The State of Christianity in Africa With Conrad Mbewe | Missionary 2024

What language groups still need the Bible in Africa? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott talk with Conrad Mbewe, author, pastor, and theologian as he talks about the history of William Tyndale, and the current need of Bible translators and theological educators. Did you miss Missionary Conference? Get access to all ofContinue reading “The State of Christianity in Africa With Conrad Mbewe | Missionary 2024”

The Persecuted Church in Nigeria With Judd Saul

In this episode, we delve into the harrowing reality of Christian persecution in Nigeria. Our guest, Judd Saul, brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into the recent Christmas attacks in Plateau State, where scores of Christians were brutally massacred. As we unpack the details of these attacks, we explore the complex web of religious,Continue reading “The Persecuted Church in Nigeria With Judd Saul”

Voddie Baucham on Education, Mission, and Christian Culture-Building

In this dynamic episode of The Missions Podcast, we sit down with Dr. Voddie Baucham to explore the intersection of education, mission, and Christian culture-building. Dr. Baucham, a respected figure in pastoral work and theological education, currently shaping minds at the African Christian University in Zambia, brings his unique perspective to the table. The discussionContinue reading “Voddie Baucham on Education, Mission, and Christian Culture-Building”

Missions in the Old Testament and in the Horn of Africa: Jason DeRouchie Explains – #FTC22

How does God show his heart for the nations in the Old Testament? And how is he still showing it throughout the least-reached parts of the world? Dr. Jason DeRouchie, research professor of Old Testament and biblical theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, gives some powerful exhortations. Watch the video version of this episode here.Continue reading “Missions in the Old Testament and in the Horn of Africa: Jason DeRouchie Explains – #FTC22”

Medical Missions, Church Planting, and Lessons Learned in Africa: Steven Chmil

Steven Chmil serves as a surgeon and church-planting missionary in Togo. Now returned from his first term overseas, Steven shares the unique challenges, blessings, and opportunities of ministry in an Islamic context where precision—theological and medical—matters. Learn more about Steven’s ministry or support him and Bethany here. Watch the video version of this episode on the ABWE YouTubeContinue reading “Medical Missions, Church Planting, and Lessons Learned in Africa: Steven Chmil”

When Helping Works: Michael Badriaki on Western Dependence in Uganda

Enter our giveaway to attend the Radius Missiology Conference in person or virtually. Details at Many missions-minded Christians have read When Helping Hurts and resonated with its message—that sometimes in missionary work, we can do more harm than good in the name of Jesus. But in When Helping Works: Alleviating Fear and Pain inContinue reading “When Helping Works: Michael Badriaki on Western Dependence in Uganda”

Sent From Zambia to South Asia: Joshua Bowman Explains

What is it like being sent out from a Zambian church as an American missionary to serve in a Hindu context? Joshua Bowman of Cedarville University shares his unique story. Joshua Bowman holds a Ph.D. in Missiology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology at Cedarville University. He served withContinue reading “Sent From Zambia to South Asia: Joshua Bowman Explains”

What Does COVID-19 Mean for Medical Missions?

Healthcare missionaries across the globe are acutely feeling the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic—even in countries where there are few reported cases. And in developing nations where subsistence living is common, “shelter in place” isn’t feasible. What does coronavirus mean for medical missions? Joining Scott and Alex this week to answer is Jodi Boyd, ABWEContinue reading “What Does COVID-19 Mean for Medical Missions?”

From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism

Anthony Mathenia ministered faithfully in Ethiopia as a missionary, but the pragmatism and watering-down of the gospel he saw from his fellow cross-cultural workers worried him. He was charting a new course—until God’s sovereignty directed him elsewhere, and the sudden passing of his wife brought him back to the U.S. to raise their children. NowContinue reading “From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism”

What Is Life Really Like in a 99.9% Muslim Country?

What does it look like to meet physical needs, share Christ, and risk persecution to serve in a 99.9% Islamic country? Two anonymous, female ABWE missionaries in North Africa join us over the phone to share from their experiences in tilling the soil, building trust, avoiding security risks, and praying that God gradually opens heartsContinue reading “What Is Life Really Like in a 99.9% Muslim Country?”

Conrad Mbewe: Combatting Prosperity Teaching in Africa

Christianity isn’t spreading into Africa; it’s already there. But as our guest this week shares, it is afflicted by the problem of syncretism, hyper-charismatic influence, so-called prosperity “gospel” teaching, and weak theology. How can pastors and missionaries confront these threats and help the African church develop theologies that are rich, sound, and historically rooted? ConradContinue reading “Conrad Mbewe: Combatting Prosperity Teaching in Africa”

Serving Christ in Suffering: Jenn DeKryger on Togo and the Loss of Todd DeKryger

In 2016, Todd DeKryger, surgeon and medical missionary to Togo in West Africa, died in Cologne, Germany, where he had been evacuated to receive treatment for illness contracted in Africa. His wife, Jennifer, was by his side—and he left behind four young boys. In the time since, God has used grief, brokenness, and suffering toContinue reading “Serving Christ in Suffering: Jenn DeKryger on Togo and the Loss of Todd DeKryger”

John Morgan: Animism, Syncretism, and Witchcraft in West Africa

When the gospel enters a new place—like Togo in West Africa—those who hear the message have a tendency to interpret it through their worldview lens. This week, John Morgan shares the sobering results of his studies relating to how professing believers in this African nation are still wrestling with their traditional views of animism, witchcraft,Continue reading “John Morgan: Animism, Syncretism, and Witchcraft in West Africa”

Racial Reconciliation and Multiethnic Church Planting in South Africa

In this episode, Scott and Alex discuss the uniquenesses of racial reconciliation and multiethnic church planting in South Africa. With Apartheid a mere 20 years in South Africa’s rearview, ethnic tensions still threaten to divide the church. In this insightful interview, our guest, an 18-year veteran of church planting missions to South Africa, shares simple strategies their teamContinue reading “Racial Reconciliation and Multiethnic Church Planting in South Africa”