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Tag Archives: history
The Martyrdom of John and Betty Stam
In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Andrew Montonera, author of a new missionary biography on John and Betty Stam, talks about how their life and death impacted the Chinese church and a whole generation of Christians.
Why Islam Isn’t Neutral
On this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott sit down with Raymond Ibrahim, an ancient history scholar, author, and speaker as he talks about how the narrative around the crusades and Islam has been corrupted over time.
Ludwig Krapf: Who He Was and Why You’ve Never Heard of Him
Dive into the transformative legacy of Ludwig Krapf, a figure whose pioneering translation work and partnerships in missions laid foundational stones for the gospel’s spread in East Africa. Krapf’s enduring impact questions how we view mission work today, inviting us to explore the deep roots of faith across continents. His story is not just aContinue reading “Ludwig Krapf: Who He Was and Why You’ve Never Heard of Him”
Doing Honest Missions History With Ed Smither
In this conversation with Ed Smither, we delve into the evangelical tradition of honoring figures like William Carey and Lottie Moon, exploring how we can respect the past without veering into hagiography. Key discussion points include uncovering lesser-known missionaries who inspire, acknowledging the failures of past missions, and learning from historical examples, including Roman CatholicContinue reading “Doing Honest Missions History With Ed Smither”
More Modern Lessons From Medieval Missions With Glenn Sunshine
In part two of our insightful discussion with Dr. Glenn Sunshine, we shift our focus to the present, exploring the practical lessons that today’s evangelicals can learn from medieval missionary endeavors. Dr. Sunshine, drawing from his extensive study of Christian history, highlights how the methodologies and theological understandings of early missionaries like Saints Boniface andContinue reading “More Modern Lessons From Medieval Missions With Glenn Sunshine”
Medieval Missions Explored: Boniface, Patrick, and More With Glenn Sunshine
Part one of our engaging conversation with Dr. Glenn Sunshine takes us into the heart of medieval missions, focusing on influential figures like Saint Boniface and Saint Patrick. Dr. Sunshine, with his deep knowledge of European history, paints a vivid picture of the missionary landscape during the early medieval period. This episode delves into theContinue reading “Medieval Missions Explored: Boniface, Patrick, and More With Glenn Sunshine”
Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023
Who was the Scottish evangelist William Chalmers Burns? In this final Radius Conference exclusive, Ian Hamilton, president of Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, unfolds the riches of missions history to help us deepen in our devotion today. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. LearnContinue reading “Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023”
Missions History and Adoption: Dr. John Mark Yeats – #FTC22
What lessons does history teach us about the intersection of missions and mercy ministry? John Mark Yeats sits down to discuss missions movements in Great Britain, adoption, and more. Yeats serves as Vice President of Student Services, Dean of Students and Student Success, Title IX Coordinator, and Professor of Church History at Midwestern Baptist TheologicalContinue reading “Missions History and Adoption: Dr. John Mark Yeats – #FTC22”
T4G22: Prayer and Movements? Jonathan Arnold Explains
Prayer is the beating heart of missions. But how should we pray? Can we repeat pre-written prayers, or is that inauthentic? And what can history teach us about how prayer has sparked missions movements? Our friend Dr. Jonathan Arnold returns to the show to explain in this bonus interview. This conversation was recorded live atContinue reading “T4G22: Prayer and Movements? Jonathan Arnold Explains”
Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early
Around the time that the Soviet Union fell, Ukraine experienced massive spiritual revival. Duane Early, who served there as a missionary, is convinced that’s part of the reason Ukraine is being targeted today. In this interview, he explains the current situation in Ukraine, miracles that happened during that revival, lessons learned, and missiological takeaways thatContinue reading “Jesus, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union: Duane Early”
How One Missionary Started a Century-Long Movement: Jim Ruff on ABWE Founder Raphael Thomas
Watch the video version of this episode here. In 1927, the evangelical church was split in two—between gospel-proclaiming fundamentalists and followers of the social gospel. Caught in the struggle was Baptist missionary Dr. Raphael Thomas. When his life and ministry took some unexpected turns, he was faced with a choice—and his actions sparked a missionsContinue reading “How One Missionary Started a Century-Long Movement: Jim Ruff on ABWE Founder Raphael Thomas”
C.S. Lewis and Mission: Dan DeWitt on Recapturing Our Cultural Imagination
What does C.S. Lewis have to do with missions? More than you’d think. This week, Dan DeWitt explains how Lewis’ vision for literature, tradition, and the affections can transform cross-cultural ministry. Before joining the faculty of Cedarville University, Dr. Dan DeWitt served in academic and pastoral roles as Lead Pastor of the Campus Church, aContinue reading “C.S. Lewis and Mission: Dan DeWitt on Recapturing Our Cultural Imagination”
North Korea, Persecution, and Insider Movements: James Cha
What is the Korean Pentecost? Is Korea under divine judgment? And what does any of this have to do with Insider movements in the Islamic world? We tackle some massive topics with missionary and author James T. Cha of the Crescent Project, author of Fear Not. Rev. James Cha was born in Pusan, Korea, and immigrated toContinue reading “North Korea, Persecution, and Insider Movements: James Cha”
Carl Trueman: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
How did Western society descend from culture of Christendom to the triumph of the “T” in LGBT? Dr. Carl Trueman, historian and author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (Crossway, 2020), lays blame at the feet of expressive individualism. But individualism isn’t just the world’s problem—it’s the air we breathe in theContinue reading “Carl Trueman: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self”
Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice
Watch the video version of this episode on YouTube. Social justice. Critical theory. Post-colonialism. Intersectionality. These issues have divided believers and unbelievers alike in the church over the last few years, and in 2020 the issue is impossible to escape. Is conservative evangelicalism beginning to compromise biblical teaching on complex social issues? And if so,Continue reading “Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice”
Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers
Behind every great missionary, there’s a great sending pastor. That was certainly true in the case of Andrew Fuller, the pastor of William Carey and a fellow advocate of the modern missionary movement among the English Particular Baptists of his day. What can modern ministers learn from this influential local church leader who helped launchContinue reading “Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers”
Lucy Peabody: The Groundbreaking Pioneer Missionary You’ve Never Heard of
There are lots of names of women who could vie for the title of being a “mother” of the modern missions movement—and Lucy Peabody is certainly one such candidate. This pioneer missionary to India endured the loss of her first husband, mobilized marginalized women across the country to give millions of dollars towards missions, befriendedContinue reading “Lucy Peabody: The Groundbreaking Pioneer Missionary You’ve Never Heard of”
Where Did the Gritty Missionaries Go? David Joannes on Missionary Motivations
C.T. Studd is credited with saying, “Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” But in today’s world where everyone is encouraged to “live on mission,” this classic missionary grit is increasingly absent. What happened, and what are the internal and external motivators that lead someone to risk everything to serve abroad? To answer that question, we invited missionary, author, and researcher David Joannes.
Lori McDaniel on Being a “Rebel” Like Lottie Moon
It’s December, which means Southern Baptists are hearing the name “Lottie Moon” and instantly associating it with missions. Who was Lottie Moon? Why was the Christmas Offering named after her? What can we learn from her as trailblazing, single female missionary and mobilizer?