What You Didn’t Know About D.L. Moody

How much do you know about D.L. Moody? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Scott sits down with Gregg Quiggle, retired professor of Church History at Moody Bible Institute to talk about this critical figure in modern evangelicalism. They discuss how this simple man impacted, through speaking and writing, around 100 million peopleContinue reading “What You Didn’t Know About D.L. Moody”

Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024

Are confessions a good or bad thing? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Dr. James Renihan, President of International Reformed Baptist Seminary as he discusses his work with the 1689 London Confession and the role it plays in the life of the church and everyday Christians. Did you missContinue reading “Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024”

Andrew Fuller and Combating Hyper-Calvinism With Jared Longshore

How much do you know of the grandfather of the modern missions movement? In this week’s episode, Alex sits down with return guest and friend Jared Longshore as they dive into the life of Andrew Fuller. They explore the background of this titan of missions, how his non-conformist theology was radical for the day andContinue reading “Andrew Fuller and Combating Hyper-Calvinism With Jared Longshore”

Who Was John Nevius? Joshua Bowman on the Missionary to China and Three-Self Missiology

Who was John Nevius, and why does his legacy continue to influence missions today? In this captivating episode of The Missions Podcast, we delve into the life and groundbreaking work of John Nevius with the insights of Joshua Bowman, a seasoned missionary with extensive experience in Zambia and South Asia, and currently serving as anContinue reading “Who Was John Nevius? Joshua Bowman on the Missionary to China and Three-Self Missiology”

Doing Honest Missions History With Ed Smither

In this conversation with Ed Smither, we delve into the evangelical tradition of honoring figures like William Carey and Lottie Moon, exploring how we can respect the past without veering into hagiography. Key discussion points include uncovering lesser-known missionaries who inspire, acknowledging the failures of past missions, and learning from historical examples, including Roman CatholicContinue reading “Doing Honest Missions History With Ed Smither”

More Modern Lessons From Medieval Missions With Glenn Sunshine

In part two of our insightful discussion with Dr. Glenn Sunshine, we shift our focus to the present, exploring the practical lessons that today’s evangelicals can learn from medieval missionary endeavors. Dr. Sunshine, drawing from his extensive study of Christian history, highlights how the methodologies and theological understandings of early missionaries like Saints Boniface andContinue reading “More Modern Lessons From Medieval Missions With Glenn Sunshine”

Medieval Missions Explored: Boniface, Patrick, and More With Glenn Sunshine

Part one of our engaging conversation with Dr. Glenn Sunshine takes us into the heart of medieval missions, focusing on influential figures like Saint Boniface and Saint Patrick. Dr. Sunshine, with his deep knowledge of European history, paints a vivid picture of the missionary landscape during the early medieval period. This episode delves into theContinue reading “Medieval Missions Explored: Boniface, Patrick, and More With Glenn Sunshine”

Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023

Who was the Scottish evangelist William Chalmers Burns? In this final Radius Conference exclusive, Ian Hamilton, president of Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, unfolds the riches of missions history to help us deepen in our devotion today. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. LearnContinue reading “Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023”

Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023

When we think of the legacy of old Princeton Theological Seminary—producing such towering spiritual giants as the Hodges and Warfields—we rarely think about their contribution to global missions. Yet, far from restricting themselves to ivory towers, these theologians were deeply concerned with the Great Commission. Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Seminary, explains why in thisContinue reading “Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023”

Partnering on Mission: Why Church Associationalism Matters With Dr. James Renihan

Modern people are fiercely independent. In America, our churches tightly hold on to their freedom. What biblical basis is there for church associations? Can Baptists partner together on mission while still holding to local church autonomy? Dr. James Renihan, theologian and president of International Reformed Baptist Seminary, answers. After a ministry of church planting inContinue reading “Partnering on Mission: Why Church Associationalism Matters With Dr. James Renihan”

Missions History and Adoption: Dr. John Mark Yeats – #FTC22

What lessons does history teach us about the intersection of missions and mercy ministry? John Mark Yeats sits down to discuss missions movements in Great Britain, adoption, and more. Yeats serves as Vice President of Student Services, Dean of Students and Student Success, Title IX Coordinator, and Professor of Church History at Midwestern Baptist TheologicalContinue reading “Missions History and Adoption: Dr. John Mark Yeats – #FTC22”

