. In this episode, ABWE President Paul Davis sits down (virtually) with Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford for a GARBC 2020 conference breakout session on global missions and how churches can become next-level senders. To learn more about the Live Global adopt-an-unreached-people-group initiative, visit liveglobal.org/unreached. AndContinue reading “How to Be a Next-Level Sending Church”

Before You Quit: Doug Gehman on Perseverance

Ministry is hard. For many, the temptation to throw in the towel is an ever-present reality. How can pastors, missionaries, and other Christian workers develop a sustained pattern of daily endurance? Doug Gehman, president of Globe International and author of Before You Quit: Everyday Endurance, Moral Courage, and the Quest for Purpose (Moody, 2020), drawsContinue reading “Before You Quit: Doug Gehman on Perseverance”

Disaster, Discipleship, and the Developing World: Smita Singh on Cyclone Ampham

While our eyes were glued to Western news, Cyclone Ampham struck India and Bangladesh with deadly results. When tragedy strikes in affluent North America, we can recover much more quickly—but what happens to ministries in the developing world when natural disaster strikes? This week, Live Global partner Smita Singh returns to the show to discussContinue reading “Disaster, Discipleship, and the Developing World: Smita Singh on Cyclone Ampham”

Sheriff Chris Swanson on Faith, Justice, and Missions

Click here to watch the video version of this episode. Sheriff Chris Swanson in Genesee County near Flint, Michigan, went viral two weeks ago when he took off his helmet and riot gear, approached the crowd of demonstrators gathered in response to the killing of George Floyd, and reached out in love to build aContinue reading “Sheriff Chris Swanson on Faith, Justice, and Missions”

Fearless Leadership in Fearful Days: Charles Smith Speaks

Between global illness, national riots, and the ordinary lump-in-the-throat feeling that often accompanies Christian obedience, the temptations to retreat in fear—or simulate real risk with risk-free alternatives—are plentiful. But this is not the time for cowardice cloaked in carefulness. Now is the time for fearless mission. This week on The Missions Podcast, Charles Smith discussesContinue reading “Fearless Leadership in Fearful Days: Charles Smith Speaks”

Questioning Contextualization? With C.R. Wiley

Missiologists are always talking about contextualizing the church to the surrounding culture. But should we accommodate to a post-Christian culture, or a culture of death like we see in the West today? It’s time for us to rethink the ubiquitous acceptance of the logic of contextualization, says C.R. “Chris” Wiley. This week, Chris returns toContinue reading “Questioning Contextualization? With C.R. Wiley”

What Is Happening to China’s Uyghurs?

“Absolutely no mercy.” That’s how leaked documents describe the treatment of China’s Uyghur Muslims detained in “re-education” camps, according to the New York Times. In recent years, China has detained more than one million members of the ethnic minority concentrated in Xinjiang. What is really happening, and what should Christians do about it? This week,Continue reading “What Is Happening to China’s Uyghurs?”

Has COVID-19 Halted Global Missions? Paul Davis Answers

With global travel restrictions and months-long shutdowns in place, what is happening to world missions? Scott and Alex interviewed ABWE President Paul Davis to answer from his perspective overseeing work in 70 countries. In this episode, Paul shares his new rhythms in life, what missionaries are telling him, what he’d be doing right now ifContinue reading “Has COVID-19 Halted Global Missions? Paul Davis Answers”

The Biblical Way to Raise Support During Financial Crisis

Let’s admit it: ministry depends on money. But ministry partnership development, deputation, or raising missionary support were already hard enough. Now, with global economic shutdown and mass layoffs, making the “ask” feels wrong. How can missionaries connect with partners and churches and maintain funding in a way that is good, decent, and biblical? Jason RuchContinue reading “The Biblical Way to Raise Support During Financial Crisis”

When the Church Can’t Gather: Pandemics, Persecution, and Worship on the Mission Field

Does online worship count as “church?” Is Sunday unique as the Lord’s Day? Does the Bible give us a regulative principle or worship, or a normative principle of worship? The current global crisis has brought up these important questions about ecclesiology—questions that missionaries already face in parts of the world where gathering openly and regularlyContinue reading “When the Church Can’t Gather: Pandemics, Persecution, and Worship on the Mission Field”

Dr. Robin Hadaway on Reaching Folk Muslims

What is the difference between folk Islam and orthodox Islam—or folk religion in general and any other major religion—and how can Christians meaningfully present Christ in a context of traditional spiritism? Dr. Robin D. Hadaway joins us this week to unravel these complex missiological questions. Dr. Hadaway is professor of missions at Midwestern Baptist TheologicalContinue reading “Dr. Robin Hadaway on Reaching Folk Muslims”

What Does COVID-19 Mean for Medical Missions?

Healthcare missionaries across the globe are acutely feeling the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic—even in countries where there are few reported cases. And in developing nations where subsistence living is common, “shelter in place” isn’t feasible. What does coronavirus mean for medical missions? Joining Scott and Alex this week to answer is Jodi Boyd, ABWEContinue reading “What Does COVID-19 Mean for Medical Missions?”

