Unleashing Spiritual Gifts in Missions: A Conversation with David Rogers

In this enlightening episode, we sit down with David Rogers, a long-time ABWE missionary in Chile, where he has served with his wife Ruth for over 40 years. As the president of Ministerio Cristiano CRECE, a Spanish language Christian publishing house, and the author of the upcoming book Spiritual Gifts: Identify them through the PRIZMContinue reading “Unleashing Spiritual Gifts in Missions: A Conversation with David Rogers”

Missionary Virtue in Action: A Look at Philippians 2

In this episode, Alex Kocman unpacks the essence of Christian mission-mindedness through the lens of Philippians 2:19-30. Drawing from the examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus, this text demonstrates the way in which we are to be marked by selfless pursuit of Christ’s interests, love for Christ’s people, and the honor and care for Christ’s soldiers.Continue reading “Missionary Virtue in Action: A Look at Philippians 2”

Love Is Costly

Coming up this week: an exploration of the lives and examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus, twin reminders to us of the importance of joyful missionary sacrifice. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic?Continue reading “Love Is Costly”

Missions Mobilization in a Post-Pandemic World

The world has been changing rapidly for the last few years. How has missions mobilization been affected? Scott and Alex explore current events and movements ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to rising nationalism, along with a variety of generational trends, and break down the implications for motivating new workers to enter into the Lord’s harvest.Continue reading “Missions Mobilization in a Post-Pandemic World”

The Most Effective Mobilizers

What has changed in the world of mobilization since the pandemic? Scott and Alex dive in in this week’s upcoming episode. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email alex@missionspodcast.com.

Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023

Who was the Scottish evangelist William Chalmers Burns? In this final Radius Conference exclusive, Ian Hamilton, president of Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, unfolds the riches of missions history to help us deepen in our devotion today. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. LearnContinue reading “Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023”

Local Church Centered Missions With Ryan Robertson | Radius 2023

What is a healthy church? How can missionaries overcome the temptation to compromise on their ecclesiology? In this 2023 Radius Conference exclusive, Ryan Robertson, president of Reaching and Teaching, discusses what local church centered missions looks like. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. Learn more at cloudofwitnessespodcast.com. Believe in our mission?Continue reading “Local Church Centered Missions With Ryan Robertson | Radius 2023”

Parenting as a Missionary: Rachel Explains | Radius 2023

Cross-cultural missions and parenting are two of life’s most challenging—and rewarding—undertakings. Rachel, as Radius staff member, shares her wisdom as a parent after seven years of cross-cultural living. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. Learn more at cloudofwitnessespodcast.com. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. You can alsoContinue reading “Parenting as a Missionary: Rachel Explains | Radius 2023”

What God Is Doing Through ABWE: Jason Phillips Shares | Radius 2023

How is the Lord working in and through ABWE? Jason Phillips, vice president of strategy and operations, shares what most excites him right now within the global family of ministries. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. Learn more at cloudofwitnessespodcast.com. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. YouContinue reading “What God Is Doing Through ABWE: Jason Phillips Shares | Radius 2023”

What Is the Missions Course? Luke Womack and Barry Brown Answer | Radius 2023

The Go Fund founder Luke Womack recently asked his leadership: if someday student loan debt is no longer an obstacle to missions, what else do we need to do to mobilize the next generation? Enter Airo Missions and its newest program, The Missions Course. Luke and Barry Brown explain more in this interview. Also: CloudContinue reading “What Is the Missions Course? Luke Womack and Barry Brown Answer | Radius 2023”

What Women Should Know to Prepare for Missionary Life: Nina Buser | Radius 2023

How can women—in particular, those called to be wives and mothers—prepare for the stresses and hurdles of long-term missionary life? In this next 2023 Radius Conference exclusive, Nina Buser, wife of Radius International President Brooks Buser and former missionary to Papua New Guinea, shares her lessons learned along the way in tribal ministry. Also: Cloud of WitnessesContinue reading “What Women Should Know to Prepare for Missionary Life: Nina Buser | Radius 2023”