Charles Spurgeon as a Sending Pastor With Geoff Chang – #FTC22

Charles Spurgeon is beloved as the “prince of preachers.” But what did his church do for global missions? We explore with Geoff Chang, Assistant Professor of Church History and Historical Theology and the Curator of the Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Seminary. Watch the video version of this episode here. You can access all of ourContinue reading “Charles Spurgeon as a Sending Pastor With Geoff Chang – #FTC22”

The Air We Breathe: Glen Scrivener on the Ghost of Christianity in Western Culture

Why does Western society believe in ideals like freedom and equality? Where did we get the notion of human rights or self-sacrifice? What about the idea of “secularism” itself? This week, author and apologist Glen Scrivener explains how the specter of Christianity continues to haunt the Western mind—and how, as missionaries, we can reclaim it.Continue reading “The Air We Breathe: Glen Scrivener on the Ghost of Christianity in Western Culture”

T4G22: Prayer and Movements? Jonathan Arnold Explains

Prayer is the beating heart of missions. But how should we pray? Can we repeat pre-written prayers, or is that inauthentic? And what can history teach us about how prayer has sparked missions movements? Our friend Dr. Jonathan Arnold returns to the show to explain in this bonus interview. This conversation was recorded live atContinue reading “T4G22: Prayer and Movements? Jonathan Arnold Explains”

Who Was George Liele? Jason Duesing on the First African American Missionary

Born into slavery, George Liele is credited as being the first African-American missionary and Baptist missionary in the modern missionary movement. So why haven’t we heard his story? Dr. Jason Duesing, missions advocate and academic Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, explains. Duesing serves as a research fellow for the Ethics andContinue reading “Who Was George Liele? Jason Duesing on the First African American Missionary”

How to Be a Word-Centered Missionary: E.D. Burns

What is a “word-driven” missionary, and how can you become one? Adoniram and Ann Judson are stirring examples of Scripture-saturated missionaries whose methods subverted human wisdom. To explain this week, author and missionary E.D. Burns joins the show. E.D. Burns, Ph.D., is the author of The Missionary-Theologian and A Supreme Desire to Please Him: TheContinue reading “How to Be a Word-Centered Missionary: E.D. Burns”

Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey

Sometimes the missionary task is a balance between evangelism and humanitarianism. William Carey believed that the more evangelized a society was, the more civilized it became—and the more civilized it was, the more open to evangelized it would become. But was he right? C.J. Moore, missions mobilizer, Midwestern Seminary Ph.D. student and fellow, and pastorContinue reading “Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey”

Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains

Christians live in an age of iconoclasm. How can we do church history and modern missions history responsibly—without falling into the opposite errors of hero-worship or “cancel culture”? Jonathan Arnold, Associate Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, weighs in from his perspective as a church historian. For three years,Continue reading “Missions History in a ‘Cancel Culture’ Age: Jonathan Arnold Explains”

Coronavirus and Plague: Lessons From Church History With Glenn Sunshine

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging churches to be more bold, evangelistic, and loving towards our neighbors than we’ve ever needed to be. But this isn’t the first time in church history that Christians have faced the challenge of a plague. In this episode, our friend Glenn Sunshine returns to share a history of pandemics, theContinue reading “Coronavirus and Plague: Lessons From Church History With Glenn Sunshine”

Should Emotions Motivate Missions? Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd, and Religious Affections With Ryan Martin

What role should our emotions play in motivating us towards missions? The answer is in church history. Jonathan Edwards is noted his biography of the famous missionary David Brainerd, who was among the first to reach the Native Americans with the gospel. But most people don’t know that Jonathan Edwards wrote about Brainerd primarily asContinue reading “Should Emotions Motivate Missions? Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd, and Religious Affections With Ryan Martin”

Why Europe Needs Missionaries: Jonathan Kleis on Reaching Roman Catholics in Italy

While Europe has been the cradle of Christian civilization for centuries, certain countries—like Italy—never truly enjoyed the fruits of the Reformation. Now, Italy is steeped in secularism, paganism, and the occult, in addition to nominal Roman Catholicism. How should missionaries reach into this context, and how can we all engage our Roman Catholic friends andContinue reading “Why Europe Needs Missionaries: Jonathan Kleis on Reaching Roman Catholics in Italy”

Why Theology Must Shape Mission: A Chat With Zane Pratt

It’s our 100th episode! Listen all the way through the episode for details on how to win our podcast anniversary giveaway. In honor of the occasion, we brought back a favorite friend of the show—Zane Pratt, vice president for global training for the IMB—for a heavy-hitting conversation about why our theology must absolutely, unapologetically shapeContinue reading “Why Theology Must Shape Mission: A Chat With Zane Pratt”