We delve into the intriguing world of demonology with Scott D. MacDonald, author of Demonology for the Global Church: A Biblical Approach in a Multicultural Age. As a former missionary instructor and now an associate professor of theology, Scott brings a wealth of knowledge from his experiences in the field and academia. We explore theContinue reading “Demonology for the Global Church: Scott MacDonald on a Biblical Approach to the Unseen Realm”
Tag Archives: biblical theology
Why the Ascension Matters for Missionaries: Tim Bertolet
We explore the fascinating and often overlooked connections between the Book of Hebrews and the atonement of Jesus. Hebrews scholar Dr. Tim Bertolet, navigates the relationship between the cross, resurrection, and the ascension, particularly highlighting the significance of Jesus’ ascension for those well-versed in the power of the cross and resurrection but less familiar withContinue reading “Why the Ascension Matters for Missionaries: Tim Bertolet”
The Cross in Context? Exploring Atonement and Contextualization with Brad Vaughn
Engage in a thought-provoking continuation of The Missions Podcast as we delve into the ideas presented by Brad Vaughn in his book The Cross in Context. Join hosts Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford as they explore various perspectives on the relationship between Christianity and Western culture, the diverse metaphors of sin and Christ’s atonement, andContinue reading “The Cross in Context? Exploring Atonement and Contextualization with Brad Vaughn”
What Biblical Theology Can Teach Us About Mission: Scott Callaham
Across culture and even within the church, the sufficiency and authority of Scripture are under attack. What is needed is a return to biblical theology, says Dr. Scott Callaham, Ph.D., dean of the Institute for Public Theology. In this conversation, we explore what the whole counsel of Scripture has to say about our mission toContinue reading “What Biblical Theology Can Teach Us About Mission: Scott Callaham”
MEGA Episode: What Is a Nation? Vishal Mangalwadi on the Great Commission
Defining the word “nation” is crucial, and not just in missions—in culture and even politics, too. How does Scripture define “nation,” and what does it mean for the Great Commission? Indian philosopher and Christian activist Vishal Mangalwadi returns to the show to explore this multifaceted issue. What do you think of Mangalwadi’s view? Let usContinue reading “MEGA Episode: What Is a Nation? Vishal Mangalwadi on the Great Commission”
Mission Affirmed: Elliot Clark on Recovering Paul’s Missionary Motivation
Watch the video version of this episode here. Christians talk a lot about grace. We get it from the Apostle Paul. Yet Paul also yearned to be approved by the Lord on the last day for his missionary work. How do we hold these themes together? Elliot Clark, author of Mission Affirmed: Recovering the MissionaryContinue reading “Mission Affirmed: Elliot Clark on Recovering Paul’s Missionary Motivation”
#RMC21: Chad Vegas and Alex Kocman on Their Upcoming Book on Missions
Recorded live at the Radius Missiology Conference in Minneapolis: In this midweek exclusive, Chad Vegas, pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Bakersfield, California, and board chairman for Radius International, joins to discuss his and Alex Kocman’s new book on missions scheduled for publication from Founders Press later this year. Watch the video version of thisContinue reading “#RMC21: Chad Vegas and Alex Kocman on Their Upcoming Book on Missions”
Why the Great Commission Doesn’t Mean What You Think
Why have we been left in the world? We talk often about the Great Commission, but do we truly understand it? According to a 2019 Barna study, about three quarters of US evangelicals don’t. In this episode, Alex Kocman walks through the text of Matthew 28:18-20 to show what is beneath the surface. This talkContinue reading “Why the Great Commission Doesn’t Mean What You Think”
Heresy and Contextualization: Tim Bertolet on Galatians
We don’t normally think of Galatians as a “missions book.” Paul is confronting heretics, defending doctrine, and getting really, really detailed about circumcision. Yet according to Tim Bertolet, Ph.D., Galatians is all about God’s mission to the world. It exposes how we idolize contextualization, shows the healthy way to bring the gospel into new contexts,Continue reading “Heresy and Contextualization: Tim Bertolet on Galatians”
Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions
In Genesis, Adam was told to be fruitful, multiply, and take dominion of creation. He failed. Now, believers in Christ are called to spread the good news of Christ to the world. Are these two separate missions, or is the Great Commission a renewal of the original marching orders from Eden? Matthew Newkirk, author ofContinue reading “Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions”
Is All Theology Cultural? Biblical Authority and Contextualization
Biblical authority is under attack. A missionary’s job is partly to make the transcendents truths of God’s word understandable within human language, context, and culture. But is it possible to know God’s objective truth, or are we always “stuck” within our culture—making modern missions inescapably colonialist? In this episode, Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman dialogueContinue reading “Is All Theology Cultural? Biblical Authority and Contextualization”
What Missionaries Need to Know About the Faith and Works Debate: Chris Bruno on Justification and the Missiology of Paul and James
For New Testament students, fewer topics are more frequently studied and debated than the relationship between faith and works in the book of James and the letters of Paul. The question “how are we justified?” isn’t just a question asked in churches and seminaries—it’s also a vital question that relates to how we do missions.Continue reading “What Missionaries Need to Know About the Faith and Works Debate: Chris Bruno on Justification and the Missiology of Paul and James”
A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Warfare and Missions
Among the practical topics on which missionaries receive hands-on training, spiritual warfare can sometimes fall by the wayside—but spiritual warfare is crucial for missionaries to grasp and engage effectively. How should we understand spiritual warfare in relation to pagan nations? Is exorcism normal and to be expected on the field? Do missionaries need to nameContinue reading “A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Warfare and Missions”
Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions
Protestants in the West have a rich heritage of systematic theology—but it doesn’t always translate easily into new cultural contexts. Is a return to narrative-focused, biblical theology the answer? Chris Bruno, Assistant Professor of Greek and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary, joins us to answer and weigh in on his own cross-cultural experiencesContinue reading “Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions”
Paul Davis: Why Missionaries Must Be Theologians
On this episode, ABWE President Paul Davis joins us to share why it’s crucial that missionaries be theologians. We dive into why a “big God” theology that acknowledges the absolute supremacy of Christ is the only theology weighty enough to compel an unbeliever to convert and commit “treason” against their old gods. It’s also the onlyContinue reading “Paul Davis: Why Missionaries Must Be Theologians”