The Crisis in Manipur, India: Pastor Stephen Shares

What does it mean to keep the faith in the midst of persecution? This episode features Pastor Stephen, a Live Global partner from Manipur, India, discussing the severe challenges faced by Christians in a region marked by religious conflicts. Manipur’s Christians, often caught between competing religious groups, face significant oppression and violence at the handsContinue reading “The Crisis in Manipur, India: Pastor Stephen Shares”

Christmas Year in Review: Top Episodes, World Events, and Lessons Learned

In this special Christmas episode of The Missions Podcast, we take a moment to reflect on the past year, celebrating God’s unwavering guidance and the impactful conversations that have touched our hearts and minds. We revisit the best episodes of the year, shedding light on the valuable lessons and inspiring experiences that have deepened ourContinue reading “Christmas Year in Review: Top Episodes, World Events, and Lessons Learned”

Artificial Intelligence and World Missions

In this episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford explore the rise of AI and its effects on the global missions community. From AI-powered church services to a new partnership between SIL and Christian Vision to develop a Bible-focused chatbot, the discussion touches on the potential dangers and ethical concerns of AI,Continue reading “Artificial Intelligence and World Missions”

Erased: What Every Believer Needs to Know About the Armenian Christian Genocide, Then and Now—With Joel Veldkamp

In this eye-opening episode, we sit down with Joel Veldkamp, head of international communications at Christian Solidarity International, to discuss the ongoing crisis facing Armenian Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh. Joel brings his expertise to shed light on the historical, political, and spiritual dimensions of this crisis, urging the global Christian community to stand in solidarity withContinue reading “Erased: What Every Believer Needs to Know About the Armenian Christian Genocide, Then and Now—With Joel Veldkamp”

Are We ‘Unhinged’? What Genocide, Assassination, and Other Current News Means for Missions

In this week’s episode, we dive deep into the headlines that are shaping our world and explore how they intersect with the Great Commission. From the UN’s warning of a “great fracture” to geopolitical tensions between Canada and India, we ask: What does this mean for the spread of the gospel? We also shed lightContinue reading “Are We ‘Unhinged’? What Genocide, Assassination, and Other Current News Means for Missions”

China and the Future of Missions

In this episode of The Missions Podcast, tensions between the United States and China take center stage as Scott and Alex delve into the geopolitical rivalry’s impact on Christian workers in both countries with a world-class expert. With de-globalization and changing trends on the horizon, they explore the challenges missionaries face and offer strategies forContinue reading “China and the Future of Missions”

Spiritual Warfare in the News: A Missions Perspective

Headlines across the world are telling a single story: spiritual forces of darkness want to dominate the nations. How should Christians read global news with an awareness of Christ as Lord and a missionary heart? Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford navigate some of the top stories and seek to model a Christian response to worldContinue reading “Spiritual Warfare in the News: A Missions Perspective”

The Russian Church, Ukraine, and What American Christians Can Learn: Yevgeny Bakhmutsky at T4G22

American believers aren’t the only ones polarized over the last few years. For believers in Russia, the conflict in Ukraine is driving the same wedge through congregations that the social justice debate is in the West. How is the Russian church doing? How do Russian Christians view Ukraine? And what can American Christians and missionariesContinue reading “The Russian Church, Ukraine, and What American Christians Can Learn: Yevgeny Bakhmutsky at T4G22”

Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early

Around the time that the Soviet Union fell, Ukraine experienced massive spiritual revival. Duane Early, who served there as a missionary, is convinced that’s part of the reason Ukraine is being targeted today. In this interview, he explains the current situation in Ukraine, miracles that happened during that revival, lessons learned, and missiological takeaways thatContinue reading “Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early”

Ukraine Refugee Update: Caleb Suko Exclusive

When we last spoke with our friend Caleb Suko, the Russia-Ukraine war hadn’t yet begun. Now, he’s taken refuge—along with two million others—in another country. In this episode, he provides live updates from Moldova and explains how God is at work among the body of Christ and the masses of refugees. You can support theContinue reading “Ukraine Refugee Update: Caleb Suko Exclusive”

Nik Ripken on Persecution, Missions, and Ukraine

Nik Ripken has collected the stories of suffering believers from all over the world—including Ukraine. In this episode, he talks to us about missions and what he’s learned from time spent with persecuted believers in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Nik (pseudonym) is the author of The Insanity of God (2013) and other books,Continue reading “Nik Ripken on Persecution, Missions, and Ukraine”

Ukraine From the Ground: Caleb Suko Reports

Watch the video version of this episode here. Tensions are rising between Ukraine and Russia. The US is considering involvement. What does that mean for Christian workers and churches in Ukraine? Caleb Suko, pastor and ABWE worker, shares his first-hand perspective. Since 2007 Caleb has served as a missionary in Odessa, Ukraine where he isContinue reading “Ukraine From the Ground: Caleb Suko Reports”

What’s Happening to Myanmar and Why It Matters for Missions

A military coup is underway in Myanmar—a Buddhist nation nestled in the heart of the 10/40 Window. What does the junta mean for the cause of Christian missions, and how is the Burmese church responding? ABWE missionary John (last name withheld) with Live Global returns to the show to explain. To support the work ofContinue reading “What’s Happening to Myanmar and Why It Matters for Missions”

Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains

Christians live in an age of iconoclasm. How can we do church history and modern missions history responsibly—without falling into the opposite errors of hero-worship or “cancel culture”? Jonathan Arnold, Associate Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, weighs in from his perspective as a church historian. For three years,Continue reading “Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains”

Tragedy in Beirut and What It Means for Missions: Pierre Houssney Speaks

On August 4, 2020, the world’s eyes were glued on Beirut, Lebanon as two fatal explosions in a major urban center caused at least 171 deaths, 6,000 injuries, rocked social media, and left an estimated 300,000 people homeless. Pierre Rashad Houssney is Middle East and North Africa Regional Director for Horizons International, based in Beirut,Continue reading “Tragedy in Beirut and What It Means for Missions: Pierre Houssney Speaks”

Sheriff Chris Swanson on Faith, Justice, and Missions

Click here to watch the video version of this episode. Sheriff Chris Swanson in Genesee County near Flint, Michigan, went viral two weeks ago when he took off his helmet and riot gear, approached the crowd of demonstrators gathered in response to the killing of George Floyd, and reached out in love to build aContinue reading “Sheriff Chris Swanson on Faith, Justice, and Missions”

What Is Happening to China’s Uyghurs?

“Absolutely no mercy.” That’s how leaked documents describe the treatment of China’s Uyghur Muslims detained in “re-education” camps, according to the New York Times. In recent years, China has detained more than one million members of the ethnic minority concentrated in Xinjiang. What is really happening, and what should Christians do about it? This week,Continue reading “What Is Happening to China’s Uyghurs?”

What is God doing in China? Steve Schirmer Answers

The President of China was just appointed to lifelong office. Church buildings are being demolished. Cults are on the rise due to a lack of trained church leaders. What is God up to in China? Steve Schirmer, president and founder of Silk Road Catalyst, joins us to answer. Steve is a missionary who has poured outContinue reading “What is God doing in China? Steve Schirmer Answers”