What Lausanne Was Really Like With Paul Davis

Was Lausanne Conference staying true to the gospel? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott sit down with ABWE President Paul Davis to debrief his recent experience at the Lausanne Conference in South Korea. Paul discusses the format of the conference, the beauty of the worldwide church gathering together, and someContinue reading “What Lausanne Was Really Like With Paul Davis”

Exposing the Errors of the ‘Second Great Awakening’ With Paul Davis

Was the Second Great Awakening helpful to the Christian cause? In this episode, Alex and Scott sit down with ABWE President Paul Davis to discuss the lasting effects of Charles Finney in the Second Great Awakening on the church today. As a former pastor and church leader, Paul explores the manipulative tactics in evangelicalism broughtContinue reading “Exposing the Errors of the ‘Second Great Awakening’ With Paul Davis”

Exposing Pastoral Blindspots: Paul Davis on Common Missions Mistakes

In this episode of the Missions Podcast, hosts Alex and Scott engage in a compelling conversation with ABWE President Paul Davis, delving into the blindspots that pastors often encounter when it comes to missions. Paul shares his observations and experiences from working with global teams and local churches, highlighting recurring areas where mission teams andContinue reading “Exposing Pastoral Blindspots: Paul Davis on Common Missions Mistakes”

Cooperation, Direct Sending, or Both? Paul Davis Answers – #FTC22

How should local churches work together in the cause of missions? Should more churches cooperate? Is direct sending and support raising the best option? We kick off our first feature from For the Church 2022 by talking to Paul Davis, ABWE president. Watch the video version of this episode on the ABWE YouTube channel. Believe inContinue reading “Cooperation, Direct Sending, or Both? Paul Davis Answers – #FTC22”

T4G22: Charles Smith and Paul Davis on Missions, Education, and the Church

Why do so few seminary graduates go to the mission field? Charles Smith, vice president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and ABWE board member, and Paul Davis, ABWE president, share solutions. You can watch the video version of this episode on the Missions Podcast Facebook page. Hear our previous interviews with Charles here. Subscribe now to neverContinue reading “T4G22: Charles Smith and Paul Davis on Missions, Education, and the Church”

Doing Missions Committees Right: Paul Davis Shares

For some, the word “committee” means slow, ineffective bureaucracy. How can we keep the passive, maintenance mindset out of our local church missions committees? And what does Scripture have to say about this mode of church organization? ABWE President Paul Davis answers. Mentioned in this episode: Missions by the Book (Chad Vegas and Alex Kocman) Launch Point 7 HabitsContinue reading “Doing Missions Committees Right: Paul Davis Shares”

Helping Goers Think and Thinkers Go: Paul Davis on Media and Missions

Why does this show exist? What do media and technology have to do with missions? This week, ABWE President Paul Davis turns the table on Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman in a three-way conversation about the state of the show and why it’s critical to equip missionaries and church leaders through resources online. Subscribe now toContinue reading “Helping Goers Think and Thinkers Go: Paul Davis on Media and Missions”

Can Parachurch Ministries Serve the Church? Thomas White and Paul Davis Answer

Coming soon, Generation Z will be taking the mantle of the Great Commission. Are they ready? And what role can Christian colleges and missions agencies play in mobilizing them? Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University, and Paul Davis, president of ABWE, join to discuss in this episode recorded on the campus of Cedarville. PreferContinue reading “Can Parachurch Ministries Serve the Church? Thomas White and Paul Davis Answer”

#RMC21 Panel 2: Sending Well With Paul Davis, Chad Vegas, and Barry Brown

Sending missionaries has taught these pastors what to do—and what not to do. Chad Vegas, Paul Davis and Barry Brown join Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman in this panel from the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference. Watch the video version of this episode: youtu.be/NEyXBNj9HTU. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email alex@missionspodcast.com. The MissionsContinue reading “#RMC21 Panel 2: Sending Well With Paul Davis, Chad Vegas, and Barry Brown”

#RMC21 Panel 1: Trends in Missions With Chad Vegas, Paul Davis, Wayne Chen, and Brad Buser

There are some shocking—and exciting—things happening in missions. Chad Vegas, Paul Davis, Wayne Chen, and Brad Buser discuss in this panel from the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference. Watch the video version of this episode: youtu.be/rYp5XxOYp-w. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email alex@missionspodcast.com. The Missions Podcast is sponsored by ABWE International. Subscribe: linktr.ee/MissionsPodcast.

