Prioritizing the Old Ways in Missions With Kevin DeYoung | Missionary 2024

Why is it difficult to rely on the traditional methods of missions? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Scott Dunford sits down with Kevin DeYoung, pastor, author, and founder of Clearly Reformed, as they discuss good models of ministry and why missionaries need to prayerfully trust in the ordinary means and methods of bringing theContinue reading “Prioritizing the Old Ways in Missions With Kevin DeYoung | Missionary 2024”

Optimizing Ministry Partnerships With Ryan Robertson and Duane Tweeten | Missionary 2024

Should ministries partner together? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Ryan Robertson of Reaching and Teaching and Duane Tweeten from Training Leaders International on the importance of ministries working together to further kingdom impact. They discuss conditions of why organizations should work together, key leadership traits, and how unityContinue reading “Optimizing Ministry Partnerships With Ryan Robertson and Duane Tweeten | Missionary 2024”

Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024

Are confessions a good or bad thing? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Dr. James Renihan, President of International Reformed Baptist Seminary as he discusses his work with the 1689 London Confession and the role it plays in the life of the church and everyday Christians. Did you missContinue reading “Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024”

What Lausanne Was Really Like With Paul Davis

Was Lausanne Conference staying true to the gospel? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott sit down with ABWE President Paul Davis to debrief his recent experience at the Lausanne Conference in South Korea. Paul discusses the format of the conference, the beauty of the worldwide church gathering together, and someContinue reading “What Lausanne Was Really Like With Paul Davis”

The Forgotten Doctrine With Jonathan Master | Missionary 2024

Is there a doctrine that’s been forgotten by the contemporary church? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Jonathan Master, President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, as he talks about how the church has ignored or redefined a crucial theological concept that plays an important role in how we viewContinue reading “The Forgotten Doctrine With Jonathan Master | Missionary 2024”

Why Have the Missionary Conference? Brooks Buser | Missionary 2024

What’s unique about Missionary? Is it just another conference? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott interview Brooks Buser, President of Radius International and founder of Missionary as he talks about the need in today’s world to inspire new pioneers like William Tyndale who will bring the Word of God to new languagesContinue reading “Why Have the Missionary Conference? Brooks Buser | Missionary 2024”

Reliance on God and the Importance of Faithful Men in Missions With Paul Washer at Missionary

What kind of men do we need going to the mission field? In this exclusive interview from Missionary Conference, Alex and Scott sit down with Paul Washer as he discusses the role that ABWE missionaries had on this life, the type of men that should be going to the mission field, and crucial words thatContinue reading “Reliance on God and the Importance of Faithful Men in Missions With Paul Washer at Missionary”

Don’t Rely on Intelligence. Rely on God Through Prayer | Paul Washer

This week on The Missions Podcast, we have an exclusive interview with Paul Washer from Missionary Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Join Alex and Scott for this incredibly insightful and challenging discussion. Want access to all of the interviews from Missionary? Join our Premium Subscribers and get instant access as well as many other benefits. UseContinue reading “Don’t Rely on Intelligence. Rely on God Through Prayer | Paul Washer”

Andrew Fuller and Combating Hyper-Calvinism With Jared Longshore

How much do you know of the grandfather of the modern missions movement? In this week’s episode, Alex sits down with return guest and friend Jared Longshore as they dive into the life of Andrew Fuller. They explore the background of this titan of missions, how his non-conformist theology was radical for the day andContinue reading “Andrew Fuller and Combating Hyper-Calvinism With Jared Longshore”

Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023

Who was the Scottish evangelist William Chalmers Burns? In this final Radius Conference exclusive, Ian Hamilton, president of Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, unfolds the riches of missions history to help us deepen in our devotion today. Also: Cloud of Witnesses is an upcoming podcast coming to the ABWE network. LearnContinue reading “Learning From William Chalmers Burns: Ian Hamilton | Radius 2023”

Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023

When we think of the legacy of old Princeton Theological Seminary—producing such towering spiritual giants as the Hodges and Warfields—we rarely think about their contribution to global missions. Yet, far from restricting themselves to ivory towers, these theologians were deeply concerned with the Great Commission. Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Seminary, explains why in thisContinue reading “Jonathan Master on the Missional Legacy of Old Princeton | Radius 2023”

Can We Learn From Movements? JR Stevenson on What the Reformed and Movements Can Learn From Each Other