Coronavirus and Plague: Lessons From Church History With Glenn Sunshine

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging churches to be more bold, evangelistic, and loving towards our neighbors than we’ve ever needed to be. But this isn’t the first time in church history that Christians have faced the challenge of a plague. In this episode, our friend Glenn Sunshine returns to share a history of pandemics, theContinue reading “Coronavirus and Plague: Lessons From Church History With Glenn Sunshine”

God’s Law or Sharia? 40 Questions About Islam With Matt Bennett

How can Christians with a high view of God’s moral law in the Old Testament address the apologetics challenged posed by the Islamic doctrine of sharia? That’s one of a number of thought-provoking questions tackled by Matt Bennett this week as he connects with Scott and Alex about his newest book, 40 Questions About Islam.Continue reading “God’s Law or Sharia? 40 Questions About Islam With Matt Bennett”

Serve in Place: Missions in a Pandemic

Global travel restrictions are in place. Hordes of healthy people throughout the U.S. and abroad can’t even get to their local church service in-person—much less to the mission field. Should we temporarily shift our focus away from global missions during the current crisis? Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman explore this complex question in this exclusiveContinue reading “Serve in Place: Missions in a Pandemic”

Paul Davis: Why the Gospel Must Be ‘Preached’

In the missions community, we all believe the gospel must be spread. But there is increasing resistance to the idea of “preaching” or “proclaiming” the gospel with authority and simplicity. Why is that? ABWE President Paul Davis joins Scott and Alex this week to explain what is burdening him and what he’s seeing in the heart ofContinue reading “Paul Davis: Why the Gospel Must Be ‘Preached’”

Is Christianity a ‘Western Religion’? The Ancient Path in Asia

Throughout southeast Asia, where John m has ministered with ABWE for years, one of the major barriers to the gospel is the misconception that Christianity is a Western or even American religion. Is that true—and if not, how can we counteract that understanding? In this episode, John explains the miraculous story of The Ancient PathContinue reading “Is Christianity a ‘Western Religion’? The Ancient Path in Asia”

Special Episode: How Does Coronavirus Affect Missions?

Note: With the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 situation, some of the information in this podcast may now be outdated. For the latest on ABWE’s response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, see here. For the latest medical facts and figures, please refer to the U.S. CDC or WHO.​ With global health and economic implications, how should Christian missionaries throughout Asia and beyond respondContinue reading “Special Episode: How Does Coronavirus Affect Missions?”

From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism

Anthony Mathenia ministered faithfully in Ethiopia as a missionary, but the pragmatism and watering-down of the gospel he saw from his fellow cross-cultural workers worried him. He was charting a new course—until God’s sovereignty directed him elsewhere, and the sudden passing of his wife brought him back to the U.S. to raise their children. NowContinue reading “From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism”

Can Soldiers Become Missionaries? Rich Culp on Military Ministry

Our soldiers are already deployed to some of the hardest places in the world and learn foreign languages and important cross-cultural skills. What if they carried the gospel to the people around them? This week, ABWE North America missionary Rich Culp explains the pros and cons of the strategy and why oftentimes U.S. military personnelContinue reading “Can Soldiers Become Missionaries? Rich Culp on Military Ministry”

How Do Chinese Christians Think? Diane Poythress on the Church in Asia

“Eastern” and “Western” aren’t just geographic labels—they’re terms that signify a massive worldview chasm. How do Chinese culture, the Confucian system of thought, and Eastern patterns of thought impact the church in Asia? What questions to Chinese Christians tend to bring to the Bible, and what questions should they—and we—be asking instead? Dr. Diane PoythressContinue reading “How Do Chinese Christians Think? Diane Poythress on the Church in Asia”

The Tragic Fruit of Liberalism in Missions: Mark Tatlock Explains

We often talk about the state of theology in the American church, but what about on the mission field? In this episode, Mark Tatlock, president of The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), explains why there is reason for rejoicing but also much concern—and how the root of many heresies overseas can be traced to a gradualContinue reading “The Tragic Fruit of Liberalism in Missions: Mark Tatlock Explains”

Translating the Bible in 40 Weeks? Dan Kramer on Bible Translation Methods

Of the world’s 7,100 languages, less than ten percent have a complete, written Bible. The Great Commission depends on translations into the heart languages of the lost. How can we get Scripture into the remaining languages without waiting for English-speaking experts in Greek and Hebrew to learn multiple foreign languages—or, is speeding up the processContinue reading “Translating the Bible in 40 Weeks? Dan Kramer on Bible Translation Methods”

Mailbag: Finishing the Task, Counting Converts, and Defining the ‘Call’

Is it possible to “finish the task” of missions? How should we count converts—if at all? Is it necessary to feel a sense of calling before pursuing missions? We tackle these questions are more received by listeners in this week’s special episode. In the conversation, we also referenced these past episodes: “Do We Need toContinue reading “Mailbag: Finishing the Task, Counting Converts, and Defining the ‘Call’”