Is the Missions ‘Guilt Trip’ Biblical? Guest: Paul Davis

We’ve all experienced the guilt of being made to feel like we’re not doing enough for world missions. Should preachers emphasize statistics on unreached people groups, the urgency of eternity, and lostness, or simply trust the Holy Spirit—or perhaps both? This week, ABWE President Paul Davis chats with Scott and Alex as they wrestle throughContinue reading “Is the Missions ‘Guilt Trip’ Biblical? Guest: Paul Davis”

Paul Davis on Why Baptism Matters to Missions

Is baptism the most neglected part of the Great Commission? In this conversation, Paul Davis of ABWE shares why cross-cultural workers are tempted to neglect this ordinance among the least-reached—and how steeping ourselves in Scripture’s teaching on baptism can solve the problem. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us. The Missions PodcastContinue reading “Paul Davis on Why Baptism Matters to Missions”

Has COVID-19 Halted Global Missions? Paul Davis Answers

With global travel restrictions and months-long shutdowns in place, what is happening to world missions? Scott and Alex interviewed ABWE President Paul Davis to answer from his perspective overseeing work in 70 countries. In this episode, Paul shares his new rhythms in life, what missionaries are telling him, what he’d be doing right now ifContinue reading “Has COVID-19 Halted Global Missions? Paul Davis Answers”

Paul Davis: Why the Gospel Must Be ‘Preached’

In the missions community, we all believe the gospel must be spread. But there is increasing resistance to the idea of “preaching” or “proclaiming” the gospel with authority and simplicity. Why is that? ABWE President Paul Davis joins Scott and Alex this week to explain what is burdening him and what he’s seeing in the heart ofContinue reading “Paul Davis: Why the Gospel Must Be ‘Preached’”

Why Character Matters in Ministry: Paul Davis on Knowing Christ

When pastors, missionaries, and others in ministry fail to actively abide in Christ, that’s when pragmatism becomes most tempting—and most dangerous. How can missionaries remain rooted? ABWE President Paul Davis stops by the studio this week to share what most burdens him for the missionaries he’s met across the world over the last year, andContinue reading “Why Character Matters in Ministry: Paul Davis on Knowing Christ”

Paul Davis: Why Missionaries Must Be Theologians

On this episode, ABWE President Paul Davis joins us to share why it’s crucial that missionaries be theologians. We dive into why a “big God” theology that acknowledges the absolute supremacy of Christ is the only theology weighty enough to compel an unbeliever to convert and commit “treason” against their old gods. It’s also the onlyContinue reading “Paul Davis: Why Missionaries Must Be Theologians”

What We Get Wrong About Accountability

Coming up: ABWE President Paul Davis joins us to explore a number of blindspots pastors and other church leaders have in dealing with their missionaries, including the complicated web of relationships involved in accountability. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. WantContinue reading “What We Get Wrong About Accountability”

T4G22: Jason Allen on Building Missions Cultures in Christian Leadership

How can Christian leaders make time to prioritize short-term missions trips? Jason Allen shares how he’s built a missions culture inside of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, which he leads as president. Also featured in this conversation is Paul Davis, president of ABWE. In addition to his seminary duties, Dr. Allen has served as pastor andContinue reading “T4G22: Jason Allen on Building Missions Cultures in Christian Leadership”

Are Missions Committees Even Biblical?

In this week’s upcoming episode, ABWE President Paul Davis discusses the biblical rationale for—and critiques of—modern missions programs, teams, and committees in local churches. New episodes Sundays at 7 p.m. Subscribe now to never miss an episode when it drops. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email us.

How to Be a Next-Level Sending Church

Click here to watch the video version of this episode. In this episode, ABWE President Paul Davis sits down (virtually) with Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford for a GARBC 2020 conference breakout session on global missions and how churches can become next-level senders. To learn more about the Live Global adopt-an-unreached-people-group initiative, visit liveglobal.org/unreached. AndContinue reading “How to Be a Next-Level Sending Church”

Dr. Robin Hadaway on Reaching Folk Muslims

What is the difference between folk Islam and orthodox Islam—or folk religion in general and any other major religion—and how can Christians meaningfully present Christ in a context of traditional spiritism? Dr. Robin D. Hadaway joins us this week to unravel these complex missiological questions. Dr. Hadaway is professor of missions at Midwestern Baptist TheologicalContinue reading “Dr. Robin Hadaway on Reaching Folk Muslims”

What Does COVID-19 Mean for Medical Missions?

Healthcare missionaries across the globe are acutely feeling the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic—even in countries where there are few reported cases. And in developing nations where subsistence living is common, “shelter in place” isn’t feasible. What does coronavirus mean for medical missions? Joining Scott and Alex this week to answer is Jodi Boyd, ABWEContinue reading “What Does COVID-19 Mean for Medical Missions?”

