God’s Call to Be Radically Ordinary in Our Faith With Michael Horton

Is being radical the point of Christianity? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, we dig into the archives for a conversation with Dr. Michael Horton as he talks about his book, “Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World”. Together they talk about how the modern rhetoric and mindset of needing to beContinue reading “God’s Call to Be Radically Ordinary in Our Faith With Michael Horton”

The Land Down Under: Evangelism Challenges in Australia with Russ Matthews

How do we evangelize and disciple modern people in a first-world country like Australia? In this episode, Alex and Scott sit down with ABWE missionary, Russ Matthews, who not only ministers in Australia as a missionary but also uses various platforms of film criticism, creating safe spaces for open dialog, and biblical training. Together theyContinue reading “The Land Down Under: Evangelism Challenges in Australia with Russ Matthews”

Exposing the Errors of the ‘Second Great Awakening’ With Paul Davis

Was the Second Great Awakening helpful to the Christian cause? In this episode, Alex and Scott sit down with ABWE President Paul Davis to discuss the lasting effects of Charles Finney in the Second Great Awakening on the church today. As a former pastor and church leader, Paul explores the manipulative tactics in evangelicalism broughtContinue reading “Exposing the Errors of the ‘Second Great Awakening’ With Paul Davis”

A Crisis in Evangelism? A Conversation With Paul Akin

We’ve launched our premium membership! Visit missionspodcast.com/premium to join and gain access to exclusive bonus content. In this episode of The Missions Podcast, we sit down with Dr. Paul Akin, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, to discuss the critical and evolving landscape of evangelism in today’s rapidly changingContinue reading “A Crisis in Evangelism? A Conversation With Paul Akin”

Evangelism, Media, and Saving the Unborn With Jon Speed

This week, we delve into the crucial intersection of missions, evangelism, and the pro-life movement with Jon Speed, pastor of missions and evangelism at By the Word Baptist Church in Azle, Texas. Jon brings a unique perspective on why the fight for the unborn is not just a political issue but a gospel imperative forContinue reading “Evangelism, Media, and Saving the Unborn With Jon Speed”

’Tis the Season to Rethink Outreach?

In this festive episode of The Missions Podcast, we unwrap the topic of outreach during the Christmas season and beyond—from shoeboxes to food drives to capital campaigns and, of course, door-to-door caroling. We explore each method’s effectiveness, asking the tough questions: Are we truly meeting needs or just fulfilling our own holiday expectations? Are thereContinue reading “’Tis the Season to Rethink Outreach?”

Crisis in Missions? Independent Filmmaker David Griffin Speaks

Should every Christian be an evangelist? What about every missionary? In this episode, we sit down with David Griffin, an independent filmmaker, digital marketer, and former church planter, to delve into the complexities and challenges facing modern missions. Griffin, the creative mind behind the documentary “The Crisis of Missions,” unpacks the most pressing issues missionariesContinue reading “Crisis in Missions? Independent Filmmaker David Griffin Speaks”

MEGA Episode: A Debate on Prioritism and Holism With Ray Norman and Alex Kocman

What is prioritism? What is holism? Is there a middle way? For decades these questions have reverberated throughout the missions community. They aren’t theoretical issues—they affect the daily work of missionaries. In this special episode, we bring you a dialogue over the relationship between evangelism and social action with Alex Kocman of ABWE, author ofContinue reading “MEGA Episode: A Debate on Prioritism and Holism With Ray Norman and Alex Kocman”

You Are Sent: A Conversation With Nathan Sloan

What is the crux of missions? What does Scripture have to say about the plight of the lost, and are churches doing enough about it? This week, Nathan Sloan, executive director of Upstream Sending and previous ABWE missionary, answers with insights from his latest book, You Are Sent: Finding Your Place in God’s Global Mission.Continue reading “You Are Sent: A Conversation With Nathan Sloan”

Josh McDowell: What Missionaries Need to Know About Apologetics

What do missionaries need to know about apologetics? Veteran author, speaker, and apologetics Josh McDowell reminds us about our commitment to defending truth—and sharing the evidence. Josh McDowell has been at the forefront of cultural trends and groundbreaking ministry for more than 58 years. He shares the essentials of the Christian faith in everyday languageContinue reading “Josh McDowell: What Missionaries Need to Know About Apologetics”

How to Reach LGBTQ With the Gospel: Jim Childs

Enter our giveaway to attend the Radius Missiology Conference in person or virtually. Details at missionspodcast.com/radius22. Many of us are afraid to directly present Christ to those caught up in the LGBTQ subculture. Should we be afraid? How can we win the person, not just the argument? And what does Scripture say? In this episode, weContinue reading “How to Reach LGBTQ With the Gospel: Jim Childs”

Does Evangelism Have to Be Scary?