Strategic Retreat? Scott and Alex on Blue States and the Joel Webbon Controversy

Should Christians in the US leave blue states? In this engaging episode, Alex and Scott tackle the topic of strategic retreat, a concept gaining controversy following Joel Webbon’s comments and his recent book, Fight or Flight: Leaving Godless Places. They dive into the complex issues around mission fields, Christian responsibilities, and the balance between Christ’sContinue reading “Strategic Retreat? Scott and Alex on Blue States and the Joel Webbon Controversy”

Why You Must Know & Train Your Missionaries: Brian Murphy | Radius 2023

For many churchgoers, the missionaries they support are little more than magnet on a refrigerator. How can we know and train well those whom we send? Brian Murphy, executive director of XL (Excellence in Leadership) Ministries, shares his passion for leadership development. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network.Continue reading “Why You Must Know & Train Your Missionaries: Brian Murphy | Radius 2023”

Brad Buser on Suffering and Resilience | Radius 2023

How should prospective missionaries think about suffering and the need to endure? In this next 2023 Radius Conference exclusive, Brad Buser, veteran missionary and co-founder of Radius International, answers some common questions about what it takes to pioneer on the mission field. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network.Continue reading “Brad Buser on Suffering and Resilience | Radius 2023”

The Caste System & the Homogenous Unit Principle With Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023

In missiology, the modern definition of “people groups” depends substantially upon the work of Donald McGavran and his conception of the homogenous unit principle. But did McGavran misunderstand the caste system from which he drew his insights? And how should missionaries today assess McGavran’s work? Aubrey Sequeira, pastor in Abu Dhabi, joins again to discussContinue reading “The Caste System & the Homogenous Unit Principle With Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023”

Why Penal Substitutionary Atonement? Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023

Is penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) a necessary, biblical doctrine, or is it an outgrowth of Western legal thinking? Is PSA on equal footing with honor- and shame-based approaches explanations of the cross, or is it a gospel non-negotiable? In this next exclusive from the 2023 Radius Conference, Aubrey Sequeira, pastor of Evangelical Community Church ofContinue reading “Why Penal Substitutionary Atonement? Aubrey Sequeira | Radius 2023”

Why Reach Japan? Joel Diffenderfer Shares | Radius 2023

What is the state of the church in Japan, and why is it sometimes regarded as the “graveyard” of missions? In our next installment from the 2023 Radius Conference, ABWE Missionary Joel Diffenderfer explains the island’s strategic significance for the Open Initiative, a program to prioritize often-overlooked unreached people groups. Learn more at open.abwe.org. Also:Continue reading “Why Reach Japan? Joel Diffenderfer Shares | Radius 2023”

Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023

When we think of the legacy of old Princeton Theological Seminary—producing such towering spiritual giants as the Hodges and Warfields—we rarely think about their contribution to global missions. Yet, far from restricting themselves to ivory towers, these theologians were deeply concerned with the Great Commission. Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Seminary, explains why in thisContinue reading “Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023”

Chad Vegas on the Clarity of the Gospel | Radius 2023

We speak often about the need to right methods. But missions also depends upon having the right message. In our first exclusive interview from the 2023 Radius Conference, Pastor Chad Vegas joins to discuss the vision behind their conference theme: the clear gospel. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWEContinue reading “Chad Vegas on the Clarity of the Gospel | Radius 2023”

Missionary Mama’s Survival Guide: Advice from Tori Haverkamp for Parents and Grandparents

Are you a parent or grandparent grappling with the idea of your child or grandchild pursuing a missionary calling? Do you find yourself filled with questions and concerns about how to support them effectively? In this episode of The Missions Podcast, our host Scott Dunford engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Tori Haverkamp, founder ofContinue reading “Missionary Mama’s Survival Guide: Advice from Tori Haverkamp for Parents and Grandparents”

The Holy Privilege of Raising MKs

In this week’s episode, Tori Haverkamp, author of The Missionary Mama’s Survival Guide, shares why raising missionary kids on the field is not an inconvenience but an immense privilege and blessing. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. Want to ask aContinue reading “The Holy Privilege of Raising MKs”