Coronavirus and Plague: Lessons From Church History With Glenn Sunshine

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging churches to be more bold, evangelistic, and loving towards our neighbors than we’ve ever needed to be. But this isn’t the first time in church history that Christians have faced the challenge of a plague. In this episode, our friend Glenn Sunshine returns to share a history of pandemics, theContinue reading “Coronavirus and Plague: Lessons From Church History With Glenn Sunshine”

God’s Law or Sharia? 40 Questions About Islam With Matt Bennett

How can Christians with a high view of God’s moral law in the Old Testament address the apologetics challenged posed by the Islamic doctrine of sharia? That’s one of a number of thought-provoking questions tackled by Matt Bennett this week as he connects with Scott and Alex about his newest book, 40 Questions About Islam.Continue reading “God’s Law or Sharia? 40 Questions About Islam With Matt Bennett”

Serve in Place: Missions in a Pandemic

Global travel restrictions are in place. Hordes of healthy people throughout the U.S. and abroad can’t even get to their local church service in-person—much less to the mission field. Should we temporarily shift our focus away from global missions during the current crisis? Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman explore this complex question in this exclusiveContinue reading “Serve in Place: Missions in a Pandemic”

Is Christianity a ‘Western Religion’? The Ancient Path in Asia

Throughout southeast Asia, where John m has ministered with ABWE for years, one of the major barriers to the gospel is the misconception that Christianity is a Western or even American religion. Is that true—and if not, how can we counteract that understanding? In this episode, John explains the miraculous story of The Ancient PathContinue reading “Is Christianity a ‘Western Religion’? The Ancient Path in Asia”

Special Episode: How Does Coronavirus Affect Missions?

Note: With the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 situation, some of the information in this podcast may now be outdated. For the latest on ABWE’s response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, see here. For the latest medical facts and figures, please refer to the U.S. CDC or WHO.​ With global health and economic implications, how should Christian missionaries throughout Asia and beyond respondContinue reading “Special Episode: How Does Coronavirus Affect Missions?”

From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism

Anthony Mathenia ministered faithfully in Ethiopia as a missionary, but the pragmatism and watering-down of the gospel he saw from his fellow cross-cultural workers worried him. He was charting a new course—until God’s sovereignty directed him elsewhere, and the sudden passing of his wife brought him back to the U.S. to raise their children. NowContinue reading “From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism”

Can Soldiers Become Missionaries? Rich Culp on Military Ministry

Our soldiers are already deployed to some of the hardest places in the world and learn foreign languages and important cross-cultural skills. What if they carried the gospel to the people around them? This week, ABWE North America missionary Rich Culp explains the pros and cons of the strategy and why oftentimes U.S. military personnelContinue reading “Can Soldiers Become Missionaries? Rich Culp on Military Ministry”

How Do Chinese Christians Think? Diane Poythress on the Church in Asia

“Eastern” and “Western” aren’t just geographic labels—they’re terms that signify a massive worldview chasm. How do Chinese culture, the Confucian system of thought, and Eastern patterns of thought impact the church in Asia? What questions to Chinese Christians tend to bring to the Bible, and what questions should they—and we—be asking instead? Dr. Diane PoythressContinue reading “How Do Chinese Christians Think? Diane Poythress on the Church in Asia”

The Tragic Fruit of Liberalism in Missions: Mark Tatlock Explains

We often talk about the state of theology in the American church, but what about on the mission field? In this episode, Mark Tatlock, president of The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), explains why there is reason for rejoicing but also much concern—and how the root of many heresies overseas can be traced to a gradualContinue reading “The Tragic Fruit of Liberalism in Missions: Mark Tatlock Explains”

Translating the Bible in 40 Weeks? Dan Kramer on Bible Translation Methods

Of the world’s 7,100 languages, less than ten percent have a complete, written Bible. The Great Commission depends on translations into the heart languages of the lost. How can we get Scripture into the remaining languages without waiting for English-speaking experts in Greek and Hebrew to learn multiple foreign languages—or, is speeding up the processContinue reading “Translating the Bible in 40 Weeks? Dan Kramer on Bible Translation Methods”

Mailbag: Finishing the Task, Counting Converts, and Defining the ‘Call’

Is it possible to “finish the task” of missions? How should we count converts—if at all? Is it necessary to feel a sense of calling before pursuing missions? We tackle these questions are more received by listeners in this week’s special episode. In the conversation, we also referenced these past episodes: “Do We Need toContinue reading “Mailbag: Finishing the Task, Counting Converts, and Defining the ‘Call’”

Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains

How should missionaries argue for the Christian faith? If human beings are dead in sin, then they need more than evidence—they need to realize that even their refusal to believe is an act of rebellion and a sin for which Jesus died. To argue this way is to argue using presuppositional apologetics, but how toContinue reading “Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains”

T4G Webcast

The Local Church & the Nations Event Information In the current crisis, it has never been harder to do missions in the world. It has also never been a more opportune time. But what can struggling churches do right now? So when Jesus commanded us to go to “the nations,” what did he mean, andContinue reading “T4G Webcast”