Evangelism can’t be one-size-fits-all. Or can it? This week, Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman discuss their upbringing doing door-to-door evangelism, methods of presenting the gospel, contextualization, and the Book of Acts. If you’ve ever been discouraged in your efforts to share your faith, this conversation will embolden you. Subscribe now to never miss an episode whenContinue reading “Does Evangelism Have to Be Scary?”

How One Missionary Started a Century-Long Movement: Jim Ruff on ABWE Founder Raphael Thomas

Watch the video version of this episode here. In 1927, the evangelical church was split in two—between gospel-proclaiming fundamentalists and followers of the social gospel. Caught in the struggle was Baptist missionary Dr. Raphael Thomas. When his life and ministry took some unexpected turns, he was faced with a choice—and his actions sparked a missionsContinue reading “How One Missionary Started a Century-Long Movement: Jim Ruff on ABWE Founder Raphael Thomas”

Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 2)

Watch the video version of this episode here. This week, we continue our conversation with Chad Vegas defining proclamation, outlining the dangers of pragmatism, and sketching a vision for a biblically-driven missiology. Miss part 1? Listen here. Chad is the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield, the founding board chairman of Radius InternationalContinue reading “Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 2)”

Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 1)

Watch the video version of this episode here. In the missions world, there’s a rift between movement practitioners and advocates of biblical proclamation. Why the disagreement? And is there such a thing as the “proclamational model”? Chad Vegas weighs in this week. Chad is the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield, the foundingContinue reading “Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 1)”

Is Obedience-Based Discipleship Biblical? Alex and Scott Discuss

What is obedience-based discipleship, and is it biblical? The issue isn’t as simple as it seems. This week, Alex and Scott discuss Alex’s article addressing the topic and explore all the related questions of law, gospel, and salvation by faith alone. Support this podcast and impact God’s mission. Want to ask a question or suggest aContinue reading “Is Obedience-Based Discipleship Biblical? Alex and Scott Discuss”

Some Mocked, But Some Believed: Scott Dunford on Acts 17

The Apostle Paul models missional apologetics in Acts 17. What can we learn? In this episode, Scott Dunford walks through a crucial text and draws application for cross-cultural ministry at home and abroad. This episode features a sermon originally preached at Community Evangelical Free Church of Harrisburg, Pa. on June 13, 2021. Want to askContinue reading “Some Mocked, But Some Believed: Scott Dunford on Acts 17”

Why Every Christian Isn’t a Missionary: Conversations on When Everything Is Missions with Matthew Ellison and Denny Spitters

Not every Christian is a missionary, and not everything that parades itself as missional activity is. This sounds controversial—but should it? We ask Matthew Ellison and Denny Spitters, who discuss these issues in their latest book, Conversations on When Everything Is Missions, the follow-up to book to When Everything Is Missions. Hear our previous interviewContinue reading “Why Every Christian Isn’t a Missionary: Conversations on When Everything Is Missions with Matthew Ellison and Denny Spitters”

How to Share Christ With Muslims During Ramadan: Matt Bennett Speaks

Evangelism is hard. How can Christians share the gospel with Muslims during Ramadan? Should missionaries in Islamic lands adopt the spiritual practices of their neighbors? Matt Bennett, author and professor, shares his experience from ministering in the Middle East. Dr. Matthew Bennett joined the faculty at Cedarville University in fall 2017 after serving and living in NorthContinue reading “How to Share Christ With Muslims During Ramadan: Matt Bennett Speaks”

How to Be a Word-Centered Missionary: E.D. Burns

What is a “word-driven” missionary, and how can you become one? Adoniram and Ann Judson are stirring examples of Scripture-saturated missionaries whose methods subverted human wisdom. To explain this week, author and missionary E.D. Burns joins the show. E.D. Burns, Ph.D., is the author of The Missionary-Theologian and A Supreme Desire to Please Him: TheContinue reading “How to Be a Word-Centered Missionary: E.D. Burns”

Know Your Place: How to Identify and Study Your Mission Field

In today’s technology-saturated world, we can “be” anywhere—except where we actually are. Place matters. So how can we identify what our “mission field” is around us and know the way it thinks? In this episode, Scott and Alex dive into the book of Acts for answers about worldview, context, and missional living. Remember to share,Continue reading “Know Your Place: How to Identify and Study Your Mission Field”

Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas

In 2020, it’s impossible to escape the topic of privilege. This week, we dive into the archives and bring back our May 2019 interview with Chad Vegas, founding board member of Radius International and lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, and our discussion of “gospel privilege.” Perhaps it has never been more timely. Chad is the founding pastorContinue reading “Throwback: The Greatest Injustice With Chad Vegas”

Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey

Sometimes the missionary task is a balance between evangelism and humanitarianism. William Carey believed that the more evangelized a society was, the more civilized it became—and the more civilized it was, the more open to evangelized it would become. But was he right? C.J. Moore, missions mobilizer, Midwestern Seminary Ph.D. student and fellow, and pastorContinue reading “Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey”

Brooks Buser Answers: How Dare Missionaries Seek to Convert?

On August 8, 2020, a simple tweet by Brooks Buser, president of Radius International, ignited a firestorm of controversy: “Thank you for the prayers for Amdu people and team. By God’s grace, there are now members of that people group who are reconciled to God, who no longer have their sins counted against them.” Skeptics,Continue reading “Brooks Buser Answers: How Dare Missionaries Seek to Convert?”

Serve in Place: Missions in a Pandemic

Global travel restrictions are in place. Hordes of healthy people throughout the U.S. and abroad can’t even get to their local church service in-person—much less to the mission field. Should we temporarily shift our focus away from global missions during the current crisis? Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman explore this complex question in this exclusiveContinue reading “Serve in Place: Missions in a Pandemic”

Paul Davis: Why the Gospel Must Be ‘Preached’

In the missions community, we all believe the gospel must be spread. But there is increasing resistance to the idea of “preaching” or “proclaiming” the gospel with authority and simplicity. Why is that? ABWE President Paul Davis joins Scott and Alex this week to explain what is burdening him and what he’s seeing in the heart ofContinue reading “Paul Davis: Why the Gospel Must Be ‘Preached’”

From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism

Anthony Mathenia ministered faithfully in Ethiopia as a missionary, but the pragmatism and watering-down of the gospel he saw from his fellow cross-cultural workers worried him. He was charting a new course—until God’s sovereignty directed him elsewhere, and the sudden passing of his wife brought him back to the U.S. to raise their children. NowContinue reading “From Africa to the Abortion Clinic: Anthony Mathenia on Suffering and the Sovereignty in Evangelism”

Mailbag: Finishing the Task, Counting Converts, and Defining the ‘Call’

Is it possible to “finish the task” of missions? How should we count converts—if at all? Is it necessary to feel a sense of calling before pursuing missions? We tackle these questions are more received by listeners in this week’s special episode. In the conversation, we also referenced these past episodes: “Do We Need toContinue reading “Mailbag: Finishing the Task, Counting Converts, and Defining the ‘Call’”

Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains

How should missionaries argue for the Christian faith? If human beings are dead in sin, then they need more than evidence—they need to realize that even their refusal to believe is an act of rebellion and a sin for which Jesus died. To argue this way is to argue using presuppositional apologetics, but how toContinue reading “Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains”

Engaging the Cults With Summer Jaeger

You may know her from Sheologians, but long before she was “internet famous,” a young Summer Jaeger would spend whole days with her family and friends engaged in street evangelism outside Mormon temples tackling tough apologetic issues and sharing the gospel. Now, as a married, homeschooling mother of four and an avid podcaster, Summer’s perspectiveContinue reading “Engaging the Cults With Summer Jaeger”

Why Europe Needs Missionaries: Jonathan Kleis on Reaching Roman Catholics in Italy

While Europe has been the cradle of Christian civilization for centuries, certain countries—like Italy—never truly enjoyed the fruits of the Reformation. Now, Italy is steeped in secularism, paganism, and the occult, in addition to nominal Roman Catholicism. How should missionaries reach into this context, and how can we all engage our Roman Catholic friends andContinue reading “Why Europe Needs Missionaries: Jonathan Kleis on Reaching Roman Catholics in Italy”

Disciple-Making Movements: A Critical Discussion With Dr. Glenn Sunshine

Disciple-making movements (DMM) and church planting movements (CPM) are more than just buzzwords—they represent controversial methodologies that are dividing missionaries along organization and theological lines. Do these methodologies represent faulty views of conversion or ecclesiology, or are the critics guilty of prayerlessness and quenching the Holy Spirit? We’ve explored these topics in the past onContinue reading “Disciple-Making Movements: A Critical Discussion With Dr. Glenn Sunshine”