Many church and missions leaders are concerned that disciple making movements, church planting movements, and other multiplication methodologies are guilty of pragmatism. Conversely, movement practitioners accuse critics of being too tied to tradition. Is there common ground? In a recent article for Global Missiology, Middle East missionary J.R. Stevenson claims the two sides of theContinue reading “Can We Learn From Movements? JR Stevenson on What the Reformed and Movements Can Learn From Each Other”

Partnering on Mission: Why Church Associationalism Matters With Dr. James Renihan

Modern people are fiercely independent. In America, our churches tightly hold on to their freedom. What biblical basis is there for church associations? Can Baptists partner together on mission while still holding to local church autonomy? Dr. James Renihan, theologian and president of International Reformed Baptist Seminary, answers. After a ministry of church planting inContinue reading “Partnering on Mission: Why Church Associationalism Matters With Dr. James Renihan”

Seeds and Stars: Resting in Christ for Great Commission Service With E.D. Burns

Many modern evangelicals confuse God’s law with God’s grace, mistaking rules and best practices for the gospel itself. How can missionaries understand the difference between law and grace, and what impact can it have on their ministry? E.D. Burns returns to the show this week to discuss his upcoming book with Founders Press, Seeds andContinue reading “Seeds and Stars: Resting in Christ for Great Commission Service With E.D. Burns”

#RMC22: Growing in Grace as a Missionary With Jonathan Master

What does it mean for a Christian on mission to “grow in grace”? Dr. Jonathan Master, president of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, explains at the recent Radius Missiology Conference. Learn more about GPTS’s new partnership with Radius at Watch the video version of this episode on the ABWE YouTube channel. Listen to all of our RMC22Continue reading “#RMC22: Growing in Grace as a Missionary With Jonathan Master”

Why Missionaries Must Read Old Books: Banner of Truth’s John Rawlinson

Enter our giveaway to attend the Radius Missiology Conference in person or virtually. Details at The Missions Podcast exists to help goers think and thinkers go. Perhaps no other modern Christian publisher is more concerned with helping believers to think deeply about—and experience—the things of God than Banner of Truth. What cross-cultural impact is theContinue reading “Why Missionaries Must Read Old Books: Banner of Truth’s John Rawlinson”

Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 2)

Watch the video version of this episode here. This week, we continue our conversation with Chad Vegas defining proclamation, outlining the dangers of pragmatism, and sketching a vision for a biblically-driven missiology. Miss part 1? Listen here. Chad is the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield, the founding board chairman of Radius InternationalContinue reading “Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 2)”

Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 1)

Watch the video version of this episode here. In the missions world, there’s a rift between movement practitioners and advocates of biblical proclamation. Why the disagreement? And is there such a thing as the “proclamational model”? Chad Vegas weighs in this week. Chad is the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield, the foundingContinue reading “Chad Vegas: Defining the ‘Proclamational Model’ (Part 1)”

Reaching Europe Through Liturgy? Melissa Baccarella and Andy Messmer

Europe is more “post-Christian” than ever. So why would a high form of Christian worship be the key to reaching—and discipling—the unchurched in Europe? Melissa Baccarella, ABWE missionary to Italy, rejoins to show along with Andy Messmer to continue our previous conversation about liturgy. Love the show? Want to help more people think and go? SupportContinue reading “Reaching Europe Through Liturgy? Melissa Baccarella and Andy Messmer”

Roman Catholicism, Spain, and Liturgy: Andy Messmer Speaks

How we worship matters. How we worship really matters in missions. In Roman Catholic-dominated Spain, ABWE Missionary Andy Messmer argues that returning to a traditional style can be life-changing. How? Scott and Alex explore with him in this episode. Andy and Lindsey Messmer are serving in Madrid, Spain with their children Sofia, Lucas, Zoe, andContinue reading “Roman Catholicism, Spain, and Liturgy: Andy Messmer Speaks”

Mercy, Justice, and Missions: Dr. George Grant

Everyone is debating social justice. But what happened to mercy ministry? Have we forgotten compassion in the midst of our gospel preaching? Dr. George Grant explains how mercy and justice flow from gospel proclamation, sharing his insights from working with homeless, advocating for the unborn, and even helping plant classical Christian schools in the MiddleContinue reading “Mercy, Justice, and Missions: Dr. George Grant”

Carl Trueman: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

How did Western society descend from culture of Christendom to the triumph of the “T” in LGBT? Dr. Carl Trueman, historian and author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (Crossway, 2020), lays blame at the feet of expressive individualism. But individualism isn’t just the world’s problem—it’s the air we breathe in theContinue reading “Carl Trueman: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self”

