Essential traits of a potential missionary from the mouths of pastors.
Podcast Archives
Dawkins, Haiti, and Christendom: A Missions News Rundown
Alex and Scott delve into pressing global headlines and explore their implications for the church worldwide. In this episode, we assess the spiritual and societal challenges faced by believers in various regions and how these events shape mission. Stories covered:
Christianity Will Win
Coming up this week: Scott and Alex dive into current global headlines and assess the state of the church across the nations. Tune in for insightful analysis Sunday night at 7 PM when the new episode drops.
Beyond Winsomeness: Michael Clary on the Church Planting Movement and Contextualization in an Age of Sexual Confusion
How can the church hold to its foundational truths while effectively engaging in a rapidly shifting cultural landscape? This episode features Michael Clary, a seasoned ministry leader with insights into church planting and cultural engagement. As we delve into topics like the dangers of cultural Marxism within the church and the balance between truth andContinue reading “Beyond Winsomeness: Michael Clary on the Church Planting Movement and Contextualization in an Age of Sexual Confusion”
We’ve Gotten the Missional Thing Backwards
This week: Pastor Michael Clary joins us to analyze the missional movement and talk about what it takes to live faithfully in a negative cultural context. Tune in Sunday night!
Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 5: Surrendering to the Lord’s Leading
Original show notes: On this episode of Cloud of Witnesses, we hear the story of Gib and Marilyn Dickenson, who served in the West African country of Togo for 36 years. Gib and Marilyn share their experience of moving to Togo, which had recently opened to missionaries at the time, and the process of leadingContinue reading “Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 5: Surrendering to the Lord’s Leading”
A Crisis in Evangelism? A Conversation With Paul Akin
We’ve launched our premium membership! Visit to join and gain access to exclusive bonus content. In this episode of The Missions Podcast, we sit down with Dr. Paul Akin, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, to discuss the critical and evolving landscape of evangelism in today’s rapidly changingContinue reading “A Crisis in Evangelism? A Conversation With Paul Akin”
The 747 Principle
Coming up this Sunday: Paul Akin joins to do a deep dive on personal evangelism in an increasingly negative world.
Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 4: Focusing on the Family
Original show notes: In this enriching episode of Cloud of Witnesses, we delve into the nearly four-decade-long ministry journey of ABWE missionaries Dave and Becky Nelson, who devoted their lives to mission aviation and administrative roles in the Philippines. For Becky, missions wasn’t just an overseas endeavor but started right at home, focusing on raisingContinue reading “Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 4: Focusing on the Family”
Globalization and Blind Spots: Dr. Craig Ott on Contextualization
We’ve launched our premium membership! Visit to join and gain access to exclusive bonus content. Join us in empowering the next wave of missionaries by supporting those still in the crucial phase of raising support. Visit In this compelling episode, we delve into the complexities and challenges of contextualizing the gospel in a rapidly globalizingContinue reading “Globalization and Blind Spots: Dr. Craig Ott on Contextualization”
The Future of the Missionary Workforce
Coming up this Sunday: Dr. Craig Ott joins us to discuss the shifting tectonics of the global church and what it means for missions.
Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 3: Staying Faithful Where You’re Called
Original show notes: On this episode of Cloud of Witnesses, we hear from Rosie Stoner, who served with her late husband Bill for 39 years as missionaries with ABWE in several countries. Rosie and Bill served faithfully with ABWE in Chile, Spain, the United States, and Budapest. Rosie shares her personal struggles through a miscarriageContinue reading “Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 3: Staying Faithful Where You’re Called”
What Every Missionary Needs to Know About Language Acquisition: Jim Ruff Explains
We’ve launched our premium membership! Visit to join and gain access to exclusive bonus content. In this insightful episode, we explore the complex and often challenging journey of language learning for missionaries. Our guest, Jim Ruff, delves into a series of probing questions that shed light on common pitfalls, strategic decisions, and the spiritualContinue reading “What Every Missionary Needs to Know About Language Acquisition: Jim Ruff Explains”
Why Language Learning Is Everything
Coming up this week: Jim Ruff joins to discuss the dos and don’ts of language learning.
Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 2: Flying by Faith
Original show notes: In this episode of Cloud of Witnesses, we hear from missionary pilot Steve Aholt, and his wife Sandy, who served in Papua New Guinea for 24 years in missionary aviation. Steve and Sandy share incredible stories of seeing God’s faithfulness firsthand while serving the people of Papa New Guinea and opening upContinue reading “Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 2: Flying by Faith”
Evangelism, Media, and Saving the Unborn With Jon Speed
This week, we delve into the crucial intersection of missions, evangelism, and the pro-life movement with Jon Speed, pastor of missions and evangelism at By the Word Baptist Church in Azle, Texas. Jon brings a unique perspective on why the fight for the unborn is not just a political issue but a gospel imperative forContinue reading “Evangelism, Media, and Saving the Unborn With Jon Speed”
Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 1: Serving Through Suffering
Original show notes: In this pilot episode, we hear the story of Tim Bahula, from ABWE Canada, who served with his wife in Trinidad and Tobago for eight years. While home on furlough, the Bahula’s received the unexpected and devastating news that Jane had been diagnosed with cancer, and within months passed away. Tim opensContinue reading “Cloud of Witnesses Ep. 1: Serving Through Suffering”