How Much Do the Unreached Know? Natural Revelation and Evangelism

When we consider unreached and unengaged people groups, we typically think of them as knowing nothing at all of God. But a biblical theology of natural revelation and common grace drives us to a deeper understanding of the fact that all human beings are surrounded by the visible glory of God—and it’s precisely this factContinue reading “How Much Do the Unreached Know? Natural Revelation and Evangelism”

Fouad Masri on What Christians Get Wrong About Reaching Muslims

What is it like for a Christian living in the Middle East? What do believers usually get wrong about Islam and how to share Christ with Muslims? These questions are especially pressing during the month of Ramadan. This week Fouad Masri shares his personal conversion account and weighs in on these issues. Author and lecturerContinue reading “Fouad Masri on What Christians Get Wrong About Reaching Muslims”

Breaking Down Cultural Walls to Reach Muslims: Mariya Dostzadah’s Story

Mariya Dostzadah Goodbrake comes from a Sunni Afghan background, dabbled into New Age mysticism, and found herself surrounded by Roman Catholics in Mexico—and it’s there that God brought her face-to-face with an evangelical Christian and the biblical gospel. Now, she draws on her rich cultural experiences to help Muslim refugees and expats realize that theyContinue reading “Breaking Down Cultural Walls to Reach Muslims: Mariya Dostzadah’s Story”

What Is Gospel-Centered Missions?

What is the gospel? It’s a question missionaries can’t afford to take for granted. Specifically, what would a distinctly gospel-centered approach to missions look like, and how would it differ—or not differ—from forms of mission that focus heavily on meeting physical, tangible needs? What is the relationship between gospel proclamation and cultural engagement? Scott and AlexContinue reading “What Is Gospel-Centered Missions?”

Church Planting in the Middle East Through Business as Mission

The early 2000’s wasn’t a prime time for Americans visiting the Middle East. But that’s when our guest, the son of a Kansas farmer, found himself called to the mission field in an undeniable way. On today’s episode, he shares stories of death-defying ministry to mullahs and how God used his ministry to plant theContinue reading “Church Planting in the Middle East Through Business as Mission”

What Is Life Really Like in a 99.9% Muslim Country?

What does it look like to meet physical needs, share Christ, and risk persecution to serve in a 99.9% Islamic country? Two anonymous, female ABWE missionaries in North Africa join us over the phone to share from their experiences in tilling the soil, building trust, avoiding security risks, and praying that God gradually opens heartsContinue reading “What Is Life Really Like in a 99.9% Muslim Country?”

Josh Daggett on Personal Evangelism and Prayer

We’ve all struggled to share our faith in one-on-one conversations. We also struggle with personal spiritual disciplines intimately connected to our effectiveness in evangelism—i.e., prayer. On this episode, Josh Daggett, lead pastor at Living Waters Fellowship in Des Moines, Iowa, shares his own encouragements, failures, and victories in these critical areas of ministry. We digContinue reading “Josh Daggett on Personal Evangelism and Prayer”

Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions

Protestants in the West have a rich heritage of systematic theology—but it doesn’t always translate easily into new cultural contexts. Is a return to narrative-focused, biblical theology the answer? Chris Bruno, Assistant Professor of Greek and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary, joins us to answer and weigh in on his own cross-cultural experiencesContinue reading “Chris Bruno: Biblical Theology Versus Systematic Theology in Missions”

Jared C. Wilson: Why Missionaries Need the Gospel Too

Pastors and missionaries are supposed to be sharing the gospel, but inwardly, many believe that they’re justified by their own performance. In this episode, Jared C. Wilson—a “failed church planter” who “once made a mess of his marriage” (his words, not ours!) whose rediscovery of gospel-centeredness transformed his life and ministry—shares why missionaries need to beContinue reading “Jared C. Wilson: Why Missionaries Need the Gospel Too”

India, Sex Trafficking, and the Gospel

India is home to more unreached people groups, women and children in the sex industry, impoverished families, and idols then anywhere else on the planet. What impact could a few missionaries possibly have, and how does the hope of the gospel encourage them in the midst of such massive need? Today, two ABWE workers join us to discuss the incredible doors God has opened for them in South Asia, and how the local church is filling a spiritual need that no NGO or sex trafficking rescue operation alone can address.

How Does Hospitality Fuel Mission?

Starting gospel conversations—whether at home or overseas—is difficult in our distracted, technology-addicted world. Is returning to a practice of holistic, biblical hospitality part of the solution to strengthen our evangelism? Jeff Dalrymple, former president of Baptist Haiti Mission and president and founder of The Hospitality Project, helps us answer that question and explains why weContinue reading “How Does Hospitality Fuel Mission?”