James Dolezal: What Every Missionary Needs to Know About the Doctrine of God

Only a big view of God can sustain the people of God on a big mission. Yet have missionaries gotten their very doctrine of God himself wrong? This week, Dr. James Dolezal highlights the doctrines of divine simplicity, immutability, and aseity—aspects of theology proper often lost on modern evangelicalism—and why they matter for reaching pagans,Continue reading “James Dolezal: What Every Missionary Needs to Know About the Doctrine of God”

Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions

In Genesis, Adam was told to be fruitful, multiply, and take dominion of creation. He failed. Now, believers in Christ are called to spread the good news of Christ to the world. Are these two separate missions, or is the Great Commission a renewal of the original marching orders from Eden? Matthew Newkirk, author ofContinue reading “Was Adam a Missionary? Matthew Newkirk on the Creation Mandate and Missions”

Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey

Sometimes the missionary task is a balance between evangelism and humanitarianism. William Carey believed that the more evangelized a society was, the more civilized it became—and the more civilized it was, the more open to evangelized it would become. But was he right? C.J. Moore, missions mobilizer, Midwestern Seminary Ph.D. student and fellow, and pastorContinue reading “Evangelize or Civilize? C.J. Moore on William Carey”

Apologetics, Evangelism, and Revival in Norway: Nahum O’Brien and Edvard Moe Explain

When most people think of Norway, they think of gorgeous fjords, bitter cold, and secularism—not a revival of interest in apologetics or biblical doctrine. Is this Scandinavian nation simply circling the drain of postmodernism, or is God doing something new? We ask that question to Nahum O’Brien, ABWE missionary to Norway, along with his nationalContinue reading “Apologetics, Evangelism, and Revival in Norway: Nahum O’Brien and Edvard Moe Explain”

Questioning Contextualization? With C.R. Wiley

Missiologists are always talking about contextualizing the church to the surrounding culture. But should we accommodate to a post-Christian culture, or a culture of death like we see in the West today? It’s time for us to rethink the ubiquitous acceptance of the logic of contextualization, says C.R. “Chris” Wiley. This week, Chris returns toContinue reading “Questioning Contextualization? With C.R. Wiley”

When the Church Can’t Gather: Pandemics, Persecution, and Worship on the Mission Field

Does online worship count as “church?” Is Sunday unique as the Lord’s Day? Does the Bible give us a regulative principle or worship, or a normative principle of worship? The current global crisis has brought up these important questions about ecclesiology—questions that missionaries already face in parts of the world where gathering openly and regularlyContinue reading “When the Church Can’t Gather: Pandemics, Persecution, and Worship on the Mission Field”

How Do Chinese Christians Think? Diane Poythress on the Church in Asia

“Eastern” and “Western” aren’t just geographic labels—they’re terms that signify a massive worldview chasm. How do Chinese culture, the Confucian system of thought, and Eastern patterns of thought impact the church in Asia? What questions to Chinese Christians tend to bring to the Bible, and what questions should they—and we—be asking instead? Dr. Diane PoythressContinue reading “How Do Chinese Christians Think? Diane Poythress on the Church in Asia”

Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains

How should missionaries argue for the Christian faith? If human beings are dead in sin, then they need more than evidence—they need to realize that even their refusal to believe is an act of rebellion and a sin for which Jesus died. To argue this way is to argue using presuppositional apologetics, but how toContinue reading “Presuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains”

Should Emotions Motivate Missions? Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd, and Religious Affections With Ryan Martin

What role should our emotions play in motivating us towards missions? The answer is in church history. Jonathan Edwards is noted his biography of the famous missionary David Brainerd, who was among the first to reach the Native Americans with the gospel. But most people don’t know that Jonathan Edwards wrote about Brainerd primarily asContinue reading “Should Emotions Motivate Missions? Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd, and Religious Affections With Ryan Martin”

A Theology of Language: Dr. Vern Poythress Speaks

The inconvenience of learning a foreign language is a major reason people choose not to pursue cross-cultural missions. But, as Dr. Vern Poythress explains, language isn’t just a barrier; it’s a gift from God that displays his creativity. In this special interview, Dr. Poythress explains why language itself finds its source in the Trinity, howContinue reading “A Theology of Language: Dr. Vern Poythress Speaks”