Responding to the ‘No Shortcut to Success’ Controversy

In this thought-provoking episode of The Missions Podcast, Scott and Alex delve into a critical review of Matt Rhodes’ book, No Shortcut to Success: A Manifesto for Modern Missions, followed by Rhodes’ response to the review. While they agree on various key points, such as the importance of deep language learning and solid biblical training,Continue reading “Responding to the ‘No Shortcut to Success’ Controversy”

About That ‘No Shortcuts’ Review…

This week, Scott and Alex wrestle with the critical review of Matt Rhodes’ book, No Shortcut to Success: A Manifesto for Modern Missions, followed by Rhodes’ response to the review. Be sure to tune in. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org.Continue reading “About That ‘No Shortcuts’ Review…”

Apologetics in a Chaotic World

How should believers defend their faith in an increasingly hostile culture? And which apologetic methodology is most faithful to the spirit of Scripture? Join Alex Kocman as he explores the controversial topic of apologetics in a supposedly post-Christian context, exploring the Christian’s marching orders in 1 Peter 3:15 and evaluating classical, evidentialist, and presuppositional apologeticsContinue reading “Apologetics in a Chaotic World”

What Romans 1 Means for Apologetics Today

Coming up this Sunday: how can missionaries do apologetics in today’s chaotic cultural landscape? What apologetic methodologies are most faithful to Scripture? Alex Kocman explores. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email alex@missionspodcast.com.

China and the Future of Missions

In this episode of The Missions Podcast, tensions between the United States and China take center stage as Scott and Alex delve into the geopolitical rivalry’s impact on Christian workers in both countries with a world-class expert. With de-globalization and changing trends on the horizon, they explore the challenges missionaries face and offer strategies forContinue reading “China and the Future of Missions”

We Can’t Be So Risk-Averse That We Do Nothing

Coming up, an expert guest sheds light on the unavoidable risks faced by missionaries in their work, particularly in the context of the rising tensions between the United States and China. Join us as we uncover the challenges, resilience, and unwavering faith required to navigate these risks and fulfill the call of spreading the gospel.Continue reading “We Can’t Be So Risk-Averse That We Do Nothing”

Exposing Pastoral Blindspots: Paul Davis on Common Missions Mistakes

In this episode of the Missions Podcast, hosts Alex and Scott engage in a compelling conversation with ABWE President Paul Davis, delving into the blindspots that pastors often encounter when it comes to missions. Paul shares his observations and experiences from working with global teams and local churches, highlighting recurring areas where mission teams andContinue reading “Exposing Pastoral Blindspots: Paul Davis on Common Missions Mistakes”

What We Get Wrong About Accountability

Coming up: ABWE President Paul Davis joins us to explore a number of blindspots pastors and other church leaders have in dealing with their missionaries, including the complicated web of relationships involved in accountability. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. WantContinue reading “What We Get Wrong About Accountability”

Why the Ascension Matters for Missionaries: Tim Bertolet

We explore the fascinating and often overlooked connections between the Book of Hebrews and the atonement of Jesus. Hebrews scholar Dr. Tim Bertolet, navigates the relationship between the cross, resurrection, and the ascension, particularly highlighting the significance of Jesus’ ascension for those well-versed in the power of the cross and resurrection but less familiar withContinue reading “Why the Ascension Matters for Missionaries: Tim Bertolet”

The Cross in Context? Exploring Atonement and Contextualization with Brad Vaughn

Engage in a thought-provoking continuation of The Missions Podcast as we delve into the ideas presented by Brad Vaughn in his book The Cross in Context. Join hosts Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford as they explore various perspectives on the relationship between Christianity and Western culture, the diverse metaphors of sin and Christ’s atonement, andContinue reading “The Cross in Context? Exploring Atonement and Contextualization with Brad Vaughn”

Is All Theology ‘Contextual’?

This week, we’re continuing our discussion with Brad Vaughn. Subscribe now and stay tuned for a hard-hitting sit-down about contextualization, biblical theology, and the nature of the atonement through an honor-shame lens. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. Want to askContinue reading “Is All Theology ‘Contextual’?”

