Apologetics 101, Wesley Huff, Joe Rogan, and Presuppositionalism

Since Joe Rogan interviewed Wesley Huff, there has been a renewed interest in Christian apologetics and culture. But what exactly is apologetics? Alex and Scott dive into the controversy of different apologetic schools of thought, the pros and cons of each, and how moments like these can start to turn a culture back to theContinue reading “Apologetics 101, Wesley Huff, Joe Rogan, and Presuppositionalism”

What You Didn’t Know About D.L. Moody

How much do you know about D.L. Moody? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Scott sits down with Gregg Quiggle, retired professor of Church History at Moody Bible Institute to talk about this critical figure in modern evangelicalism. They discuss how this simple man impacted, through speaking and writing, around 100 million peopleContinue reading “What You Didn’t Know About D.L. Moody”

Prioritizing the Old Ways in Missions With Kevin DeYoung | Missionary 2024

Why is it difficult to rely on the traditional methods of missions? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Scott Dunford sits down with Kevin DeYoung, pastor, author, and founder of Clearly Reformed, as they discuss good models of ministry and why missionaries need to prayerfully trust in the ordinary means and methods of bringing theContinue reading “Prioritizing the Old Ways in Missions With Kevin DeYoung | Missionary 2024”

Ministry in Life’s Later Years With Brad Buser | Missionary 2024

How do you make the most of ministry after the field? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Scott Dunford sits down with Brad Buser from Radius International about how to approach life and ministry after missionaries come back from the field. They discuss pitfalls that retired missionaries fall into, ministry opportunities in retirement, and theContinue reading “Ministry in Life’s Later Years With Brad Buser | Missionary 2024”

Optimizing Ministry Partnerships With Ryan Robertson and Duane Tweeten | Missionary 2024

Should ministries partner together? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Ryan Robertson of Reaching and Teaching and Duane Tweeten from Training Leaders International on the importance of ministries working together to further kingdom impact. They discuss conditions of why organizations should work together, key leadership traits, and how unityContinue reading “Optimizing Ministry Partnerships With Ryan Robertson and Duane Tweeten | Missionary 2024”

Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024

Are confessions a good or bad thing? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Dr. James Renihan, President of International Reformed Baptist Seminary as he discusses his work with the 1689 London Confession and the role it plays in the life of the church and everyday Christians. Did you missContinue reading “Confessionalism and the 1689 London Confession With Dr. James Renihan | Missionary 2024”

What Lausanne Was Really Like With Paul Davis

Was Lausanne Conference staying true to the gospel? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott sit down with ABWE President Paul Davis to debrief his recent experience at the Lausanne Conference in South Korea. Paul discusses the format of the conference, the beauty of the worldwide church gathering together, and someContinue reading “What Lausanne Was Really Like With Paul Davis”

What is Really Happening in Modern Missions? Chad Vegas | Missionary 2024

What are the main problems in today’s mission world? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Chad Vegas, pastor, author, and co-founder of the Missionary Conference. Chad analyzes a few of the problems relating to how the church should be raising up and training future missionaries and how churches needContinue reading “What is Really Happening in Modern Missions? Chad Vegas | Missionary 2024”

The Forgotten Doctrine With Jonathan Master | Missionary 2024

Is there a doctrine that’s been forgotten by the contemporary church? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott sit down with Jonathan Master, President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, as he talks about how the church has ignored or redefined a crucial theological concept that plays an important role in how we viewContinue reading “The Forgotten Doctrine With Jonathan Master | Missionary 2024”

The State of Christianity in Africa With Conrad Mbewe | Missionary 2024

What language groups still need the Bible in Africa? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott talk with Conrad Mbewe, author, pastor, and theologian as he talks about the history of William Tyndale, and the current need of Bible translators and theological educators. Did you miss Missionary Conference? Get access to all ofContinue reading “The State of Christianity in Africa With Conrad Mbewe | Missionary 2024”

Why Have the Missionary Conference? Brooks Buser | Missionary 2024

What’s unique about Missionary? Is it just another conference? In this exclusive interview from Missionary, Alex and Scott interview Brooks Buser, President of Radius International and founder of Missionary as he talks about the need in today’s world to inspire new pioneers like William Tyndale who will bring the Word of God to new languagesContinue reading “Why Have the Missionary Conference? Brooks Buser | Missionary 2024”

How to Reach Tribal People With Steve Sanford

How do you reach a people group with no written language or Bible translation? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Scott Dunford sits down with Steve Sanford, CEO of Ethnos360, as he talks about his experience reaching a tribal group and the unique complexities and methodologies needed to go where the gospel hasn’tContinue reading “How to Reach Tribal People With Steve Sanford”

Reliance on God and the Importance of Faithful Men in Missions With Paul Washer at Missionary

What kind of men do we need going to the mission field? In this exclusive interview from Missionary Conference, Alex and Scott sit down with Paul Washer as he discusses the role that ABWE missionaries had on this life, the type of men that should be going to the mission field, and crucial words thatContinue reading “Reliance on God and the Importance of Faithful Men in Missions With Paul Washer at Missionary”

Don’t Rely on Intelligence. Rely on God Through Prayer | Paul Washer

This week on The Missions Podcast, we have an exclusive interview with Paul Washer from Missionary Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Join Alex and Scott for this incredibly insightful and challenging discussion. Want access to all of the interviews from Missionary? Join our Premium Subscribers and get instant access as well as many other benefits. UseContinue reading “Don’t Rely on Intelligence. Rely on God Through Prayer | Paul Washer”

Is Israel Still Important to Missions? With Stephen Atkinson and Gregg Kite

What is the church’s obligation to the Jewish people? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex sits down with Stephen Atkinson and Gregg Kite from Christian Witness to Israel (CWI) as they discuss the cultural, theological, and political misunderstandings that are present in the American church today as it relates to evangelizing theContinue reading “Is Israel Still Important to Missions? With Stephen Atkinson and Gregg Kite”

Prayer Habits From Top Ministry Leaders With Peter Greer

Are you satisfied with your prayer life? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott sit down with returning guest Peter Greer to talk about prayer. They discuss the importance of prayer, why it is so hard but vital to prioritize in ministry, and prayer lessons from some of the top ministryContinue reading “Prayer Habits From Top Ministry Leaders With Peter Greer”

Urban Elites and the Unreached in South Asia

Where do you start ministry amid overwhelming darkness? In this week’s episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott are joined by Paul, a Live Global ministry partner working in South Asia. Paul details the many ways that his for-profit and non-profit businesses are engaging people from the richest and highest in society to theContinue reading “Urban Elites and the Unreached in South Asia”

Worship Practices and Liturgies with Zac Hicks

Does your church worship bring people together or divide them? This week on The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott talk with author and pastor Zac Hicks. In an age where worship through music is so critical and critiqued by Christians and non-Christians alike, what should our worship services look like? How do church leaders balanceContinue reading “Worship Practices and Liturgies with Zac Hicks”