C.R. Wiley on Missions, the Household, and the Cosmos

In much of the contemporary missions conversation, the good, ordinary gifts of God—like marriage and family—are often spoken of mainly as things to be sacrificed, not as things to be cultivated as a part of the church’s mission. This week, Chris “C.R.” Wiley explains why a return to the biblical understanding of the household canContinue reading “C.R. Wiley on Missions, the Household, and the Cosmos”

Why Theology Must Shape Mission: A Chat With Zane Pratt

It’s our 100th episode! Listen all the way through the episode for details on how to win our podcast anniversary giveaway. In honor of the occasion, we brought back a favorite friend of the show—Zane Pratt, vice president for global training for the IMB—for a heavy-hitting conversation about why our theology must absolutely, unapologetically shapeContinue reading “Why Theology Must Shape Mission: A Chat With Zane Pratt”

Should Missions Be ‘Radical’ or Ordinary? Michael Horton Answers

Radical. Transformative. Impact. Crazy, even. These words fill the atmosphere when Christians discuss the sacrifice and risk involved in missions. But has all this talk of “radical” living left us unable to cope with regular life, ordinariness, boredom, and God’s normal means of grace? This week we talked with Dr. Michael Horton, professor, author, andContinue reading “Should Missions Be ‘Radical’ or Ordinary? Michael Horton Answers”

What Is Gospel-Centered Missions?

What is the gospel? It’s a question missionaries can’t afford to take for granted. Specifically, what would a distinctly gospel-centered approach to missions look like, and how would it differ—or not differ—from forms of mission that focus heavily on meeting physical, tangible needs? What is the relationship between gospel proclamation and cultural engagement? Scott and AlexContinue reading “What Is Gospel-Centered Missions?”

Mere Hope: Jason Duesing on Missionary Hope in a Cynical Age

We live in an age of perpetual outrage and cynicism, and lost hope takes its greatest toll upon the missionary endeavor. This week we spoke with Dr. Jason Duesing, passionate missions sender and academic Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, author of the new book Mere Hope: Life in An AgeContinue reading “Mere Hope: Jason Duesing on Missionary Hope in a Cynical Age”

Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers

Behind every great missionary, there’s a great sending pastor. That was certainly true in the case of Andrew Fuller, the pastor of William Carey and a fellow advocate of the modern missionary movement among the English Particular Baptists of his day. What can modern ministers learn from this influential local church leader who helped launchContinue reading “Andrew Fuller: The Man Behind the Man Behind Modern Missions — With Travis Myers”

Conrad Mbewe: Combatting Prosperity Teaching in Africa

Christianity isn’t spreading into Africa; it’s already there. But as our guest this week shares, it is afflicted by the problem of syncretism, hyper-charismatic influence, so-called prosperity “gospel” teaching, and weak theology. How can pastors and missionaries confront these threats and help the African church develop theologies that are rich, sound, and historically rooted? ConradContinue reading “Conrad Mbewe: Combatting Prosperity Teaching in Africa”

Jared C. Wilson: Why Missionaries Need the Gospel Too

Pastors and missionaries are supposed to be sharing the gospel, but inwardly, many believe that they’re justified by their own performance. In this episode, Jared C. Wilson—a “failed church planter” who “once made a mess of his marriage” (his words, not ours!) whose rediscovery of gospel-centeredness transformed his life and ministry—shares why missionaries need to beContinue reading “Jared C. Wilson: Why Missionaries Need the Gospel Too”

Barnabas Piper on Ministry Kids, Curiosity, and Identity

How do you handle the pressures of growing up hearing “don’t waste your life,” and what lessons can missionary kids and pastors’ kids take away? Barnabas Piper joins us this week as we wander to and fro to discuss those topics along with cultivating a curiosity with other cultures, parenting with an eye towards missions, and avoiding ministry cynicism by grounding our identity in Christ.

T4G Panel on Theological Training in Missions

There’s a theological famine across the majority world. How can we fix that? Are translated English resources the solution? How can we encourage more theological educators to serve overseas? And why does the chasm between the gospel-centered, big-God theology movement and the missions world seem so large? On April 12th, 2018 at Together for the GospelContinue reading “T4G Panel on Theological Training in Missions”

God’s Sovereignty, Human Responsibility, and Missions

Is Reformed theology antithetical to missions? Can Calvinists and Arminians partner together in gospel ministry? Today, Scott and Alex take a swing at these hotly-debated topics and provide answers from a biblical perspective recognizing that God’s sovereignty is fully compatible with the call to repent and believe the gospel—and how the fact that Christ hasContinue reading “God’s Sovereignty, Human Responsibility, and Missions”