Saving God’s Face? A Dialogue With Brad Vaughn on Honor and Shame

Dive into a thought-provoking conversation with Brad Vaughn, previously known as Jackson Wu. With his book Saving God’s Face as the backdrop, we explore the concept of sin as a violation of God’s honor, the overlap between Chinese and biblical culture, and the distinct differences in how Westerners and Asians understand honor and shame. PrepareContinue reading “Saving God’s Face? A Dialogue With Brad Vaughn on Honor and Shame”

Honor, Shame, and the Atonement

Missiologist and author Brad Vaughan, also known under his pseudonym Jackson Wu, shares his perspectives this week on honor, shame, and the nature of Christ’s death—including some opinions that have proven controversial in both missiological and theological circles. Believe in our mission? Support the show at missionspodcast.com/support. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource ofContinue reading “Honor, Shame, and the Atonement”

Spiritual Warfare in the News: A Missions Perspective

Headlines across the world are telling a single story: spiritual forces of darkness want to dominate the nations. How should Christians read global news with an awareness of Christ as Lord and a missionary heart? Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford navigate some of the top stories and seek to model a Christian response to worldContinue reading “Spiritual Warfare in the News: A Missions Perspective”

Spiritual Warfare in the News

How should Christians discuss world events with a missionary mindset? Scott and Alex discuss in this week’s upcoming show. Believe in our mission? Support this podcast. The Missions Podcast is a ministry resource of ABWE. Learn more at abwe.org. Want to ask a question or suggest a topic? Email alex@missionspodcast.com.

How to Raise Men for the Church and the Mission Field: Ray Brandon

Are churches and missions organizations going about developing leaders the wrong way? And how do parents raise their sons to become pastors and missionaries? In this episode of the podcast, Pastor Ray Brandon of North Bridge Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Director of Church Planting with EveryEthne discusses the challenges and joys of raising upContinue reading “How to Raise Men for the Church and the Mission Field: Ray Brandon”

What About Orality? Jonathan Worthington Answers

As Christians, we hold the Bible in the highest esteem. But what happens when the people we are trying to reach have a primarily oral culture—how do we ensure that the message of Scripture is accurately transmitted and understood in cultures where literacy is not the norm? In this podcast interview with Jonathan Worthington, Ph.D.,Continue reading “What About Orality? Jonathan Worthington Answers”

Healthy Missionaries, Healthy Christians: Mason King on Spiritual Disciplines

Are you struggling to deepen your relationship with God and wondering how to become the person He created you to be? Join Scott and Alex on The Missions Podcast as they interview Mason King, author of A Short Guide to Spiritual Disciplines and pastor at The Village Church, on the topic of spiritual disciplines. KingContinue reading “Healthy Missionaries, Healthy Christians: Mason King on Spiritual Disciplines”

Making Disciples in Light of the Trinity: Chase Davis

Have we focused too much on contextualization and not enough on who God is? This week, we talk to J. Chase Davis, author of Trinitarian Formation: A Theology of Discipleship in Light of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this episode, we explore how the doctrine of the Trinity can deepen our understanding ofContinue reading “Making Disciples in Light of the Trinity: Chase Davis”

Yes, You Can Just Be Yourself

Have we so emphasized contextualization that we’ve started to adopt a different persona altogether in the name of evangelistic effectiveness? J. Chase Davis, author of Trinitarian Formation: A Theology of Discipleship in Light of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, answers in this week’s upcoming show. Believe in our mission? Support this podcast. The Missions PodcastContinue reading “Yes, You Can Just Be Yourself”

The Resurrection and Mission With Dr. Tim Bertolet

What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for global missions? In this thought-provoking podcast, Tim Bertolet (Ph.D., University of Pretoria), initiatives strategist with ABWE, dives deep into the importance of the resurrection and its relationship with redemption, evangelism, and our future hope. With insightful analysis of key verses from 1 Corinthians, Romans, and Acts,Continue reading “The Resurrection and Mission With Dr. Tim Bertolet”